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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 115453

I recently visited my long-distance boyfriend, and at first, everything was great intimacy wise. But on the sixth day, when he initiated, he started to get soft, and we didn't end up having sex. He said his dick was hurting and I was upset, so we stopped. For the next four days, we didn't have sex at all, and today I left. We were drinking a lot and doing physically exhausting activities, so maybe that was it. What worries me the most is the fact that he said he has never had this problem before with other girls. Is it over?

Anonymous 115454

>he said he has never had this problem before with other girls
Why would he bring that up? Did you ask about it specifically?
Overall no, it's not over because of that. Just make sure to communicate and ask him directly if it's an attraction issue or something else. Sometimes it just happens to guys for no specific reason I think. If you still want to make it work just calm him down and make sure that he knows you're not going to judge him or be disappointed if it won't work another time. If he thinks you will, he'll be under a lot of pressure and that'll make everything worse.

Anonymous 115456

>other girls
It was over before it began. Imagine wasting time on a long distance slut.

Anonymous 115458

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