
Anonymous 115658
do not interact with me anymore. if i identify you i will not respond. you've repeatedly crossed the line and i no longer find our interactions amusing anymore.
i am not interested in you in any way. i am not interested in providing a reaction anymore. do not interact with me.
Anonymous 115699
>>115657I'm so sick of you. I wish I hadn't wasted my first kiss on your unwashed unkempt porn addled self. I will lie and say it was taken nonconsensually, which isnt really far from the truth considering you basically groomed me. You pretend to care about my interests so I will stay by your side and be your emotional support bitch but I won't be anymore. Yoy disgust me. I hope your underage gf dumps you and you slit your throat.
Anonymous 115712

I love you. Please come back. We both did the right thing but what does it matter if we both hurt this much. Only we can fix each other’s problems and make things right. I’ll stay pure and loyal for you. I’ll wait as long as it takes. I’ll never forget what you gave me.
Anonymous 115759
>>115657this is. a really weird thing to troll with. thank you for getting my anxiety up you weirdos.
im going through weird personal and financial shit irl and the least you could do is just stop with the dumb jokes. i genuinely just dont get it. stop
you are distracting me from irl shit
Anonymous 115793
>>115657Why didn't you ever stand up for me? why weren't you there for me when I needed it? I practically grew up afraid and abandoned. You never knew how to give me love and care for me. What made you believe that I deserved to be a victim of your traumas? you looked me in the eyes and told me that no one would love me. For a long time I wanted to die. You never taught me how to do things or pushed me to stand up for myself, you simply demanded and criticized. To this day, your priorities are in the wrong order. I don't know if I will ever be able to forgive you. You never let me know what a home is, everywhere I went it seemed like there was no place for me.
I'm going to show them, I'm going to make a better family.
Anonymous 115944
>>115657Your 'girl'friend is a real joke. Attacking an innocent person after she shows vulnerability, how dainty and feminine. No male brain showing there no sir! You're the rude autistic girl to 'her' rude autistic moid and you know it. He doesn't even try to act like a girl with his irrepressible chan lingo and unfiltered assholeness. He will never be a woman , and you will never be a man, no matter how much you try to act like a cunt.
Anonymous 115957
i rlly hope i never see u again evil ass hoe
Anonymous 115980
I harbor so much regret for not letting you help me during college all those years ago. I watch your life unfold in pixels; the new city you're in, your career, your house, your children soon to be, and I'm so happy for you. I wish I had the courage to say yes when you asked me to play live with you that Fall, we could have made music that changed the lives of others, and filled this hole in my heart. I was so obsessed with coming across as jaded; that I was brave from experience and not this coward wrapped in courage, but I was hurting so much inside. Admitting this now won't save me, but the truth is I was just fearful and needed the love and encouragements of others to truly unlock my potential. I'm still so fucked up. It's not this world, it's me. This world is so beautiful, like you said. I want to heal so badly and I'm unsure that will ever happen. Please never change. I'm so forever proud of you and thankful for what you tried to see in me.
Anonymous 115986
I'm going to get you back. I know you think you're done with me, that I was some awful mistake, but I know you still think about me every day. You're still in love with me and being apart makes you sick, even years later. Briefly seeing me, holding me, accidentally kissing me, all drove you crazy. I know you still dream about me. I know you still think about the taste of me, the smell of my hair, the feel of me under your fingertips. You're miserable, directionless, lovesick and lonely, but I can change that. I can give you love, purpose, children, and together we can build a home; a family. You know all this and eventually you'll come to me. I'll be waiting.
Anonymous 116004
>>115986Won't you come and get me? After all, you know how helpless I am.
Anonymous 116082
>>115712fwiw, i think you should send this letter.
Anonymous 116085
Dear K
I still find myself wondering what our future would've looked like, if we had been a good match and whether we had made it work… It feels like everything slipped through my fingers, I should have been more honest with my feelings. I know it's been many years, I hope you're doing well, have you been eating properly? How is your family, have they learned to accept the way you are?
Anonymous 116091
I do not love you anymore. I slowly stopped loving you when you continued touching me. Any other feeling I had for you is replaced by the horrible look in your eyes when you choked me. When my tears meant nothing, I finally stopped crying, screaming, and breaking down. Now I know for certain you weren't sorry. You are trying to 'fix' me still. You cheat on me. Is it any wonder I don't want to kiss you? It is so hard everyday, to have to choose to be with you. You are all I know, and now I am isolated from anyone other. You gave me children and religion, but you have taken everything that made me a person. My will is destroyed, my spirituality is fleeting, and no one wants to raise another man's kids. So you can have them still my dear…
Anonymous 116106
>>116085She has a bf and she's made irl friends. She got proper treatment, from what I remember. She's forgotten about her past friends but probably not you. Just send her a letter, just don't be a homewrecker
Anonymous 116109
dear ronald
mom said it was my turn on the xbox
the amount of emotional distress and trauma and cry cry wah wah waah you have bestowed upon me in my life has been so gradual that i am considering buying my own xbox
let me play xbox you ungrateful selfish asshole fuck you i hate you but i still love you xoxoxo
Anonymous 116126
I'm sorry I look at you that way, I'm sorry if my eyes linger for too long, I'm sorry I get so awkward. You don't deserve me acting this way, hoping you may look at me that way too. I'm not a good woman, but I'd never hurt you.
Have you noticed yet? I highly doubt it, you're always with her. I don't mind, I couldn’t possibly mind. I need to get away from you and I will.
Anonymous 116228
i worked so hard to find you and now youre gone again. im back to feeling dead inside; it was nice to feel something again, for a few weeks at least. i hope youre ok.i hope you dont have an eating disorder. i just want you to be happy and healthy.
Anonymous 116272
Like any delusional narcissist, all you can do is project. You are the one who’s miserable, directionless, lovesick and lonely. You’re the one over there talking like a fucking anime villain. A life with you would be a short-lived nightmare and you know it.
P.S. No one wants your autistic children.
Anonymous 116326
>>115793That hits hard. Good luck, nona
Anonymous 116328
>>115986I wish, my person wrote this but I‘m 90% sure they didn’t. I‘m very sick though. Feeling the sickest in a long while. I don’t know what to do. If they‘d kidnap me, I wouldn’t mind. I don’t know what to do. Only thing I can do rn is waiting to see how things unfold and trying to survive.
Anonymous 116449
The wheat and grain are yet to reap
Clouds billow like white sheets
in the blue sky, the sun still stands,
hounds course through reeds and sand.
Rivers sparkle as they pleat
through narrow streams which
lap at feet, laughter echoes
through the trees:
Whose days are these?
Anonymous 116529
i just hope that soon, all your friends will see you for who you are.
Anonymous 116532

Joke’s on you bitch, my friends are all just like me.
Anonymous 116537
>>116449Not moids, we're going to waste all of them. Their days are numbered.
Anonymous 116655
Dear M
After all this time I still love you. What you've done to me is unforgivable and just outright wrong. Day for day my subconscious makes me think of you no matter what I am doing. I still have the things you sent me, letters and screenshots of our conversations about love, even your voice is something I still remember.
Sincerely, P
Anonymous 117201
We met as two awkward virgins.
Yet our love was never consummated,
you tossed me aside.
Why does it still hurt?
You chose to cry to me
when you lost it, to someone else,
and how you hated every second.
I wanted to throw up.
I hate you. Why I try again?
I felt sorry, and thought you had grown
but you cast me aside twice.
I'm such a goddamn moron.
We played at the park and kissed,
but that was 5 years ago
and you never messaged back.
I hate you, you stupid cunt.
Anonymous 117274
>>115657I always knew you were in a cult! I just couldn't see the signs at the time, i was too young to understand. Now it all adds up. But in the end im just so shocked. You don't betray those kinds of insane beliefs at all. I hope some day you can escape from your hell.
Anonymous 117275
Anonymous 117276
>>117275here have the last fucking word
all of you were fucking cunts. they knew, and they didnt say shit. there is literally no good feelings i have for you annoying ass people.
have the last fucking word i do not want to fucking hear or recognize their voice fucking ever.
Anonymous 117289
Take it to discord please. Yes, you 2.
Anonymous 117658
Dear K,
I remember trying so hard to make you want me as a friend. But I can see how you just wanted to copy my work. People told me this but I didn’t want to believe it then. You used to bait me to say things about others so you could repeat it and get attention, joined in saying the same mean things to my face, make lame excuses not to see me hang out, ditched me at times, gave me cheap gifts, and showed little interest in me when I tried to reconnect years later.
I only ever wanted to be your best friend. I even begged to your face. Maybe I tried too hard? I know all of you made fun of me for that, yet I seem to remember you fawning over others too. Sometimes you even copied more than just my work.
I see now that hid my real self so much that there was little personality left. I played down my intelligence, played the fool. Now you seem pretty boring and simple yourself.
From what I can see online, it seems like you have been through some difficult times and it has affected you a lot. I bet you could have done with a friend then who would do anything for you. The people you fawned over don’t seem to be close to you anymore. You picked wrong.
I realise now that I’m so glad things worked out this way. I am a stronger person now because of it. I will never let someone treat me that way again. I now know the value in being myself and not bending over backwards for others. I will never prioritise possible friendship with someone else over myself. I am comfortable walking away and being alone. I have so much more self worth as I know I would never treat a person how you treated me, or let others have the same dynamic in front of me.
I want to say that I hope things work out for you, but to honest, I don’t really. Not out of ill will, but a general lack of feeling towards you. I don’t wish anything bad towards you. You’ve just become a forgettable nothing to me, like I always was to you.
Anonymous 117690
I'm sorry for making you so uncomfortable all the time, I'm sorry for not knowing when to shut up, I'm sorry that I made you cut contact with me. I'm so sorry. Please come back. I love you, I miss you so much. I still remember your username but I can't bring myself to reach out. Hell, I don't know if I even should…
I promise I'll do better this time.
Anonymous 117720
Dear V,
I can’t believe I let you and your family treat me so badly. Where was my self worth to stay and be nitpicked and made to feel stupid and be ignored and that I could do nothing right be people who barely knew me.
I might not have been the most helpful houseguest (out of not knowing better) and I struggled to speak your language, but that’s no excuse for grown adults bullying a barely 20 year old to tears. I’m so glad I refused to fawn back when you all tried to backtrack.
I think your family also forget that them using my work without permission is what finally got their business started. When I found out, I only asked you to credit me, then gave more free labour daily without complaint.
I would have loved to see the look on your mother’s face when she found out her perfect son had knocked up a woman he hadn’t been dating for long, especially when you didn’t want children before, leading to a rushed pandemic wedding. I bet I don’t seem so bad now.
From the last email I got from you, I think you realise how terribly you treated me and you seem to have put distance between you and your family yourself too. I hadn’t fully processed what had happened then and felt ashamed afterwards for still trying to treat you like a friend when your reply was late and cold.
Now I think it’s you that feels ashamed. I wonder if you ever worry about all the colleagues finding out about this as it’s the complete opposite of your professional image.
I’m so glad now that things didn’t work out. You don’t seem to have grown as a person. I found you childish then and you seem worse now. You’re one of the least mentally qualified people I can think of to be giving advice. You even used to quote what I said because you couldn’t come up with something better yourself.
I wonder if you would even recognise me now as I have grown so much. I’m also no longer someone to pretend to be physically attracted to someone I’m not just because I’m touch starved. I think you knew that was the situation then and took advantage of it.
You seem to still be regularly using a gift I gave you. I don’t think I have anything of you left. It’s not that I angrily discarded things. There was just nothing of value in the first place.
Anonymous 117724
Dear V,
I can’t believe I let you and your family treat me so badly. Where was my self worth to stay and be nitpicked and made to feel stupid and be ignored and that I could do nothing right be people who barely knew me.
I might not have been the most helpful houseguest (out of not knowing better) and I struggled to speak your language, but that’s no excuse for grown adults bullying a barely 20 year old to tears. I’m so glad I refused to fawn back when you all tried to backtrack.
I think your family also forget that them using my work without permission is what finally got their business started. When I found out, I only asked you to credit me, then gave more free labour daily without complaint.
I would have loved to see the look on your mother’s face when she found out her perfect son had knocked up a woman he hadn’t been dating for long, especially when you didn’t want children before, leading to a rushed pandemic wedding. I bet I don’t seem so bad now.
From the last email I got from you, I think you realise how terribly you treated me and you seem to have put distance between you and your family yourself too. I hadn’t fully processed what had happened then and felt ashamed afterwards for still trying to treat you like a friend when your reply was late and cold.
Now I think it’s you that feels ashamed. I wonder if you ever worry about all the colleagues finding out about this as it’s the complete opposite of your professional image.
I’m so glad now that things didn’t work out. You don’t seem to have grown as a person. I found you childish then and you seem worse now. You’re one of the least mentally qualified people I can think of to be giving advice. You even used to quote what I said because you couldn’t come up with something better yourself.
I wonder if you would even recognise me now as I have grown so much. I’m also no longer someone to pretend to be physically attracted to someone I’m not just because I’m touch starved. I think you knew that was the situation then and took advantage of it.
You seem to still be regularly using a gift I gave you. I don’t think I have anything of you left. It’s not that I angrily discarded things. There was just nothing of value in the first place.
Anonymous 117726
>>115657Dear vile depraved choad(s)
You're surpised the person you stalked for years suddenly wanted to rip out your throat?? Treated you like trash? Well maybe you are bottom feeder trash! Someday someone will rip out your eyeballs and cut out your tongue for being as sleazy, lying and backwards as you are. Putting bugs and hidden cameras in someones home tends to get you hard enemies. Someday you'll never be able to open you're lying conniving backwards retard mouth ever again. I know you didn't just stalk me, you stalked tons of people online and offline. You don't get to have opinions on anything and everything you say sounds like sludge bubbling out of a sewer now matter how you word it.
Anonymous 117734
>>115657I’m sorry for hurting you the same way you’re hurting me right now. I have been scrolling through the chat and I once was telling you exactly what you’re telling me now. But I was colder and cruelest. I wasn’t considerate of your feelings at all, just speaking my truth. This is my punishment. We are still together but you’re glowing and I’m getting sicker by the day. I want to see the light and I want to be a successful woman walking besides you. It hurts. You refused to leave and end it all, you still believe in me. But I want all of you attention again. I want all your heart poured into me. What a contradiction. I was the one stabbing you and you did never react like I do. You were always so patient, you still are. Guilty. I’m guilty. Let me be by your side.
Anonymous 117736
>>117734He sounds like a delusional conartist nona.
Anonymous 117811
I'm sorry. The truth is I was jealous when you got a boyfriend, not because I wanted one, but because it felt like you were moving on and didn't need me anymore. I don't deal with my emotions in the right way. I'm sorry for hurting you. The view I created of things in my head was different from the reality. I have regrets about how that played out. I'm in a better place now than I was. I don't feel like the person I was when we were friends, and I don't remember myself. But I remember you. You were a kind person. I was the problem. I'm sorry. Goodbye.
Anonymous 117812
Someday I'll find you again. I'll make it up to you. I promise.
Anonymous 117850
What hurts the most is how quickly you flip from love to cool indifference. I'd much rather you tell me you hate me, that you criticise me, than ignore me outright. What did I do? What did I not do? Just tell me for fuck's sake…
Anonymous 118033
nik -
i’ll always be the mother of your first child. you can’t get that back either.
Anonymous 118065
>>115657i hate you for what you did to me. im never going to be the same and its all your fault. i hope hell is real so that you can suffer forever like you made me suffer for my entire life on earth. you ruined everything. i wish the worst for you and i hope every day of your life is the worst day youve ever lived. i fucking hate you. youre a piece of shit and you dont deserve to be happy. i hate you so fucking much.
Anonymous 118139
That was really mean of me- I was a bad friend. Karma recently caught up to me years after hurting you. Someone betrayed me the same way as I did to you.
Now I am alone with no one to talk to. I'm sorry I left you alone, you are allowed to hate me.
Anonymous 118317
I'm just not mad anymore. I don't care anymore, I was more sensitive when I was younger so I felt scared of you but now I've moved on and no longer feel anything towards you other than the occasional chuckle at how dumb your behavior was back then, and also self reflect on my mistakes. Oh well, we were just online friends
Anonymous 118318
Sorry you felt like you had to use other people to get me back. The only thing I was happy about leaving behind was your daily critique of me. I never meant you any harm
Anonymous 118331

It's been a while since we've written. Years.
I miss you. I always have. I'll never forget the times growing up you used to visit, always around the same time of the year. I'd wait up late at night just to see you and my parents would tell me you were on your way (but I never caught you!)
As I got older we drifted apart and I regret it. I regret it now because I can feel my heart sinking at the fact that I know certain things about you. You aren't the person Hannah told me you were, you were never around when I needed you and I know now that you never read a single fucking word of the letters I used to write to you.
I want to cry and tell you I don't need you but that simply isn't true. I want to hate you, because I must. I was given no choice growing up and I never believed in you as a person. And I know words don't meant anything at this point but I'm sorry.
You always used to keep the score. You always knew what I'd been up to and how my life was going, and I'm crying typing this to you because I need that in my life once again.
Do you remember the very first present you got me? It was a doll's house. I remember running downstairs that Christmas morning to unwrap it, but guess what?
You were gone.
Please, I need you. I can't afford my rent my bills are due my life is falling apart and my mother is on fucking life support and the insurance won't fucking cover her.
Just one more Christmas, Nick. Please come back.
I won't ask anything from you this time. Not even a L'Oréal makeup and lipstick voucher bag complete with blush kit and accessories, nor a Gucci designer bag.
Just give me what your poor elves can handle. I haven't been good this year Nick, but hey what does that matter.
I believe in you.
Anonymous 118521
I hope that one day we'll cross paths again.
Goodbye, but not forever.
Anonymous 118535
its funny, because, my general conclusion at the end of summer was: don't involve people in degenerate shit. dont involve yourself in degenerate shit. i'd like to think gang stalking people irl is one of those degenerate things.
im fucking tired. just let me be fucking tired lol. let people have a fate that wasn't contrived in the basement of some dude they don't even know. there are things worse and even more sinful than fucking failing, probably gang stalking, but what the fuck do i know.
Anonymous 118536
I'm really sorry for going schizo on you and the things I said.
I should've taken a break like I said and quietly left.
I'm really sorry.
Anonymous 118590
it's a matter of legality. not who they are.
when someone turns of age and can actually (at least, what society agrees upon is an appropriate age) what exactly they went through, then yeah, i don't see why the inclusion of someone would be a problem.
but otherwise, the matter is legally scrupulous and not something random people on the internet can deal with, particularly concerning literal illegal content.
thats why most peoples reaction to cp on here is to report and leave matters to someone who can actually deal with things of that nature. i am not chris hansen. if it was about someone who had a crime that happened to them on 4chan, the reaction would be the same. report to administration (ideally they would just contact people that professionally investigate cybercrime, christ) and leave it out of your hands otherwise.
gang stalk gang stalkers
Anonymous 118591
some people just want to keep their hands clean. it's not personal and it is genuinely start to piss me off when people impose a perspective onto you that definitely is not reflective of your actual opinions.
Anonymous 118593
can actually understand**
ignore errors. i don't think my view is unreasonable.
Anonymous 118611
I can tell when it's you.
Anonymous 118615
sometimes i visit this thread and read through hoping one of these is you. you said you didnt feel like apologizing, but i still deserve one for what you’ve done after everything went down.
Anonymous 118660
I think you got me sick, asshole. Fuck you.
Anonymous 118746

A, it's a big shame you decided to drop us as friends, it specially hurts seeing as I got to meet you irl. But I'm not going to guilt trip you into changing your mind, if you believe being away from us will make you happy then so be it. Your happiness should come first after all, I truly wish you good luck whatever you do. You always said healthy communication was a good thing to have with friends, even if you don't consider me one anymore, I still do in this letter so I will stop shutting myself off and say everything I think. After reading your last message, some stuff became abundantly clear:
1- You don't understand how your actions can cause a reaction. What I mean by that is that how you say tings, how you react to things and how you feel about things will make the people around you react accordingly to it. Let's bring the famous autism example, B and I got annoyed with you for using autism all the time to talk about everything. The reason? You used autism in a negative light all the time so we were automatically meant to assume that it was something negative, nothing more, nothing less. However you didn't grasp it until we had to explain it to you in VC while you did a word document explaining your backstory onto why you are the way you are. Also saying "I use the textbook definition of autism" is a flimsy response at best, autism is not a good thing to have but it's something inevitable for a lot of people. Calling things or calling people autistic will always gather a negative response, no one wants to be autistic after all.
2- You have a warped grasp of human relationships. I understand the reason for this, a troubled upbringing is very tragic and sadly it shapes you as an adult. You don't really understand how human relationships work. No, talking about you when you're not around isn't talking behind your back, talking behind your back would be something like "this guy sucks, I hate him" and then when you appear I'd be like "you're my best friend ever!". Me wanting to discuss something you did I disagreed with with someone else isn't talking behind your back, it's me seeing if what I think is justified or far fetched as well as venting my thoughts. No, being friends with someone isn't endorsement (generally, there's obviously exceptions but we'll get to that). You can be friends with anyone as long as you're compatible, I'm friends with people I disagree with politically but that doesn't mean I endorse their views. The only exception is if they commit something heinous, like a full blown crime. People change their minds all the time, very rarely can you find people who will not change. I understand what you meant with endorsement tho, as a friend you wanna be supportive, right? But you gotta understand, we're all different people with different ideals, we have our limits. For example I'm someone who is very gender critical and I consider myself to be against gender ideology, however I'm friends with people who consider themselves trans right activists. Do I agree with what they say? No, but I won't stop thinking they're my friends over a silly opinion.
3- You take everything incredibly personal all the time. You'll say "well of course I do, you guys were my friends" but you took it to an extreme. You gotta learn to calm down, understand that some stuff are not worth holding a grudge over. I understand it's easier said that done, me personally I'm not one to take stuff personally at all (which is something that has hurt me before, don't take it to extremes), however you need to understand one aggressive comment someone makes is most than likely a one time thing. When B said that thing about you being a sex weirdo, it was at the heat of the moment cuz they got annoyed at something you did, but why would you assume it's something that they'll continue thinking for the rest of their life to the point where you take stuff super personally? You gotta learn to chill out man, not let stuff get to you, else you won't be able to really function.
4- This one is gonna sound super harsh, but understand that I don't mean this as an insult but as an actual medical definition of the word, you're a narcissist. In the message you sent, not once did you stop and consider why we reacted the way we did, you victimised yourself the whole way through and never did any self reflection. When you said you didn't understand why some of your statements would be met with aggression, you always said it like it was everyone's faults. Could it be that everyone else is wrong? Or maybe it's how you express yourself and how you react to things that has made people predisposed to reacting with aggression? It was always everyone's else fault, the thing with the autism? Our fault, B saying the weird sex pest comment? Our fault despite the fact you're the one who first brought up tits. Us disliking C? Our goddamn fault despite the guy being so unlikeable (sorry, I know they're your friend, but I never liked them, and saying they have changed doesn't mean anything to me. It's like saying "well they were an even bigger asshole before but now they're less of an asshole", cool, they're still an asshole. But I'm getting sidetracked). Your narcissistic tendencies also make you incredibly stubborn, the biggest example is that is the discussion you had with D about guro. No matter what D said, you continued with the idea that people who make guro content are just as bad as people who watch irl gore and dismissed everything D said, your point of view was not changed and eventually D got fed up. I raised an eyebrow too when after I shared my point of view, who is the one of someone who's onto guro for venting reasons, you never responded. Regardless of how I felt it was discussion with you was worthless cuz of how stubborn you were. It made me consider something, after you left the group and I read your message, do you actually like debating people or do you like hearing yourself?
5- This one I'm sure is obvious to you, but you're incredibly insecure, you care too much about the opinions of others. I 100% understand why, it's unfortunate how terrible your family has been, however it has made you too scared of normal human relationships, you overthink a lot. Your insecurity is the cause of pretty much all points I shared, so I won't dwell on it.
Please understand this is not an attack from my part. I'm not here to tell you you suck and you should die because this and this, no, I'm just sharing all these thoughts because I want you to improve as a person. I needed to be honest much sooner, share these thoughts I had with you so we could all have a very healthy conversation, but I got cold feet and now it's too late. That's why I sent this message, I want you to look at yourself and see what you can do. In any current friendships, what are you doing and what you could improve on. I'm sorry if I was harsh in my wording, it's an emotional time after all. You also always struck me as someone who is very lonely, you always were venting about something or someone, so I just hope you have good friends irl and that you're not harming yourself by cutting people off. No matter how I feel about C, if he's a good friends of yours then I'm very happy, if they're by your side then I'm sure you'll be fine. And, if by X or Y reason you ever wanna come back to our group, then we'll be happy to see you back, but we 100% understand if that never happens.
Goodbye A, wish you the best of luck in life, I just hope you're happy.
Anonymous 118747
>>118611>>118660Continuing. Stop harassing them. You're just mad because you don't know it and they're not going to give it to you so stop trying, please. Focus on your life. I'm a mess of a person you have to let me go.
Anonymous 118768
I cannot believe that you raped her. I thought you were an amazing person who would become a life long friend. We held intimate talks together and you even told me that you loved me.
But I've found out that your an incessant liar. I know that you stole my medications even though I told you I could barely afford them. I know what you did to that woman. You took her virginity - something that she will never get back.
You hurt her. Ever since that night, she's been having one night stand with men she doesn't even enjoy and whenever she's asked about it she says, "so what, I'm not a virginity anymore."
You are so sick and disgusting. I don't know why I was every drawn to someone like you.
Was any of the talks we shared ever real? Where any of the things you said real? I can't even ask you because I know that you'll fucking lie.
I know that you wanted to rape our other roommate too. I know that's why you wanted to get her drunk too.
I hate you. I wish I never met you. I wish no one ever met you.
You're a vile, disgusting woman.
Anonymous 118770
>>118769You are not a nona and you know it.
Anonymous 118773
I wonder if you gave me something. I haven't felt the same since and I can't tell if it's from paranoia or what. I hope you weren't lying because you will be cursed for the rest of your life and the only way it's going to break is when I die if any of the results come out positive. Not only will your health be fucked up, but your financials will tank as well, xy. You'll be eating butt worms crawling out of some stray's asshole for meals. Sluuurrrp. Also expect a car accident if I get the worst ones.
Anonymous 118774

imagine how much fucking easier and less stressful this would be if people spoke to you directly.
Anonymous 118775
>>118774Are you the same twat hanging out in LC's GIOYC thread? No one is talking to you, schizo.
Anonymous 118776
>>118775i dont know what you're talking about.
Anonymous 118779
>>118776Sorry, anon. That person has been on my shit list for a long time now.
Anonymous 118788
I still think about you and hope you're doing alright. Even if I wasn't in love with you anymore, you were still a dear friend. I know a lot of what you said to me when you cut contact was out of hurt feelings because I felt the same frustrations when you dumped me way back. But I also I'm starting to feel like maybe it's a little bit because you're not the nicest person. When I think back to to the times before, I told you it hurt that you wanted some weird FWB thing months after dumping me, multiple times in fact. Whenever I brought up the situationship we had going you never felt desire to clarify, even when I explicitly expressed frustration that we were fucking around and I wasn't your girlfriend. You claimed your feelings were not conditional on me changing how I looked, even though I so vividly remember my looks were why you dumped me when we actually were dating, immediately after sex, might I add. And then you had the audacity to say you actually did love me after I finally moved on with certainty. I know I fucked up in letting things go on as long as they did and I really should've had the awareness of my own feelings to get that I had moved on MUCH sooner, but man, I hope you've since recognized your own faults in that mess and grew from them too. I heard you were talking to other girls, and they deserve the best version of you. Stay safe.
Anonymous 118848
i genuinely feel too disturbed to even say something back. i don’t know why you take things so far. this is why i’m scared you’re going to hurt me one day. i don’t even get to express how i feel privately without you trying to police it. i feel retraumatized constantly. i don’t know how to talk about it or get help. i don’t know how to make it stop.
Anonymous 118858
I miss you. I hope you weren't so cutthroat because I wasn't perfect and I've always dreamed about us getting together and me kissing all over your pretty face. But I guess that's just a dream now, a shattered one.
Anonymous 119040
what were you imagining was going through my mind when you were raping me? did you even wonder? you admitted yourself you had trouble understanding my mental state and even wrote me a letter saying you didn’t realize how much you were hurting me. nik what the fuck? is there something wrong with you? what do you mean you didn’t know you were hurting me. i can’t wrap my head around it. did you think i was a doll? did you not realize there was a person inside of me? i don’t understand. it fucking haunts me. it disturbs me intensely someone who was that close to me and claimed to understand me could turn around and act like that and do something so callous. you knew all that and still didn’t suspect any internality. what does that say about me? i don’t know how to cope with any of this.
Anonymous 119041
>>119040im gonna call the police at some point. leave me the fuck alone already.
Anonymous 119052
>>119041why are you roleplaying as my rapist lmfao what
Anonymous 119053
i think a job canning beer is exactly what you deserve and knowing that is probably what’s aging you… like really? busch? that is so fucking funny. you guys stay right there and get married you hear? this life is perfect for both of you.
Anonymous 119085
i swear to god for you it was like i wasn’t there at all. like there was only one person in that room.
Anonymous 119099
the love of your life won’t even defend you
Anonymous 119113
I can't believe how much of a fool I am for believing you at first. I ignored all of the signs because I'm a complete retard and I wanted to believe we could at least be good friends. "I want to be with you for the rest of my life." What a lie, a pretty good one. You really hurt me and I don't want anything to do with you. Never again will I give someone else from online a chance. I really hope you at least weren't lying about not having anything. I guess I'll end up finding out myself.
Anonymous 119119
what kind of person ignores a virgin crying and whimpering and rapes them anyways. and then tells them they love them WHILE THEY DO IT. fuck you.
Anonymous 119138
My dearest, sweetest, most precious L
Thank you for showing me that pure, true, unadulterated joy, bliss, and sweetness still exist in this world. That is how it felt to be with you, always. You gave me confidence, safety, security, empathy, you gave me a space where I could be unapologetically myself, where I was celebrated for it, where I knew I was not going to be judged no matter what. And it came so naturally to you, didn't it.. You didn't even have to try, that was just who you were. And just the sweetness of the memory of my time with you is enough to make me smile, always, and make my day a little bit better still.
I'm sorry I left the way I did that night. I'm not normally a jealous girl but that night was the first time that I felt it - what an ugly feeling. When you told me you'd seen an episode of the show with her. When that was what we'd done just the night before. I knew I had no right. Because you weren't mine. But I couldn't help how it made me feel. And I knew I couldn't do it.
And it didn't help at all, just how good you looked then too. Looking into those gorgeous green eyes. All I could think about was how you weren't mine and never will be.
I hope life is gentle to you. I hope you're able to love her again like I'm sure you once did. And if you can't, then I hope you can leave her gently. I hope it doesn't break her. I hope the guilt doesn't break you. And I hope you make it out of Texas. And maybe out of America too.
I want you to know. I hold nothing but love for you. Not the littlest tiniest bit of resentment, bitterness, hate, malice or ill will. Yes I do wish that things had turned out differently. That you and I hadn't ended before we'd even begun really. But please know. I don't blame you for it one bit. I know how you felt as it happened. I felt it with you as it happened. I felt as though I was inside you, a part of you, feeling it all with you, as it happened.
Because I was you once.
I hope you don't end up worrying about me. I'm starting to do better, I think. I'm just going to be deleting my account and giving the real world a chance. I've uninstalled two days ago. And the world feels much brighter already. I feel good things coming to me.
I'm not going to meet someone I like nearly anywhere near as much anyway. Not online.
I'm sorry I said I regretted meeting you. I regret saying that. And I don't. I'd do it again a million times over. You reminded me of that special sweetness of life and love and people that I'd forgotten even existed. And I'm so so grateful for that. I'm grateful for the memories. And for your face. What a blessing it was to see it almost every night.
I promise you. For as long as I live. I will never forget you. Or the color of your eyes. Or the way the corners of your mouth twitch when you're holding back a smile. Or the way you'd always say "whenever" instead of when". Or that fat ass you got. And I'll probably be waiting a long long time for a text from you that probably won't come. And I'm okay with that.
Yours forever and ever,
Anonymous 119143
n -
i hope you get nothing until you repent.
Anonymous 119159
I did nothing wrong and you got rid of one of my only friends because what? It made you feel good? Give me a break. You're boring as hell anyway so you shouldn't have worried about me making you 'uncomfortable' by befriending her just block and move on bitch damn
Anonymous 119234
Real mature. They didn't even get rid of me, idiot.
Anonymous 119250
>>119234stop responding to other peoples unsent letters
Anonymous 119286
>>115657i will never forget you for what you did to me i would have done really anything for you and all you did was treat me like a pet … ever since i met you i have been worse off my anxiety medication tripled its dose, had to get therapist, you constantly threatened suicide, guilt tripped me, cheated on me, made me self harm, yelled at me, lashed out at me, ignored me, and tried to control everything i did. With all that I still love you and I wish I didn’t you were my first love and relationship I spent a year and a half with you and I wish I didn't because im still stuck feeling like I should of just accepted your actions. Your mental illness shouldn’t have ever been excuse or that I “knew” you were a bad person I thought you were genuinely good and I saw you as a savior something beautiful and angelic but you took advantage of that.
Anonymous 119309
i honestly would never be in a dynamic where i am defending a man and he isn’t defending me. just hiding behind me. but i also have never been bigger than my boyfriends so they can’t hide behind me like you could completely obscure his body. what a romantic life. how are they so tiny and pointed straight down and saggy btw.
Anonymous 119312
also how was that the point in the song you wanted to cut at are you fucking kidding me? the powerpoint ass effects at the end? that is a literal slideshow transition???
Anonymous 119313
and btw i know you took inspo from 2-d’s art style you’re a fucking idiot for using a song and ripping off an art style at the same time. this made you “busy” - so much so there’s been no new art cosplays whatever at all? you guys really just drink all day huh. i thought nik was wasting away from guilt but it’s fucking liver disease isn’t it lol.
Anonymous 119322
“i hope you learn a lesson i hope this haunts you” and then you put on little outfits??? yeah i was um. shown. you got my ass!
Anonymous 119336

I wish I never met you. At first you were like a toy for me that gave me lots of attention but my feelings slowly grew. Because you wouldnt stop telling me how beautiful and sexy I am. You called me your baby angel. We were a year together already but you still got turned on by making eye contact with me. And no matter how much I mistreated you you came back crawling for more.
When i told you I was thinking about killing myself you burst into tears.My feelings grew and at some point I just lost the ability to see my life without you. I can't go a day without talking to you and your smile and laught are the best thing in the world. No matter how cold and non chalant I may seem I absolutely adore you as much as you adore me.
But now I don't know if that's true love or addiction or some weird mutual trauma bonding situation. Because any time you're gone for more time than i expect you to be I get anxiety, I overthink and I spiral. Those feelings are gone the moment I see you texted.
But seriously?? You haven't been online for a whole 24 hours?? Again? I know the last time you got drunk with your coworker and some of his friends which got us into an argument but you're doing this again and you're not active for even longer than before. I don't know if I should be worried or not. Because you can't even shoot me a quick message that you'll be away for a bit. You jsut disappear.
And it's not sudden, the day before that you were slow to respond too, couldnt even message me at work, just a quick how are you and then gone again. And you would always freak out if I didnt text you for more than 10 hours.
I am not chill like that and you know it. You know I get worried easily. I just hope nothing bad happened and you lost your phone or something. But the worst thoughts get into my mind and you're not here to disprove them. I just want it all over with already.
Anonymous 119343
Please I just hope you're fine please be fine I don't want you to od again please
Anonymous 119345

Flesh of Mine,
It should be a prosecutable sex crime to be as rabid as I am for you. My blood is so hot for you that it burns and bubbles like acid and just the sight of your face electrifies my veins with a desire for you that I am shamefully unable to suppress.
I am guilty and I deserve twenty five to life. Lust is too tepid a descriptor for the emotion I feel towards you. I fear that my attraction to you is a dark pathology or aberration; a mental condition.
You are the only object of my affection in the world. You are my only fetish. You are my favourite indulgence.
I want you to put more babies in me.
Anonymous 119347
>>119345this sounds like an incest thing. is it an incest thing?
Anonymous 119394
ariana c
in a lot of ways you were the deciding factor. you were honestly what i thought of as the best of humanity. but you were exactly like everyone else and then i knew i was truly truly alone in this.
Anonymous 119408
i shouldn’t have fought for so long. i shouldn’t have begged for a different answer. i had my answer day one. he actually altered my body permanently that day to make sure there could never be any other answer for me. he told me he loved me and then he got in the car and he left me to find what he left. he laughed when i rejected it and begged for a better response he left it in my body he took parts that don’t grow back he overpowered me and he tore me to pieces and he told me july 20 that’s the last day ever. and he was right it was. he killed me that day. i didn’t do it tomorrow. he killed me that day. when the police put out the alert that they can’t find me ask nikolas parent.
Anonymous 119409
everyone will be so relieved
Anonymous 119410
i hope it really does feel like falling asleep. i know how to do things better this time. i think a lot of people will feel finally free.
Anonymous 119412
i think our mistake was at the start. you kissed me and started this at a place where we couldn’t walk forward. we had to turn around and walk back. i’m going to run forward this time and away from you and into the black and the water will be willing to hold me for the rest of time.
Anonymous 119430
i miss the hold i had over you , the way you would listen to my every word , like a dog waiting to do tricks for a treat . i miss the tears you would shed for me , the way how i wld get under your skin so easily. i loved the turbulence and that was my problem . we couldnt have ever been in a happy stable relationship with the way my brain is wired, the wires in question being frayed and burnt.. lol. i dont regret anything. you disgust me , the both of you guys. so similar it makes my stomach turn . i can lie and say i wish the best and happiness for you both , but i dont. im pathetic in a way, i know. i never said i wasnt. i know what kind of girl i am in a oddly self aware way. i needed the two of yours love and validation. both of the relationships and love i thought was true were pure codependency . i needed so bad, for yall to need me, to never be able to live without me. i loveed the way yall hung on to my every word and pined for my attention.
to m&n, the thorns in my sides
Anonymous 119465
i didn’t die i just gained a new dark secret tonight. cool.
Anonymous 119769
your obsession with me makes me uncomfortable. i don’t want to talk to you i want to be left alone.
Anonymous 119781
All you ever did was try to cut me down to your level. You say I was your best friend but you were only nice to me when we were both miserable. I hope you are still watching, because I am going to become better than you in every way. Your jealousy will rot you from the inside out.
Anonymous 119796
Why am I weird for liking Sex and the City, I put up with your Chinese dramas
Anonymous 119815
>>119808then let’s do this tonight. run away with me and never look back
Anonymous 120063
I hope your shitty man dies. Keep crying to anyone who'll listen. No one is going to help you because you don't deserve help.
Anonymous 120064
I hate that I miss you. Why did you have to be so damn helpful and cute. We both knew we were broken and shouldnt be together, yet you hung around me anyway. We only kissed once and it was the best kiss of my life, and then you just left like an asshole. Why did you have to get in head, why couldnt you just leave me alone the first time, I still have your ocarina and kiss it to feel you…
Anonymous 120102
It seems you really weren't lying about not having things I thought you might've had. Thank you for being true.
Anonymous 120239
I hope that you will regret actions for all eternity.
Anonymous 120393
how does it feel with my teeth in your heart?
Anonymous 120398
oh my god if she seriously got a matching tattoo with a rapist as a band aid baby for their relationship that died a year ago… might as well have just gotten his name it’s going to be that bad when they break up. that is going to be one huge ugly fucking coverup. getting a large dark tattoo is crazy in the first place, especially when you don’t even bother looking at different artists and just let whoever slap whatever on you. she’s gonna have to black out her entire fucking shoulder i can’t stop laughing. both of you have lost the plot.
Anonymous 120399
you’re a pair consisting of a rapist and a rape apologist, both into beastiality. you are not part of the rebellion. you are low ranking members the party being rebelled and fought against. you are the oppressors. you are the people holding others down. you are quite literally the facists who voted for donald trump and were surprised that he still didn’t care about poor people. not even the leaders but the skinheads doing crack in section 8 thinking aligning yourselves with evil will help you, all you have to do is climb up your victims bodies. that’s who you are aligned with. the closest rebellion you could be said to be a part of is the incels on 4chan telling you “rape on dear manlet”. those are your crew!! military dudes and trump supporters all white trash - those are the literal only people who still fuck with you!!! the darker color instead of the red really shows your dark dirty heart and soul. you’re evil. you stand for evil.
Anonymous 120401
you don’t like yourself, you’re just falling for whatever bread crumbs of love bombing he can bother with after he gave up for an entire year before you freaked at him. you don’t own it. it’s a subscription and he’s not good about following the terms of the contract. he’ll keep charging you long after he stops delivering. you don’t like yourself you like the way he makes you feel about yourself and you’re bragging about centering this on him and not internal growth why? cos you’re a lot older than us and seem to be claiming self awareness? like it all seems a little on the nose and like you’re aware of all of this and setting him up almost. like that was so heavy handed i actually doubt your sincerity and i’m not talking about you knowing you don’t really like yourself. it seems you’re trying to signal to people that you are choosing to intentionally base your self esteem on this and it’s kind of weirding me out. but if you’re the type of person who needs to have someone else in line and be the damsel in distress then do what you have to do i guess. just know that it’s all sus to anyone seeing it.
Anonymous 120410
I can't keep doing this. I can't live like this, it's not good for me.
I'm ready to stop being alone, and it's fine if you're not. Clearly you aren't as you've provided no semblance of reciprocity, congeniality and interdependence I have to stop this for my own sake.
I'm not gonna feeling guilty for pursuing someone else. I need someone in my life and for a while I thought that could be you, and I would have liked that, but it's becoming increasingly clear that you're not half as interested in that as me, and now it hurts to talk to you, so I'm not gonna be doing that anymore.
I'm sorry.