
Anonymous 3271
Ongoing raid, porn and gore in /b/. ignore and report. bump this when you see this.
Anonymous 3273
from what I can tell, it's a raid from, a my little pony/Nazi themed imageboard. no, I am not kidding.
Anonymous 3286
Yet another autist sperging in /b/. Just saying, if you guys need more mods I'd be more than happy to help. I'm a NEET with no real hobbies and I frequent this site a lot. I'd be able to delete moid posters pretty quick.
Anonymous 3287
>>3271Same as above, I'm happy to be a janitor if needed.
Anonymous Admin
>>3286>>3287Please contact me via the Discord account on the rules page, thank you!
Anonymous 3291
>>3287I sent you a friend request so we can chat, please accept.
Anonymous 3752
I'm confused. Isn't por n and gore permitted on /b/ in 4chan. Not here for a moral debate but those aren't against the rules, correct?
Anonymous 3753
>>3752This isn't 4chan, are you retarded
Anonymous 3754
>>3753Could have fooled me, bitch.
Anonymous 4226
>>3273jeez dude, how many people could they even have? three?
i'd be really disappointed if there was more of a bronazi demographic active on their board than women on CC
Anonymous 4459
Raid in /feels/ this time.
Anonymous 4460
It looks like we're getting raided on /feels/ and /b/ right now.
Anonymous 4461
anyone got an idea by whom we get raided this time? i want to know from where did these subhuman scum come from
Anonymous 4463
>>4461samefag, but i hightly suspect its just one moidkun - the posts are way too spammy, repetitive and retarded.
Anonymous 4464
>>4461there's a thread on /b/ about it
Anonymous 4467
Someone's posting gore to various existing threads on /b/
So you won't see it in the catalog
Anonymous 4607
>>3271If you see any of that on the main page report it and post some animals in /img/ to get it out of the main page so others wont have to see it.
Anonymous 5089
Pinkpill thread appears to be raided.
Anonymous 5091

>>5089Okay, the latest raid was that of a post from a moid that was posting REAL rape videos of european women and girls age 14 to 45. I reported the website in two places that are for reporting illegal websites like the he send.
If anyone has seen such things please help me report it to a bigger state.
Anonymous Admin
While I appreciate the idea of this thread, please don't forget to also report the post(s) in question. That's the quickest way to reach us.
Anonymous 5217
Massive raid from Reddit, because some redditcel meme about CC went viral.
Anonymous 5235
Report button seems broken, there’s a scrote incel baiting miners in the femcel thread.
Anonymous 5236
>>5235Why do you think it's broken?
Also, how long do you all think the raid from reddit retards will last? I'll give it a month
Anonymous 5237
Yesterday's gigachad thread on /b/ is most likely a male raid thread. I haven't confirmed by looking in the usual places to see if they dropped a link to that thread there, but judging by the last replies and just as I suspected when I first saw the OP, yeah, it must be part of a raid.
Anonymous 5361
>>3271Pretty sure there's a small raid in /b/ right now.
Anonymous 5367
>>3271I tend to always be awake when the mods aren't available for things like this
Convince me not to apply to be a jannie
Anonymous 5398
Soyjak raid on /x/ bumping old threads
Anonymous 5414
this place needs an update to be fair, to bad I don't know about coding. Could be good if there was an update button. Less threads in catalogs.
Anonymous 5415
child pornography in /b/
Anonymous 5416
Some tranny posting CP. Also, a question: if someone decides to counter raids by posting other images, does it slow down moderation?
Anonymous 5417
ongoing cp raid in /b/
Anonymous 5418
>>5416Probably not as long as you report the posts before you bury them
Anonymous 5419
>>5417still going on, there's like 10 cp threads up
Anonymous 5420

what the fuck the CP raid was ongoing yesterday before i went to sleep and now i wake up and the raid is still going on (and stronger than ever) WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with the moids doing this type of shit???? i've reported every post i saw yesterday but i doubt i have the strenght to report this shit now, i dont want to witness this bullshit again. what the fuck? isn't there a way for to block CP images that have already been posted? some of the images are the same as yesterday… im so tired, i hate seeing the suffering these children go through only for some sick moid to spam a female imageboard as a pathetic attempt to pwn us or something… im tired, my post probably sounds disorganised but how am I even supposed to write coherently after seing this shit??
Anonymous 5423
>>5420I wonder who exactly is behind these raids and why. Is it an MtF who's angry at the evil TERFs? Not surprising that they would save that kind of disgusting shit, but maybe they want to take the site down.
Is it some angry incel who's especially mad about women not fucking him? Maybe he just wants to traumatize people.
Whatever the case, I wonder if he can't just be reported to the authorities or something. I know, VPNs, but if they want, the can track people down even with a VPN.
Anonymous 5426
>>5423I'm convinced it's some scrote that wants the site taken down.
Anonymous 5435

come back on this site after a few weeks and theres penises everywhere. where tf are the mods
Anonymous 5436
>>5435realistically, mods can't be refreshing 24/7
if anyone sees raids a lot at the times they normally visit, consider applying to be a janitor
Anonymous 5439
>>5436Realistically an additional mod should have been added 5 fucking months ago. I will admit it must be hard finding women who will work for hot pockets (as proven by every single female subreddit having troon moderators), but this is fucking ridiculous.
Anonymous 5442
>>5439multiple mods are needed to cover the site 24/7 but there aren't many users to start with. janitor applications have been open for ages and things do get cleaned up within a couple hours at most. not sure what else they can do?
Anonymous 5444

>>5426>>5423>>5420I hate these coom chimps so much. I just want them to fuck off from this site and leave us alone.
Do you notice how only female spaces are attacked, raided, spammed and attempted to be taken down? That's because these chimps are afraid of what women can do. We don't say anything bad and compared to the involuntary celibate forum we are way better, humane and kind.
I saw the truth about men way before I joined Crystal Cafe, but seeing their desperate tries to ruin this site with images of sexually abused children makes me hate them even more.
I've never seen women spamming male only spaces.
I just wish they would leave us alone… I'm thankfull the mods are trying to stop the raid.
Anonymous 5457
bumping. more CP in /b/ and /meta.
Anonymous 5458
Hey mods, I know that you might be too busy to answer this, but I have an idea how to stop the raid.
If the raid keeps for another two days, can you try to make a verification letter for new posters or posters who make too many posts per day? I think it will help.
Also I wanted to thank you for deleting the posts as soon as you can, but isn't there a way to ban the poster permanently or is he using always a new IP?
Anonymous 5461
>>5458they're probably using a vpn, it's very easy to circumvent a ban.
Anonymous 5463

>>5458>If the raid keeps for another two days, can you try to make a verification letter for new posters or posters who make too many posts per day? I think it will help.This but do it starting today instead.
Actually, I had another idea that I've been thinking of using in case I make my own imageboard.
What if mods lock all the boards while they're not active? At least during raids and a few days after they stop.
>isn't there a way to ban the poster permanently or is he using always a new IP?They most definitely give him permanent bans but the motherfucker can easily evade them with a dynamic IP or VPN (most likely since dynamic IPs make it harder to circumvent range bans). Apparently VPN users can also be banned but I don't know exactly how that's possible.
Anonymous 5464

>>5463Let me rephrase that:
>>5463>What if mods lock all the boards while they're not active? At least during raids and a few days after they stop.This sounds like a good idea, I wanted to ask this, but I was worried that some miners would not like it.
Anonymous 5466
I can't believe the CP raid is still going on .. it's probably going to be soon 24h of consecutive CP spamming…
Anonymous 5470
>>5433I don’t think it’s them. They usually just spam wojaks. I think it’s a lone pervert.
Anonymous 5471

>>5465I think the site is so slow that there wouldn't be so much of a difference.
If someone wants to post something they can just type and save it as a memo or text file and post it when the site is open again.
And if you
really want to post something right now you can go to LC or something in the meantime.
Anonymous Admin
We're on it and doing what we can, however we sadly still don't have 24/7 coverage. We're adding more janitors and enabled some protective measures against spam, but unfortunately this is all being spammed manually by a very dedicated ban evader.
Anonymous 5488
>>5487>enabled some protective measures against spam, but unfortunately this is all being spammed manually by a very dedicated ban evader.Yeah, I think we're all aware of that by now.
Thank you very much for your efforts. Hopefully in the future we have at least a couple more mods or janitors for 24/7 coverage.
Also please consider locking thread creation and image posting, at least, if you don't like the idea of locking all the boards entirely.
Anonymous 5492…

>>5487>this is all being spammed manually by a very dedicated ban evader.what the fuck is this turbo level of pedo-autism scrote moidery?? if i understood that right its 24hours of a fucking CP raid from one terminally online pedo-scum? holy shit this is beyond average disgusting-built-for-jail pedophile levels, that's probably the most pathetic behavior i have ever encountered in more than 20 years of using the internet. Whoever's spamming that needs to be jailed, mentally drugged and excecuted
Anonymous 5493
>>5492I think I speak for everyone when I say that I agree
Anonymous 5494
>>5487should we be reporting the cp to cybertipline whenever it's posted or only report it to the mods here?
Anonymous 5495
>>5487Thank you admin!! It's appreciated. I was very happy to see the captcha.
Anonymous 5496
Also this is a question for in general…but how much can be added to an IB in terms of features? For example, is it possible to filter who's able to post pics?
Anonymous 5500
>>5496the cp raid is still continuing…
>>5496I'm wondering this too - I suggested in the suggestion thread to require images to be approved by a mod before showing up, but idk how mods/admin would feel about it or if it's even an available feature
Anonymous 5503
Admin should lock all boards until tomorrow morning since there's practically no activity when Americans are asleep.
Anonymous 5504
>>5500Oh, I meant more in the way that unknown users aren't able to post pictures and one has to have a posting history/approved to do so or something–making it mostly automated rather than manual.
I am worried about how to get around potential privacy breaches though.
Anonymous 5506
>>5504oh ok I see
so it would be limited to only posting text for unknown ips/users until they have some posting history to go off of? that's a good idea too
Anonymous 5508
>>5506yeah. alternatively, people can be manually approved by the mods.
Anonymous 5514
I felt nauseous checking this site after ages and the first thing I see is a naked little boy. What the fuck is wrong with moids
Anonymous 5527
>>5508I think this is a good idea too. Honestly I would like it if there was some sort of general whitelist which could prevent untrusted people from visiting the site altogether during raids. I hate how men treat women's online spaces like zoos.
Anonymous 5528
I have no feedback for this site except for the fact that I think men should be castrated. Genuinely. Sorry if this isn't helpful and you can ban me for it if you want, mods.
Anonymous 5530
and of course now that image sharing is enabled the seething troon posts cp again
Anonymous 5531

Anonymous 5533
>>5530This retard is going for the 48 hours cp raid mark. What a fucking autist. Only trusted users should be granted the ability to post images, but then that makes me think that it would help moids infiltrate cc more because they'll need to prove their trust in order to fuck up the site later.. but its not a primary concern rn because we're still in the middle of a cp raid. Mods, please lock the site so that autist has a false sense of victory and leaves. Loyal posters will be understanding and will come back.
Anonymous 5534
>>5531Based for keeping up the fighting spirit, we applaud you !
Anonymous Admin
>>5533Image sharing has been disabled for around 12 hours now; as soon as I switched it back on, the spam continued. So we're keeping images off for now. There are a lot of suggestions like only allowing established users to post images, but unfortunately, it's not that simple and this is the best solution for now. Thank you everyone for your understanding.
Anonymous 5536
>>5535Thanks too, hope you find the solution to the problem. I'm happy I found a female only image board that is anonymous and I'm happy that it has a community that keeps it clean.
Anonymous 5538
>>5531Can we have a vote on whether or not Raiden would be allowed on CC?
>>5535Yeah, idk how IB programming/design works and what features can be feasibly added.
Anonymous 5539
>>5535Thank you very much for your efforts. Let's hope the CP scrote will get bored and leaves.
Anonymous 5540
>>5535thank you I'm fine with text posting as long as it is needed, no matter how much time it takes, nobody should stumble across such images, you are doing it for the best and we are thankful
Anonymous 5541
>>5531Yes, ma'am! o7
also based Raidenfag
>>5538>Can we have a vote on whether or not Raiden would be allowed on CC? kek
Anonymous 5543
There's gay porn in /x/
Anonymous 5544
>>5543>gay sex is not a supernatural phenomenonbish plz
Anonymous 5546
can the mods/admi habilitate posts without the need of uploading an image? to open new discussions without having raiden schizo spamming inappropriate images, and have the ib be like a text forum in the meantime
Anonymous 5547
>>5546what? not sure I understand what you're saying but if I do, that's exactly what the board is doing right now
Anonymous 5549
>>5546You mean like a textboard which is actually the precursor to imageboards
Anonymous 5550
Wonder if the raid is linked to this swarm of seething trannies >>/b/122560
I mean, it wouldn’t be the first time Twatter decides to spam websites with pictures of unforgivable acts of cruelty (that is, hurting children or animals) in order to take it down.
Anonymous 5552
>>5550I'm the one who posted that image and one of the accounts in the image, the frog one, has made lots of tweets about how much he hates this site on his twitter even saying he hates women because of this site
link to tweet: it's definitely possible the cp raider is an angry tranny from twitter, though it's just as likely it could be an angry 4chan moid so who knows
Anonymous 5553
>>5420>CP raidProbably the same guy who pulled this at 8 and 9chan. Don't remember his name but his tactic was essentially spamming cp,and reporting the site to their host in order to get them taken down. If the same guy, he's been doing this for atleast 2 or 3 years by now.
Anonymous 5554
>>5553that's crazy, how has he not been caught by authorities? it's like they don't take cp seriously
Anonymous 5555
>>5554samefag but was he a danish neet? there's one that spams certain boards on 4chan with cp to get threads and stuff taken down so maybe it's the same guy
also idk if this will help admin/mods or not but he uses luminati and oxylabs proxies to ban evade so the spammer here could be using those too
Anonymous 5563
>>5552One very dedicated troon spammed the lolcow MtF thread with female gore. If it's not the same person, it could be someone with the same intentions.
Anonymous 5564
>>5563I have archives from the MtF troon spam that happened around summer 2021 (if I recall right) but I doubt it is the same person because the contents of the images are different and the spam also featured text. I'd even say the intentions are different compared to that lolcow troon spammer because the lolcow troon spammer only spammed the MtF thread and simply wanted to shock users (going away after he got bored with it) whereas the schizo CP spammer is dealing with has a different spamming tactic and has been targetting for like 3 days soon 4 at this point? It just completely feels like we're dealing with a different individual. Plus the intentions for the CPspam feel like it's a way for him to take down the website. Whatever it is, both are full of shit but the CP spammer worries me more.
Anonymous 5565
>>5564MtF troon spam? I would ask you to post the screenshots but, well… Anyways what was the context
Anonymous 5566
>>5565let's move the conversation to the terf posting thread on /b/ >>>118214 that way we do not shit up this thread here
Anonymous 5567
the terfposting thread is full and we aren't allowed to make a new thread without an image (which is understandable)
is it ok if we commandeer an old thread? maybe >>107603 since it's already terf themed
Anonymous 5568
>>5567I meant >>>/b/107603
sorry forgot how to link posts from another board
Anonymous 5569
I would highly recommend AGAINST allowing image posting any time soon 'sharty just got hit by a massive cp raid if the picture of the toddler and the black guy sounds familiar it's probably the same guy
Anonymous 5571
>>5569that's very strange, why a cp raid both here and on soyjak? the sites are total opposites in terms of content and userbase
I wonder if all smaller imageboards are being raided - apparently (a small imageboard I sometimes use) got taken down by their host for abuse so I assume the raid hit them too
link to grimchan admins tweets about it: Anonymous 5572
hey I can work as a jannie for free I dont care. I lurk Almost every day. Where do I apply ?
Anonymous 5573
>>5572message the admin on discord
Anonymous 5574
>>5571knowing that the cp raid also happened on soyjak makes me think the raider must have some kind of vendetta against alternative imageboards
Anonymous 5575
>>5571Could it be a bot? It's weird that they're attacking small imageboards, it must be some kind of automated list.
Anonymous 5576
>>5574I think it might be something of a "seeded" bot - maybe the spammer seeded it into the website's coding system?
Anonymous 5577
>>5576but didn't the admin say these were posted manually?
Anonymous 5578
>>5571That sucks, I had posted on Grimchan once thanks to the imageboard recommendation thread since it looked pretty comfy.
Anonymous 5587
>>5575On lainchan someone came forward saying a test/throaway
iirc board had cp posted on it and it was left up for weeks and it was only removed because the Anon notified the board owners
Anonymous 5588
>>5571>>5575it's the government trying to take down smaller imageboards to drive people onto 4chan and other mainstream social media
Anonymous 5589
>>5588youre only saying this now because nobody can post reaction images
Anonymous 5592
>>5588keep the schizo theories in /x/ nona thanks
Anonymous 5593
How long do you think the image restrictions are gonna last?
Anonymous Admin
>>5439Sorry for the late response. I have added more janitors recently, but yes, as you said - it's really hard to find good ones.
Anonymous 5706
Mods please help they're spamming the Pink Pill thread but the images were so disgusting I immedeatly clicked off and could not report. Please.
Anonymous 5707
>>5706dw I reported them all because I'm jaded and nothing can trigger or disgust me anymore.
Anonymous 5708
Thank you for the fast disable and deleting!!
I love everyone who could look at these pictures long enough to report them.
Anonymous 5709
>>5708Yeah I noticed the snappy modding too. Were new ones added?
Anonymous 5710
>>5709>>5708it's nice seeing more mod activity in the european timezone
Anonymous 5711

Mods… There's a small raid again. I'm getting fed up. They're reported all.
Anonymous 5713
There are… Moids in the pink pil thread… Again.
Anonymous 5716
Moid alert in the /b/ board.
Anonymous 5717
>>5716yeah they posted pedo garbage, maybe admin should turn off images for a bit again in case they start spamming cp
Anonymous 5721
bump, couple of stupid threads
Anonymous 5744
please take the CP off of /b/.
Anonymous 5746
>>5744Whats the point in making these posts. Just report the cp.
Anonymous 5747
Something is wrong with the threads in b, they don't bump anymore.
Anonymous Admin
Please don't discuss building a Discord group here. See Rule 5.
Anonymous 5768
Raid right now in /b/.
Anonymous 5769
>>5768And every time they only bother with /b/ and don't touch any of the other boards. very half assed.
Anonymous 5770
>>5769Why are you giving them ideas?
Anonymous 5773
Child porn in /b/ again
Anonymous 5778
>>5769They've raided /feels/ before, how new are you?
Anonymous 5809

still new to this 4chan posting shit, only a lurker
"Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you may have a massive influx of redditors or discord fags, seeing that this greentext is starting to circulate. It's almost surreal to see a place like this uninvaded by trannys and porn addicts…"
Anonymous 5810
>>5809thanks for reposting here, I dunno if the mods will take down the other.
Anonymous 5814
Looks like some troons and incels are back and posting stupid fucking shit again.
Anonymous 5827
>>3271a filthy scrotie on /v/ made a thread about here, keep an eye on here jannies
Anonymous 5832
Nikocado's nasty asshole was posted in /b/ just now
Anonymous 5833
>>5832Apparently the same thing happened on lc yesterday
Anonymous 5841
>>5809>It's almost surreal to see a place like this uninvaded by trannys and porn addicts…Anon I got bad news
Anonymous 5844
looks like we've got something going in in /b
Anonymous 5930
>>5929tranny jannies are on vacation kek
Anonymous 5931
pretty sure now that it's an anon from /int/ that keeps doing this
Anonymous 5937
>>5929ha it been cleaned-up yet?
Anonymous 5965
Moids in the pink pill thread ranting why women don't deserve human rights.
Anonymous 6008

expect a mini raid because balding y chromosoids from /fit/ made posts about cc, reminder to report and ignore male posters
Anonymous 6035
There's a bait thread in /media/ right now
Anonymous 6048
please just delete the raid thread on /b/
Anonymous 6054
did i just get banned in the fucking raid
Anonymous 6055
>>6054oh no, but my posts are deleted all over the place. Even some extremely old ones… Thats even weirder wth
Anonymous 6086
Annoying scrote thread on /b/
Anonymous 6113
Raid in "post like a moid 2"
Anonymous 6138
not gore or porn, but some dude is selfie-raiding…
Anonymous 6142
selfie posting moid again in /b/.
Anonymous 6143
Moron posting dick pics on /b/
Anonymous 6166
Raid in /b/; got too tired of reporting tho, I have other stuff to do.
Anonymous 6171
there's a raid in /b
Anonymous 6175
There’s a (definitely moid) troll shitting up Pinkpill thread, possibly talking to himself.
Anonymous 6193
Moid posting dick pics in /b/
Anonymous 6208
Mods, you failed to remove the obvious scrote >>>/feels/81207
He reported like, half the thread, leaving only his own posts visible. He’s clearly an infiltrator who played the long game, just to get the pass to dab at us. I recognize his writing style, he’s here to start endless arguments.
Anonymous 6231
There is an obvious troon in the terfposting thread. I have already reported him but his posts were not deleted yet. What is the reason for this?
Anonymous 6335
saw what i think is cp on the homepage. not sure which board put probably /b/.
Anonymous 6479

are you an anon who hasn't checked in for a while? Wondering what is going on? Well, for the past couple of days, a schizo pedo troon has been having a major episode here on lolcow, mostly on /meta/, /ot/ and the MTF thread. If you have witnessed any of the following:
>sperging about "UH", "Kuz", elaine, and kiwifarms
>CP/monkey torture spams
>anime avatarfagging
>random youtube music links
>complete wordsalads
>complaint about jannies and radfems
>laughable larping as an oldfag and misuse of lcf lingo
>running gayops on himself like doxing his own family members in hopes of framing others
then you have just spotted the schizo pedo troon. If at any point you see anons arguing with each other over something absolutely incomprehensible and are wondering if you've missed anything important, fear not. That is just the schizo pedo troon samefagging again to try to sir up concern amongst the uninformed. Thankfully, now you are informed. So next time you see any of the above, do your duty and ignore it.
If you see other anons acting confused, copy and paste this Public Service Announcement so that they too, may be informed.
/////This concludes the Public Service Announcement./////
Anonymous 6480
Cooking Mama shave…

>>6479A comprehensive long list of things the rapist pedo schizo troon says and does (feel free to add onto it):
>mask off>sweep/sweeping/swept>pedo ring/pedo jannies/jannies posting cp/admin is male/jannies are male (basically any raging hatred and accusations regarding site staff)>admin is being blackmailed >blend/blending >erika/uh >pretends blaine and erika are different people >links to other imageboards and sketchy websites >shits on fire/sites fucked>talks about elaine/rachel/null(josh)/michael or other irrelevant kiwifags>you're going down >I will expose you>refers to himself using the wrong pronouns (calls himself she or they despite being male) >complaining about kuz and soyjak >coverup >something real is going on>this is insane/crazy/huge>gayops >random youtube song links and/or random lyric dumps >anime avatarfagging (usually with pedo anime characters, sometimes with final fantasy ones) >misuse of sites lingo >asking or demanding to be a mod/janny/admin>replying to one of his posts with the same lingo and typing style (samefagging)>posts cp and then is immediately around to complain about cp he posted >threatens to kill/rape people >asks to be unbanned >mentions his vpns>refers to himself as erika >posts ugly pic of his thighs and covered bulge >spergs about porn and his creepy fetish stuff>tries to get people to post hand pics >larps as being a csa survivor >randomly talks about his sister >posts /pol/tier nazi and pepe pics >conspiracies about blackmailing, abuse, pedo rings >constantly mentions kiwifarms >I proved it/here's the proof>you're killing this website/this website is dead because of you/this website is dying >pro tranny/pro scrote posts (trannies have always been welcome/men can post here if they want/etc) >schizobabble about being a witch/magic spells/hexes >says he is a tranny not a troon (and other weird tranny infighting stuff)>uses sexist insults (calls women whores, cunts, bitches, roasties, etc) >complaining about jews and nonwhites >refers to women as "natal women" or "cis women" >god complex spergouts >hates on radfems and gcs>says he is gnc >talks about his ugly troon dick >sniffed out >it was rigged/I rigged it >slapfight>I win/I won/I'm winning >mentions flamenco or undefault or naught >bbc spam >bought off janny/paid off janny>foxdickfarm >this is why people never use this site >whines about "transphobes" >says he is doing damage control >talks about owning guns and/or threatens to use them >weird obsession with russia >pretends he has some greater plan >randomly counts down (ie 6 days left, 6 hours left) >broom/broomstick>so much proof >look at these connections/all the connections >you're screwed/it's over >desperate >pressed/keeping you pressed>meltdown>I timed it/it was timed >pretends he's doing this to waste someones time >vendetta-chan>vpn-chanif you see posts that contain any of these it's the ban evading pedophile tranny, do not reply to him, simply report and ignore
Anonymous 6636…

>>6480>>6479some quick art to go with the copypasta next time (POV you're 12 and he wants to teach you about your period)
Anonymous 6656
>>6636>POV you're 12 and he wants to teach you about your periodFUCKING KEK'd ily anon
Anonymous 6660
>>6658It was posted in the Kiwifarms thread about him and he's posted pictures of his face on here as well
Anonymous 6664
>>6480Some updates. The russia obession comes from being a tankie. The tranny is very pro communism and stalinist. He also claims as a XXY tranny hes allowed to be here.
Uses a demon as a name sometimes, claimes the site is overrun with fascist (common commie complaint).
Anonymous 6665
>>6664Oh and hes confirmed as the “rad fem” posting in the terf thread trying to claim terfs are not trans exclusionary.
Anonymous 6673
>>6664he's not a tankie, he has said on his twitter he is a nazi and he goes on antisemitic and racist rants and has tons of weird nazi images saved
he also really hates women - basically a typical incel/nazi to troon pipeline that is common amongst male troons
his russia obsession is because he was rejected by the russian admin most likely
Anonymous 6674
also idk if the troon is spamming cp here and DDoSing this site like he is others but I have been in contact with his local police department and they are looking into him with the info I gave them
I hope the admins and mods of the sites he is doing all this stuff on cooperate with law enforcement, he is a danger to women and children
Anonymous 6675
>>6674>I have been in contact with his local police department and they are looking into himYou're a hero anon
Anonymous 6677
>>6675thank you, I am not able to do much but I'm glad the police took my report seriously
Anonymous 6681
>>6677If you get any updates, post on here or on the KF thread because i am curious
Anonymous 6682
>>6681I doubt they'll give me any updates but if they do or ask me for more info for the investigation I'll make a post, and if they arrest him we'll all know due to the lack of his schizo spam
don't have kf though so any update will only be posted here
Anonymous 6684
We’re being raided by scrotes again who keep posting black crime statistics lol. So pathetic.
Anonymous 6697
cp and a racebait thread in /b/
Anonymous 6709
>>6697more of this crap again at this hour
Anonymous 6712
person who keeps spamming racist shit posted gore this time
Anonymous 6717
>>6712I desperately want to become a janny now so I can clean this filth up.
Anonymous 6719
Don’t reply to any moid posts, nonas. They’re looking for a reaction. Ignore them and report them, and they’ll get bored and go away eventually. Like all trolls they’re just ugly psychological vampires looking for attention.
Anonymous 6759
Very shitty lame attempted raid ongoing.
Anonymous 6760
for some reason there's a moid posting pics of his asshole/belly/smol dick on /b/
Anonymous 6771
I have some advice regarding the spammer.
Why not set up a system where if certain keywords are posted you are notified?
Maybe somehow if a post is posted with keywords the spammer uses, it activates a discord bot that pings you?
also there is currently spam on /b/.
Anonymous 6772
there's currently spam in /b/ with the subject:
The B-lack Probl-em
Anonymous 6773
holy shit that was quick
thanks janny
Anonymous 6774
>>6771Get some more jannies too, maybe in different timezones. It seems like reported posts currently stay up for hours before they are actually deleted. It was the same with that schizo troon a week ago.
Anonymous 6776
Nonas you gotta stop replying to bait :/
Anonymous 6777
>>6776I know right. Just stop replying to trolls and they’ll get bored and piss off eventually. Stop taking the bait nonas, PLEASE.
Anonymous 6778
>>6774I've tried to apply over and over again and I can't figure out how nobody will tell me
Anonymous 6779
>>6777jannies need to start banning femanons who respond to moids. (tbh i'm pretty sure it's just samefagging from schizos.)
Anonymous 6780
Does this moid automate his posts or is he actually so desperate for attention that he sits there 24/7 manually spamming mediocre bait?
Anonymous 6781
>>6780they're manually samefagging. so they really are just choosing to sit there for hours, kek
Anonymous 6782
>>6778Send admin a friend request on discord
Anonymous 6784
>>6682update troon is back to spamming and schizobabbling so I messaged his mom on her instagram regarding his illegal online activities and worsening mental illness
I have her email too and will send her an email if she doesn't respond to the ig message
otherwise if I don't hear back from her I will be contacting his father and his sister
I've had enough of this dangerous unhinged troon moid
Anonymous 6785
>>6782How?? Snail doesn't even work.
Anonymous 6786
>>6783Right? Why is it abandoned anyway?
Anonymous 6787
>>6784Why wait? He's just going to get worse. Tell his dad and sister too. If my son was posting that shit online I'd want to know so I could disown him.
Anonymous 6788
>>6785>>6786I don't think it's abandoned, I think they hide their activity status. Send a message and wait for a reply.
Anonymous 6789
>>6787yeah I'll probably tell his dad too but he's made creepy comments about his sister so I don't wanna involve her unless none of his other family responds
apparently he lives with his mom so hopefully she takes action since who would want to live with a pedo rapist nazi troon?
Anonymous 6790
>>6789>creepy comments about his sisterShe should know especially then that's horrifying to have someone in your family say things like that about you. She should know so she can stay away.
Anonymous 6791
>>6790he posted a link to her facebook awhile back and I checked it and she has almost no family in her friends list and no photos with them so I assume she already knows he's a freak and avoids him
but yeah I feel bad she is related to that nasty failedmale to begin with
Anonymous 6793
>>6788I have tried sending friend request and requests on here and get no response. Which is why I think it's all abandoned.
Anonymous 6801
I think admin is gonna have to suspend image posting again like last time. At least it worked then.
Anonymous 6884
It’s been 5 days and snail still hasn’t accepted my add
Anonymous 6885
>>6884Jannies are Trannies confirmed
Anonymous 6911
>>3271there's another raid in /b/ with literal shitposting, janniesplz
Anonymous 6925
Condescending smug moidposter is back in /feels/. Don’t reply to his posts.
Anonymous 6945
There's racist image spam happening in thread replies on every board.
I dunno if it's the same black problem guy since he's not making new threads, just replying with images.
Anonymous 7002
>>3271Demented tranny has been spam replying to itself in fake arguments for over an hour now
Anonymous 7027
>>7002It’s a poltard larping as a radfem, pretty sure it’s the black poster
Anonymous 7262
Weird male posts in /b/.
Anonymous 7271
Lolcow.farms and kiwifarms raiding /b/
Anonymous 7277
What the fuck is happening to the board rn. Are we being raided by troons and moids?
Anonymous 7279
>>7277lolcow is down with no explanation. +the usual troll and idiots taking his bait.
Anonymous 7297
imagine banning me for reporting the troon. kill yourself janny.
Anonymous 7299
>>7297wait, is that a thing? I've been reporting him too, I thought it was okay and even encouraged? Do the mods here not like when we report maleposters?
Anonymous 7301
>>7299>Do the mods here not like when we report maleposters?afaik we're suppose to report them if we spot them
>>7297that's weird. did you respond to the tranny poster? iirc engaging with male/tranny posters can catch you a ban because it encourages them to shit the place up more and that may be why you got banned
Anonymous 7305
Oh now this will be fun…
Anonymous 7307
There's a moid spamming porn in the lolcow containment thread
Anonymous 7308
Bump porn and gore in the lolcow threads bump
Anonymous 7313 namedropped CC and now they're raiding /b/ with porn, gore and soyjaks
Anonymous 7314
>>7313You mean Blaine encouraged a raid here. Tranny.
Anonymous 7317
>>7314I forgot he also spams that site. The post that encouraged a raid, that was screencapped and shared in the bunker thread, looked just like any other soyfag post.
Anonymous 7324
>>7313they've been doing this shit for months
Anonymous 7384
This board is now literally just one schizophrenic DID tranny arguing with himself and his personas for hours each day, using dozens of proxies and posting the same terrible memes all day long. Wtf has happened to my board.
Anonymous 7387
>>7384I wish he'd fuck off. You can tell by the way he types and uses edgelord anime images that he thinks he's super clever and intelligent. Typical tranny narcissism and inability to fuck off from women's spaces.
Anonymous 7388
>>7384>>7387Came here just to complain about him. Holy fuck. The sad thing about sites with low traffic like CC is just one schizo who ban evades can seriously bring the quality down. He's on almost every fucking thread. Now whenever someone makes a weird, long post that doesn't really make sense I'm going to just assume it's him. And I've been noticing more of them recently. Just one schizo can be responsible for so many bad posts it's insane I hate it.
Anonymous 7392
>>7388It's so funny how he tries to act like he's not a scrote himself or that he's le "not like other trannies" when he is exactly like them for continuously harrassing women in their own spaces.
Anonymous 7396
>>7388He’s been pretending to be both libfems and radfems and then shits up the pinkpill thread. He’s fucking everywhere. And our board is so small like you said, he’s actually ruining the place. After he’s done he does these weird raider too posting soijaks and other terrible unfunny memes.
Anonymous 7407
Blaine is posting gore in /b/ again
Anonymous 7409
Troon incel spamming gay porn further proving male degenercay.
Anonymous 7423
there's cp in b right now. Im disgusted. Im never using this website again. You guys need better jannies
Anonymous 7425
CP thread up on /b/. Is it really so hard to get more/better jannies?
Anonymous 7426
When it's not moids larping, it's porn spam…. It's sad how unusable CC has become, this used to be a cozy site but now I can barely use it, I don't think there are more than 4 women here at this point.
Anonymous 7427
>>7423>Im never using this website again.Kek see you tomorrow
Anonymous 7430
>>7429its very easy for Snail to do something all she has to do is set the website like other gated chans and approve every post manually herself. And thats it, even the CP poster will get cucked in fact i think that poster is the one that matters the most getting rid off, the rest are just retards that come and go.
Anonymous 7431

>>7430Apparently the CP spammer according to LC and /cow/ is someone named Nuzatch or Emojitroon? Both have been apparently been doing this blame shifting for years and another altchan is also talking about it.
think most of the other people are from soyjak or yeah random retards but apparently every site listed as an alt chan gets hit by these two and they immediately start blaming anyone they can.
I don't think manual posting approval is the way to go but this site is slow enough that it wouldn't be as bad as it would be elsewhere. I think that until these two are locked up there is not much you can do or someone would have gotten them by now.
I have no idea what to recommend really but agree that the CP spam is quite obviously the worst thing out of all of that.
Anonymous 7432
unknown (63).png

>>7431This is the LCF thread where it's mentioned of the
other schizo which really just yeah I think I see exactly what went on for the past couple months now that I looked all over the place.
The CP spam bothered me a lot if you couldn't tell.
Anonymous 7433
>>7431I wouldnt be surprised that transgenders are actually in possesion of child porn, they are groomers and irreparably mentally ill so. One day society will have enough and just shoot them down on sight, they are already grinding on the gears of normal everyday people, its only natural it all leads to that.
Anonymous 7434
>>7433Neither are actually trannies, idk why emojitroon is called that, both are men.
Anonymous 7435
As in not claiming to be women, claiming to be men, born men. I think other men call them trannies to mock them.
Anonymous 7436
>>7434same shit. whatever. just dm snail to put every post on manual approval and this way this website will be like 80% female at the very least as well. Thats the only way.
Anonymous 7437
>>7436I don't use trannycord lol
Anonymous 7438
>>7437Eh dont worry about it. Others are going to notice and they're going to dm snail about making every post approved I lurk other female chans that do this. It works very well. Women rarely use chan forums anyway, they dont post 24/7 like moids. So it works besides if you want to mantain that female / scrote ratio this is what you have to do, otherwise you will never have a female majority community. And by now we all have already learned to distinguish what is a male poster and a female poster just by the text or topics. It has got to easy.
Anonymous 7439
>>7438Yeah when you judge it based off actions alone it's always obvious who's a man and who's a woman.
Anonymous 7441
>>7426That tranny Blaine is still shitting up every single thread both here and on lolcow. I honestly think 90% of replies on here are him. He’s also the one who posts CP and black posts on his proxies.
Anonymous 7444

>>7439Moids are obvious to detect, but some of the less agreeable female users who like to argue and shitpost might be hit alongside them. Lots of false positives in this approach. Perhaps some of us must simply accept their fate and perish… for the Greater Good.
Anonymous 7445
Troons are spamming illegal shit on lolcow, be wary that they could come here next
Anonymous 7446
>>7445Snail should just go with my idea instead of having to bother so much. Just make the chan with post confirmation by the admin or mods. How many women use chan boards anyway, it aint that many this chan was meant to be slow and thats fine.
Anonymous 7461
>>7444Like half my posts get deleted for this reason.
>she posted an anime pic, she's the tranny!Moid paranoia has ruined this site. I'm leaving.
Anonymous 7466
>>7464This is exactly what I was talking about. Comments like these are completely useless and only serve to drive the few remaining female posters off the site. The stupid part is you are probably a male doing it intentionally, but janitors who can’t view post histories will see some rando accusing posters of being a tranny, take it at face value, and suddenly their posts are gone while the spammers calling every user on this site a tranny remain, with the overall effect that the women who have been posting here in good faith get annoyed by this cycle and leave, and the userbase becomes more and more overwhelmed by males who try to covertly ruin the quality of discussions. These paranoid accusations every 10th post didn’t happen when the site started 5 years ago. Suddenly everyone becomes obsessed with transsexuals and they endlessly accuse any poster who fails their normie detector even a little bit of being one. If you really are a woman, what do you get out of it? Do you get a smug feeling from fighting the tranny phantoms you imagine behind every post?
Anonymous 7468
>>7466Do you not understand that he came here from a different site and has been antagonising like 8 boards relentlessly for 2 months straight? CC is a female only space (what he's mostly targeting) so why do you think suddenly it's not Blaine?
Anonymous 7469
>>7468I don’t use whatever sites you’re talking about, I don’t know who that is nor do I care about tranny drama, I am just tired of all my threads and posts getting deleted because of paranoia that every user is suddenly the spammer.
Anonymous 7475
>>7466It was a test. But I see that you likely are a real woman I know because of the way you responded. Anyway dont post tranime profile picture tier garbage, anything you can do to differientiate from trannies helps filter moids on this website. Thank
Anonymous 7477
>>7476>I just negged you, join the 'cordThat's how men act…
Anonymous 7518
There are discussions of raiding CC on r9k right now, be prepared.
Anonymous 7519
Some loser made another cp thread on /b/
Anonymous 7520
Soyscrote raid in /feels/
Anonymous 7522
>>3271Some pedo tranny is spamming /b/
Anonymous 7554
cp in both /b/ and /img/. i already reported it to the mods.
Anonymous 7557
talk of mental illness triggers blaine the tranny he feels called out i can tell. keep doing it.
Anonymous 7558
cp in /b/ its literally on the front page
Anonymous 7559
>>7558Its still up. Can you guys please get more mods jesus
Anonymous 7560
>>7559The admin is gone for good apparently and there seem to be at most two active jannies remaining. This board is effectively unmoderated. Since this community is rather small, we might be able to get an alternative board up and running.
Anonymous 7561
>>7560Who told you that? Dont believe everything you are told
Anonymous 7567
>>7560I tried adding snail on discord because I was getting seriously worried about all the CP on here and really wanted to become a janny so I can remove it quicker, but its been 3 weeks and she still hasn’t accepted my request. I think you might actually be right that she’s given up.
Anonymous 7599
soyscrote raid in /img/
Anonymous 7609
>>7604Retard moid pedo replying to it
Anonymous 7610
>>7609probably the same guy trying to bait others into going there
Anonymous 7611
Really shows that women use imageboards way less than moids, much less.
Anonymous 7653
>>7652how curious that as soon as we being criticizing trannies this happens
pretty sure its blaine
Anonymous 7654
>>7652its still fucking up can someone please delete ?
Anonymous 7655
>>7652Again. It's blaine. Lolcow has all his info just report him to the police already so they check his harddrive. just send him to jail so he gets shanked there and dies off.
Anonymous 7656
>>7655Yeah i reported the poster to the fbi tipline since it has the same formatting don't know if it will do anything though.
Anonymous 7658
is it possible to make a filter so that it gets deleted right when it detects that sort of link?
Anonymous 7659

>>7655>>7656It's not Blaine. It's not even some other scrote troll spamming this shit here for laughs. The CP spam is almost certainly automated, posted by a bot on every imageboard it can find to advertise CP websites. The formatting and the focus on getting people to click on a link (rather than posting the images directly) give it away. A scrote troll posting for shock value wouldn't operate that way.
There are other instances of bot spam here, like those poorly-formatted Russian posts with shady gambling links that appear under threads on /b/ from time to time.
>>7658A simple captcha would likely be enough to stop the CP bot. This should be trivial to implement, if only we had an active admin…
Anonymous 7666
>>7659Captcha is a great idea as long as it's actually readable unlike the 4chan one. there has been cp left on /b/ for over 2 hours now.
Anonymous 7667
>>7659yea a captcha is a good idea
Anonymous 7670
>>7659Blaine said he had a bot it's very likely that it was him.
Anonymous 7671

>>7670I still doubt it. Imagine you were a butthurt moid trying to post CP or gore for shock value - you wouldn't just post links, you'd spam that shit directly in order to screw with as many people as possible.
This bot is trying to advertise CP websites on random imageboards, clearly. It isn't targeting Crystal.Cafe directly. I don't see what Blaine or any other moid troll would gain from that, unless they own the advertised websites.
Anonymous 7672
>>7671my tinfoil is that is fedposting to get rid ido imageboards / non-commercialized or bot infested sites like regular social media. Anonymous 7673
>>7672Possible, but I doubt so, since apps like Whisper also have a bot problem, if you browse the new section it's really easy to find cp/bestiality bots, etc.
Anonymous 7674

why does this place get raided so damn often? Every time I come here, there's cp or gore or some weird shit. Is there a reason as to why? I thought this was a chill imageboard, but the amount of raids and gross posts from moids is really putting me off from visiting.
Anonymous 7675

>>7674Yeah i hope we get more Jannies or something. It didn't put me off from visiting though coz i just report and if it's illegal shit, i give it to the fbi tipline.
Anonymous 7676
>>7674Because the few jannies (if there even is more than just one of them) are too busy smelling their own farts.
Anonymous 7677
>>7674Incels found a women's site. That's all.
Anonymous 7678

>>7674It's a very small imageboard. There's not enough jannies to cover timezones. Some jannies have a life too I presume. I also heard that apparently becoming a janny is a slow process due to snail not always being online either, maybe during a big raid it might be easier to become one cuz I assume admin would be more responsive and reactive. On top of that incels and trannies are chronically online enough to spam this place.
Anonymous 7714
Why can't mods ban the "naggers" retard? I'm sick of his autism.
Anonymous 7716
cp on /b/ again, not going to click on the board
Anonymous 7717
>>7716jfc why the fuck is there cp posted every day on this site? it's getting ridiculous
Anonymous 7718
>>7716.. and again urgh.
>>7717Some seething moid or troon is targeting cc and lc while pretending to be a bot. The spam happens almost simultaneously on both sites.
Anonymous 7720
>>7718someone recently mentioned 7chan in a thread, which i had not heard of, so i had been checking it out for a few days and then all of a sudden, every board had that same cp picture and links posted there. i don't know what it means, but i found it curious.
Anonymous 7721
>>7720Yeah i've seen the same types of spam that lc and cc gets on other more obscure IBs. I assume bots target as many IBs as possible.
Anonymous 7726
some kind of lame raid or one moid spammer posting dumb threads in /b/
Anonymous 7728
Porn and other stupid shit on /b/
Anonymous 7729

it's such a moid thing to spam a site they don't like with gore and porn instead of ignoring it like we do with their sitesI'm frankly surprised they don't feel embarassed
Anonymous 7739
>>7728sometimes i get the urge to post cut off and mutilated dicks while he's spamming but i don't want to
1. partake in his possible castration fetish;
2. get b&
Anonymous 7743
This raid is by troons trying to pass as /pol/. There's nothing about the raid on /pol/ and there's a lack the usual /pol/ content (racist frogs and wojaks). These are obviously butthurt troons.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to disable image posting for a while since the jannies are not being able to handle it.
Anonymous 7744
>>7743yea its not the first time a tranny tried to take down boards through porn raids, forgot the other board's name
Anonymous 7748
ummm hi, sorry to bother you but would it be okay to ask for someone to remove the poop threads in /b/? it's cool if you can't or are busy, please don't be mad at me for asking, i was just wondering.
Anonymous 7749
>>7748oh they're gone now, thank you
Anonymous 7770
Why have we been getting raided so much in the past week? I like to read cc on my way home from work but I'm always scared about opening it in public.
Anonymous 7780
weird stuff in /b/
i didn't really see what it was
Anonymous 7795
soyscrote raid in /feels/
Anonymous 7796
>>7795did they organize another raid on that shitty soy site?
Anonymous 7797
Mods really need to do something about the endless raids because half of the time I'm on here it's just raids and I'm getting so fucking tired of it. I get not being able to watch this place 24/7 but for fucks sake its the afternoon in the U.S. right now there should be at least one goddamn mod here.
Anonymous 7800
Why the hell do moids even get so ass-mad about women having our own spaces? If you hate us so much then leave us to our own devices.
Anonymous 7812
Again, men are so naturally emotional and irrational, I think they shouldn't vote
Anonymous 7814
>>7812they really have the audacity to call women over emotional when there are multiple incel mass shooters that commuted heinous crimes because they couldn't but laid lol. They're the ones who are more aggressive, commit the most violent and sex crimes and act like they're more than glorified apes lol
Anonymous 7838
Thank you to the mods for cleaning up the latest BS in /b/ quickly.
Anonymous 7858
can mods please get rid of the bot? It's nice that the raid is over but the bot is annoying.
Anonymous 7862
>>7858I come back after a while to see some bot, mods please get rid of it, I have no idea what I'm even looking at
Anonymous 7881
Would be way easier for the mods for them to filter the shit they keep spamming in every post besides the same tub girl image.
Anonymous 7884
Thank you jannies for cleaning up!
Anonymous 7885
Sorry you anons had to deal with the raid. Hope you are all okay. Maybe most of you know, but it was because some anon posted herself on LC and some retard who probably got banned from here started spreading it saying she was on here. Ok I go back now.
Anonymous 7886
>>7885not the reason for the raid albeit
Anonymous 7895
moids making political bait threads in /b/, don't bite.
Anonymous 7927

maybe i'm blind but are there not settings on cc where i can make thumbnails not appear, like a default hide option? i see that the admin hasn't been around, but it would be awesome if new threads didn't have images show up, and we can see what a thread is about based on the subject field (like pic related). i have been online for almost two decades and never saw cp until i started coming here, which sucks and i don't want to see it ever again.
Anonymous 7940

>>3271In another hispanic women's ib moids did the same shit with gore and incel stuff spam, luckily they didn't send cp. Moids even mentioned this site. Everyone with xy is mentally ill who deserves to be castrated
Anonymous 7942
the raid came from a well-known hispanic board which is currently unavailable and they took refuge on 8chan and kraut. I'm woman not a tranny, I've nothing to do with the raid, I just wanted you to know.
Anonymous 7943
It's the blaine schizo tranny, he does this frequently on lolcow too.
Anonymous 7948
>>7927This would be really nice
>>7940Something like this would be nice too.
Honestly so sick of seeing all the gross shit seething moids post here
Anonymous 7949
Are the mods around? Please clean up /b/
Anonymous 7950
I reported it 4h ago and it's still there.
Anonymous 7954
/b/ is a mess rn
I suggest nonas to access catalog, scroll down a bit and bump normal threads.
Also report
Anonymous 7955

There’s a raid in /b/ that hurt my eyes
I don’t need any more of nikocado’s asshole thanks
Anonymous 7956
cp in /b/. Since we know it's probably that one troon doing it, can't we report him to the FBI? Has anyone already done it?
Anonymous 7957
>>7956It's a bot automatically spamming CP links to imageboards that don't have captchas. Another anon here mentioned seeing the exact same post on a different board a while ago. A moid raid would look more like the Nikocado spam that's also currently in /b/.
Anonymous 7959
>>7957It may be a bot, but it's set up by someone. I find it too suspicious that they started around the time the troon started coming here. His shitposts always coincide with spamming of gore/porn/cp as well.
Anonymous 7960
>>7957It's not, it's the tranny, confirmed by lolcow mods. He does that there too. (They call him rachelfag because he also spams and samefags in that cow-thread). Anonymous 7961

Moids spam cp
Wanna kill myself, i feeling so sick and guilty
Anonymous 7962
>>7960I knew it. My autism pattern recognition has never failed me.
How do we make sure he gets arrested? Can we coordinate with Lolcow to track him and send the cops to his ass? CC has done that before for a girl whose only crime was being annoying, this one seems to warrant it much more.
Anonymous 8171
SOME MOID IS SPAMMING NICKOCADOS ASSHOLE CMON MODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous 8525
>>8171hopefully a lot of nonas apply to help out so crap won't be up for hours.
Anonymous 8527
>>8525I think I nmight finally get discord just so I can get verified to be a janny. cc needs more help.
Anonymous 8529

>>7961Don't let moids get to you. If you see something illegal, report the scrote to the government. If it's just Nickado or "niggerniggernigger" spam stuff, just report the post to the mods on CC and hide them. The scrotes behind this include trannies, poltards, redditcels, or just straight up psychopathic pedos and animal-beaters. They all hate women, but because males are obsessed with women, they still always attempt to fuck up our vibe. Again, don't let them. Don't give them that power. Just take deep breaths, realize that these men are like oversized children demanding attention from "mommy", and take a break from CC to clear your head.
Anonymous 8531
I come immediately here before I browse boards. Let’s me know if it’s safe. Thanks nonas for all the warnings.
>>8529This Nona gets it. It’s the Xmas season and winter break. Moids are gonna go full throttle on the raids.
Enjoy the holidays and take a break from the internet
Anonymous 8585
cp on /b/ please clean
Anonymous 8587
>>8586Men will really spend their Christmas posting cp on the internet.
Anonymous 8588
>>8587Yes it's pathetic, it seems like mod cleaned it pretty quickly. Thank you mods!
Anonymous 8605
Soyjack scrotes posting cp on /b/
Anonymous 8631
>>3271Cp on /img/. The tranny attack again!!!!
Anonymous 8642
bump in b and meta, idk where else
Anonymous 8643
Cp spam again on /b/ and /meta/
Anonymous 8723
porn and poop in /b/ possible raid?
Anonymous 8727
Saw cp on the homepage, not clicking on it to see which board it was
Anonymous 8729
>>8728why do you guys announce it here? isn't it enough to report it?
Anonymous 8730
>>8729It can help someone seeing these posts first so they can avoid looking at it.
Anonymous 8742
monkey torture spam in /b/
Anonymous 8743
>>8742crazy how some people are into that and that it had its own sub-culture on youtube out of all places
Anonymous 8744
animal torture spam in /b/
Anonymous 8863
>>3271Shota in the fujochan bunker. I don't know why the fuck it's still up.
Anonymous 8869
moids spamming in /b/ thread
Anonymous 8892
Some idiot is raiding /b/
Anonymous 8894
Moooods the soyjak retards are raiding again.
Anonymous 8901
bored troll thread in /media/
Anonymous 8928
"funny" pics in /img/
Anonymous 8990

cp in /b/, posting some imgs to get it off the front page
Anonymous 8991

>>8990looks like the mod team got my reports
Anonymous 8994

scatspam here and on /b/, pushing images from frontpage
Anonymous 9018
>>8995>face blocked out in center>face completely shown in mirroris this image a joke with a weak jaw as the punchline?
Anonymous 9078
>>8991At least they are still doing SOMETHING
They got rid of the loli I reported yesterday
But they still won't respond or explain any of their bizarre behavior !
Anonymous 9083
GORE AND SEVERE CP ON /b/, please scroll slowly, hide, and report
I already reported to fbi holy fuck I feel fucking sick to my stomach I saw even a second of it
Anonymous 9084
>CP spammer is also a tranny
God are they all pedophiles or
Anonymous 9087
scaredy cat.jpg

is it still going on? I'm afraid to look
Anonymous 9092
female guro + racebaiting in the terposting thread >>>/b/231491
Anonymous 9112
Hey Admin, if you haven't already it may be a good idea to install a script that blocks people from posting from Tor or the i2p browser like 4chan has. That way any tard who tries to upload anything illegal won't be untraceable.
Anonymous 9114

how about applying a login system?
make it so that only users that are logged in are allowed to post, and release tokens from time to time so that raids are easy to get rid of.
You don't sacrifice anonymity by doing this, there were plenty of imageboards that did this and thanks to it they managed to have their own site at peace with no raids or anything stupid. It isn't any different from a site banning you from an IP.
If you worry about other people not being able to visit the site, just spread it through the word of mouth.
Anonymous 9116
>>9112tor and i2p are already blocked from cc
Anonymous 9117

It's been a week since the disgusting CP raid, but are some things that should be mentioned. Are the admins and mods not aware that they are responsible for exposing dozens of women to CP and gore?
If it is possible for CP to be hosted for hours on the main page of your site without it being removed, it is completely unacceptable. This has been happening for years, has anything been done to fix this?
The Admin should consider making images manually approved when there is not a mod on online and available. I'm sure there are plenty of other nonas who could help mod.
Anonymous 9118
>>9117This site doesn't have any admins anymore and is abandoned. It's also very niche place so not many actual women visit here. Mostly just trannies larping.
Anonymous 9119
>>9118are they not wanting any jannies then?
Anonymous 9121
>>9119there is no way to add new janitors/mods because admin would need to do that and she is no longer around
Anonymous 9125
>>9121how is the site still up with no admin
Anonymous 9127
>>9124nobody knows what happened to her and the mods refuse to communicate with us. apparently it's impossible to reach her on discord.
>>9125idk I've seen anons speculating that the bills for the site are on autopay so that admin wouldn't need to be around but the site will stay up regardless
Anonymous 9128
>>9127i mean we're not entitled to any information just because we use this imageboard. someone made it in their free time because they wanted to, using their own resources and we're using it for free. shit happens in real life or people simply abandon hobbies/personal projects etc. i think if there was some actual info about why then we would know but people that create niche communities like this usually stay anonymous even with their staff so no one can ever know their irl situation.
Anonymous 9130
>>9128yeah but its not good for the site and its users if the admin is gone, means the site may go down without warning and never come back up. plus there is no way to add new staff without admin which is not good considering how many raids this place gets - the cp raids could end up getting the site taken down if they were left up too long (I've seen that happen to another small imageboard)
Anonymous 9135
Scrote thread on /b/
Anonymous 9136
>>9135Now there's a racebait thread on /feels/
Either the same moid or a raid
Anonymous 9162
soyscrote raid in /b/
Anonymous 9168
Schizo scrote on /b/
Anonymous 9172
Raid on /b/ and /media/
Anonymous 9188
porn on /b/ and /feels/
Anonymous 9213
This site is becoming a tad bit insufferable. I hate opening the front page and seeing gore/cp/scat. I think I’m just going to bookmark direct links to certain boards.
Anonymous 9216
>>9213same. I haven't seen cp before going on this site and and it's making me feel like I should stop coming here
Anonymous 9217
>>9216scrotes hate us so we will always get bombarded with this stuff.
Anonymous 9249
Scrotes messing around in Unabomber's thread because they will never be him
Anonymous 9250
soyscrote raid in /b/
Anonymous 9251
Some miners are taking the bait ffs
Anonymous 9257
>>9251I didn't take the bait i just found it funny to talk to some of them, the jannies don't do anything to clean up their retarded mess anyways and keep banning innocent miners.
Anonymous 9258
>>3271I sure am glad we added the captcha to prevent this.
Anonymous 9262
>>9258Captchas only prevent automated bot spam, not basement-dwelling scrotes manually posting gore or porn
Anonymous 9266
>>9257>Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.Are you that new?
Anonymous 9269
>>9266I've been here longer than all of you in this thread probably and i know about the rule, stop being bitchy.
>>9267I am cringe.
Anonymous 9272

If you're curious about why there's so many raids and gross content spam, most of it is coming from a certain imageboard that allows underage males, trolls and trannies. They are obsessed with us and raiding us, it's why the draw yourself thread keeps getting bumped and why there's so many weird replies on many threads (especially on feels), and since this board is dead and the jannies don't do anything they just keep coming back. I wasn't going to talk about this as to not give them attention but i feel bad for some of you miners here that don't understand whats going on and the current state of the board, don't take it so seriously though it's just stupid loser moid behaviour as always and you have other places online to talk in.
Anonymous 9273
>>9272Samefag. For example: lots of threads and replies on /feels/ about wanting to look younger and feeling ugly compared to other girls are by them because lots of these guys are obsessed with this idea of us hating younger girls for some reason. I just felt like pointing it out! Jannies don't delete this it may make real users that use this board more aware.
Anonymous 9279
>>9269You clearly have not if you are unable to follow one simple rule. Responding to them is literally adding fuel to a fire.
Anonymous 9280
>>9272Name and shame it, it's soyjak party and they have a dedicated page about CC on their wiki. Their booru is also full of soyjak edits of "average CC woman (the smug one with the hat in CC's default theme colors)", references, gross porn and the usual "muh trannies, no feeeemale would use an imageboard!!!"
Literally obsessed.
Anonymous 9289
luluco ehh.jpg

I really like this website, but the raiding is going on so frequent I might just leave this place and go somewhere else.
I'd like the discord server but honestly I don't really think I belong there either, so might as well try my luck somewhere else
Anonymous 9297
>>9289>but the raiding is going on so frequentreally? i didn't even notice.
Anonymous 9303
>>9297Right? I don't understand why miners care so much i'm still coming here.
Anonymous 9304
>>9297Same, might be a time zone thing? I'm in UTC+2 and usually browse CC in the evening. Last raid I saw was Soyscrote scat spam a couple of weeks ago.
Anonymous 9312
>>9303>>9304Perhaps nona wants to make an alternate community or wants one suggested to her.
Anonymous 9325
All of these scat posts has to be a fetish for whichever retarded unemployed troid is behind them. I can’t imagine manually going to a website I supposedly hate to post 5x a day. That’ll show them! How empowering! Peak unemployment.
To whichever scrote is behind this: I mean this from the deepest pits of my heart, kill yourself. Posting to our site won’t make you a woman. You know this deep down which is why you are so triggered, seek help, seek a therapist.
Anonymous 9326
There is scat in /x/.
Also, yesterday I was able to delete some spam. I'm guessing I use the same VPN as the scatophile.
Anonymous 9328
>>9325It was the troon, he admitted it at one point
Anonymous 9332
Ilegal content spam on /b/. Please delete asap.
Anonymous 9333
raid on /b/ (eastern european misogynists)
Anonymous 9338
>>3271Porn and raid on /b/. Please delete that shit as soon as possible. I reported it too.
Anonymous 9340
>>9338They're Polish. Why do moids from my country have to be so shitty? Porn-sick faggots.
Anonymous 9344
very sluggish and lazy raid on /b/
Anonymous 9364
>>9326>>9332>>9333>>9338>>9344>>9355miners stop pointing out raids, you fuel them further by doing this. use this thread to bump images instead
>>9272>>9280>>9325>>9340this is the exact attention they want
Mod 9375
Screenshot 2023-06…

>>9364Yep, he'll find the attention he's looking for. I think it's great that this troon warned, my contact at the federal police and interpol was very happy to know.
Anonymous 9378
How to report without having to click the nasty images?
Anonymous 9379
>>9378if you don't want to click from the front page, go to each board and find the thread that way
Anonymous 9380
>>9379Yes, but I'd still have to open the thread.