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Natural Contraception? Anonymous 10575

Is there any contraceptive method with no bad side effects? Everything seems no good and I want to attempt fertility awareness (tracking your cycle and only having sex on less fertile days). It is overwhelming but I am hoping it gets easier. I want to pair it with withdrawal. I know it is still risky and a meme method but I am not terrified of ending up pregnant tbh. Has anyone used this method?
P.S. sorry if this belongs in the health board, I was not sure.

Anonymous 10577

Is your moid refusing to wear condoms or something?

First of all, you should discuss this with your gynecologist or family planning or any professional, not an anonymous imageboard.

Other than that, as you said, monitoring your cycle is very likely to get you pregnant. If you're both fine with it, it's not necessarily the worst thing, but you should still get all the facts about all possibilities from a professional.

Anonymous 10580

copper implant. Two appointments. No chemicals. No hormones. Cheap. 99.9% effective and lasts for years.

Anonymous 10661

No…I'm the hormy one smdh. He doesn't care as long as I feel good. I will try to find someone but I guess there aren't many resources other than maybe catholic grandmas lol. If I used this method sex would be pretty rare.

Oh I forgot those existed, I will look into it.

Anonymous 10662

If you have a regular cycle then planning when to have sex is pretty easy, if you tend to have abnormal periods I wouldn't try this. I would also track your period and ovulation for a few months so you can know the regularity. Use ovulation strips and also pay attention to cervical mucous and other physical symptoms.
Know that you are only fertile for maybe 36 hours a month, but do not have sex like 5 days before this time period because sperm can survive for 5 days, sometimes 7.
If you use pullout method, make your moid piss before you have sex. The reason pullout can cause pregnancy is because sperm gets left behind in the urethra from previous ejaculations, precum doesn't actually contain sperm. Pissing helps flush out any sperm left behind.
Although you have to trust your moid to be able to pullout in time, and I think thats the biggest thing. If you do it once in a while in a pinch its probably not an issue, but every single time you have sex? That seems impractical.
Maybe if he won't wear a condom you could use a cervical cap or something.
Copper implants are not cheap, some can cost thousands, it really depends on your insurance. Copper implants can also make your periods worse. Its definitely one of the better methods out there though.

Anonymous 10689

It will be a very special occasion thing since we are for the most part satisfied with non-penetrative sex. My period can be odd sometimes and that does worry me (like it comes 2 days early sometimes). I trust my moid and he is more afraid of having babies than I am, if there are too many scares I'll just give up and avoid intercourse altogether. Oof on the copper implant period worsening, I already dread them as is. Thanks for the advice!

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