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Hentai Recommendation Anonymous 1063

So, recently I've started to read He Does a Body Good (Or Sweet Guy) and I am kinda addicted. The story is not the absolutely best, but it's engaging enough to keep me interested.

The art is really beautiful (pic related), and it doesn't have rape, incest, pee or even minors, so that's enough for me for a good hentai. The only thing I dislike are the scenes where the old ass CEO is having sex with younger women. I guess it's supposed to be gross and shocking, but still, they have it too often for my tastes.

Anyway not having extremely exagerated figures/angles/faces is also a plus, but that's more of a bonus then a necessity. Another bonus is to actually have a story lmao

Any recommendations on something like this?

Anonymous 1064


Samefagging to add, they even have a bit of femdom, which is a breath of fresh air in most hentais tbh, especially considering the plot of this one is literally a dude that can fuck whoever he wants just by touching them.

I wish they didn't have light saber dick though, but so is life

Anonymous 1065


I totally get what you mean which is why I can’t really get into hentai except for a select few. Read Ghost Love, it’s a Korean webcomic like Sweet Guy but with a more solid plot. It also features a lot of hot buff guys like pic related. The only negative is that it is also has light sabre dick lol.

Anonymous 1070

>doesn't have rape
The main characters power is making anyone want to have sex with him just by touching them.

If that doesn't sound like rape, replace "magic power he activates by touching" with "pill he activates by slipping into someones drink". Still feel like the same tone?

Anonymous 1089



That's a big reach, anon. He doesn't have control over it like as if he was drugging someone, the women he touches are always the ones that start the action, men also feel his powers (which he doesn't like, so it has drawbacks), and he even starts to question if he'll ever have a normal relationship with someone or if girls will just want him for his powers, which is another conflict. Also, the people feel good/aroused, it's not like they are hypnotized and immediately want to have sex with him, it's a build up. People can still deny him the sex. He could be using it left and right, but he doesn't. He doesn't even touch the girl who sleeps next to him so she can relieve her headaches. There's even a scene where the girl is heading upstairs and is self concious about her short skirt because he's behind her on the stairs, and he steps ahead of her not to make her embarrassed. Maybe I over simplied when I was explaining it.


Thanks for the recomendation, anon! I am not that much of a fan of buff guys, but the art seems nice, and having a good plot is good. I'll give it a shot and I guess I'll look for more korean hentai (or erotic stories? I guess? It feels more like an erotic book illustrated than a proper hentai tbqh)

Anonymous 1092

I'm just glad to see another person who read this. I wish I had another recommendation, but nothing comes close. I do casually read "please don't bully me nagatoro", but it's not that great. Not close to sweet guy, but it's sorta cute.

Anonymous 1093


Not an ongoing series but I'll recommend this oneshot - The Sound of Cleaning Brushes by Inoue Makito.
I often go for vanilla but this has the added bonus of really pretty art and the guy is every bit as detailed/cute as his partner.
Most hentai manga artists just cannot draw body fluids without them looking gross but it manages to make them more sensory?
The guy's dick is also censored but whatever.

Anonymous 1094



I just finished it, unfortunately.

Started it for the sex, stayed for the wholesomeness and the plot.

I really liked the ending and I feel like everything was wrapped up seeing the whomeless dude acquiring the powers and becoming rich was a great, funny plus, but I feel like it was kinda "rushed".

Now, not as rushed in "we just had to make this up so we can end this story", I do believe that's the end that was planned all along, but I feel like they wanted to play up with the harem premise a bit more before settling with one girl, but due to the health complications of the artist (bless his heart), they had to end it earlier. My suspicions became even stronger after the dream sequence with the salon girl, I feel like that was something that already had been draft for another chapter but they used it somewhere else as filler/not to waste all the work. Which is a shame if true, at some point I wanted to see more of HaeYon and the salon girl.

Anyway, 5/7 recommended. I am gonna read Ghost Love now and look for other cute/wholesome and sexy manwha/manga and I'll report back if they are any good.

Anonymous 1132

Do you actually want hentai or just softcore erotica? Cause that's all sweet guy is.
It's also Korean so technically not hentai, but that's just a nitpick -,-

Anonymous 1137

If you like femdom i would recommend sadistic beauty, but sadly it was discontinued after the whole lezhin controversy.

Anonymous 1238

>no minors

Anonymous 1697

Anonymous 1849

I like this art style.
Are there any more works similar to this? (I looked through what else the artist has, already) On the purer side of the spectrum, I mean.

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