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Is it normal to never think about sex? Anonymous 10639

I had my first boyfriend. He was 22, I was 16, and I have had sex with him until I broke up with him when I turned 18. I'm european here so it's legal.
Since then I haven't engaged or wanted to engage in anything intimate or sexual, except making out with 1 guy at a bar last summer that led nowhere.
I've never wanted, had the desire to, or attempted to masturbate either. Sex is very nice in my opinion but only with another person.
I'm 21 now, is this normal?

Anonymous 10640

I'd say it's normal, as long as you feel at least somewhat positive about sex in general you're fine.
BTW I think I only started genuinely enjoy sex right before my 30's. Give it time.

Anonymous 10641

Yes, asexuals do it all the time. Yet paradoxically they probably talk about sex more than sex-havers do.

really makes you think huh?

Anonymous 10642

it's not so strange,i think. being asexual is /not/ the norm after all.
same reason atheists talk more about religion than normie theists, or lifelong singles/childfree people talk a lot about their lifestyle choice because they have to constantly justify it to other people.

yes it's normal.

Anonymous 10643

I had sex for the first time when I was 20. I wasn't a prude, I just wanted to do it with the right guy. Now I kind of regret it even though I'm still dating him, idk why. I'm no longer interested in having sex in general. My sex drive has completely disappeared and I can't figure out why so that's why I think I regret it, like the mystery is gone and now I just don't care anymore to keep doing it. It really sucks for my bf too I bet, I've considered breaking up with him but dunno how that would go over with him. I've also just had a hard time becoming attached to people in general so that may be a part of it too

Anonymous 10644

I honestly feel the same way. It actually bums my bf out a lot so I try to find a middle grown. I masturbate here and there but that's about it. I think we see sex around too much and people get the false idea that because it's everywhere then everyone must be thinking about it everyday. I don't think that's true. Then again I read yaoi so lol

Anonymous 10645


I'm 21 and I'm a virgin. I've masturbated before, but very rarely. The first time I masturbated I was 18 out of curiosity, not really necessity like it seems to be for men. I don't really see why people are so obsessed with sex.

I've made out with several guys though, who I thought were attractive I guess and I don't feel anything. Making out with someone I like makes me feel happy b/c I care about them but I don't feel "lust" or a spark or whatever. I've never looked at a guy or girl and thought "wow they're sexy I'd love to tap that".

is this normal? did fanfiction and yaoi do this to me? It sucks because I just started seeing a guy and he talks about how sexy I am when we cuddle and make out but I always feel so awkward about what to say back because I don't see him as "sexy" even though I register him as attractive and my friends think he's hot.

Anonymous 10646

Do you get turned on by yaoi? Lol you sound like the genderbent version of that anon's bf who looks at hentai but can't/won't sleep with her.
Most likely you're asexual.

Anonymous 10647

Yaoi fanfiction turns me on, but I don't masturbate to it. Regular hetero/homo porn also turns me on. Making out with guys doesn't turn me on though, but it makes me feel warm inside if I care about them. Maybe because I haven't had sex yet and I don't associate kissing with anything sexual.

I doubt I'm asexual, I'll find out when I'm comfortable enough with someone I trust to have sex.>>10646

Anonymous 10648

This is your biology, men and women have a bit different baselines. In a lot of other mammalian animals, the males are flashier, and compete or hunt for mates. The females must in turn be choosy to produce good offspring. Guys are subconsciously driven to mate, us girls are more discerning with a partner rather than the act of mating itself.

Anonymous 10649

The only thing that gives me doubt is the concept of someone being sexy or "wanting to rip them apart" as my friend says. Do girls actually feel lust for hot celebrities and shit? I feel like I have to pretend that I think people are sexy to be normal when I've never thought that about anything other than 2D fags in my life.

Anonymous 10650

Some people are undoubtedly hornier than others, there's passive analysis and active analysis. You can look at someone and decide if they're attractive or not, regardless of your mood, but if you're horny and there's someone really attractive you're looking at, then there's that "rip them apart" description.

Anonymous 10651


Hm. Could it also be you're just not sexually attracted to men you "should" find attractive?
For example I've seen men who are conventionally attractive, see pic related, that I can't see as sexual beings. When I was a young teen I pretended I had crushes who fit the mold, but it was so far from sexual lmao.
Then I found my type and holy shit. It's a very specific look, but when a guy fits it I want to strip him immediately and do everything possible with his body.

Maybe you just haven't found that yet, even at 21. Any lust when looking at atypical men (fat, petit, deformed face, missing limbs, femboys, etc.)?

Being discerning doesn't stop you from wanting to fuck cuties on first sight, anon. Some of us are horny bitches.
who are sadly also virgins at 21.

Anonymous 10652

Being a product of the internet, I have seen pictures of all kinds of men/women. I have never saw one and thought wow I wanna fuck that guy/girl. I have thought "aww he's so heart wrenchingly cute" but that's about it. I call my bf cute all the time but I think that it's bad for his self esteem for me not to call him sexy or hot. I just can't say "god you're so sexy" convincingly…

Anonymous 10653

A/S/L? :^) - jackass dude
Yeah, if your drive isn't running it may not really inspire any feeling, that's normal.

Anonymous 10654

thanks for making me feel normal, happy new year

Anonymous 10655

>who are sadly also virgins at 21.

Slightly OT, but people need to understand that being a 21 year old virgin is NOT the end of the world. You may be older than the average non-virgin, but you're still young enough to lose your v-card without any problems and being stared at (in the sense people will think you're a weirdo). I lost mine in my mid-20's and things ended up fine, and I felt I was fucked at the time, so why won't you? Chill the fuck out and enjoy the ride until you finally have sex, 21 year olds!

Anonymous 10656

Also, consider how well you did not getting pregnant with someone who runs off's child. I see so many 21, 20, 22 year old single mothers in my area, I have no idea how they're going to manage their lives. You don't have to wait until marriage, in fact I would recommend analyzing your sexual compatability before tying the knot (my parents didn't and the romance quickly evaporated, although they remained friends before starting a business together and then divorcing), and I feel/read/hear that keeping the flame lit as long as you can helps keep you two together. However, might not be a good idea to fuck everything that moves, either, some bonding hormone or something gets ruined after way too many partners or something like that.

Anonymous 10657

It's mostly just sad since I'm so eager to have a bf rather than because of judgement. If I had no sex/romance drive I'd be a proud future spinster.
are you a small brown guy?

Anonymous 10658

Nay. If I see a guy I knew in HS again though, I'll send him here.

Anonymous 10659

It’s not nice to go against the rules

But happy new year

Anonymous 10660

You might be asexual, try exploring yourself a bit more

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