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Anonymous 10780

How would you react if your bf got kissed by another girl?

Anonymous 10781

If someone smooched my husband? Pure rage and violence. Both for the hussie and the husband who failed to dodge their advance. He'd be eating a bowl of naga chillies with a glass of hot sauce by sundown. He'd either finish the bowl or pass out. I don't care which. The hussie would just get my hardest slap. second offense I'm rubbing tabasco in her eyes.

Anonymous 10783

Murder. I already hate his ex gfs so much, I hate the fact he existed and had a life before me, I hate it so much. If that happened I seriously don't think I could handle it. I really don't.

Anonymous 10784

I went to a birthday party with his first girlfriend and she leaned over the back of the couch to kiss him. I had to watch him react like it was me trying to steal a kiss, then realise it was her. I still can't be sure, because I don't want to tempt fate by looking up porn, but I might be into cucking.

In my mind: Storm over, tear her fucking eyes out rip off scraps of scalp as I drag her out the door.

In reality: Turn bright red and splotchy, sit down and just watch her, then leave quietly when she laughed at me for staring.

Watching that interaction in my mind on slow motion over and over again of him smiling, touching her fingers on his chest, taking her hair in his hand and closing his eyes to kiss her is an intrusive thought that always makes my heart race, the bottom of my stomach drop out and causes a little niggle at the back of my mind that says "were you angry at her, or just anxious to see if he'd kiss her back?". He didn't kiss her back and reacted with anger, so I hope I'll never know.

Anonymous 10786

I would kill
I would KILL

Anonymous 10791

>cut contact with bf on the spot without even thinking about it either way
If the girl was somebody who didn't know me/ didn't know he was with me
>Never speak to them but do nothing
If the girl knew
>Lots of hitting.

Anonymous 10792

I honestly don't know.
On one side, I would be pretty fucking pissed. If he did his best to dodge or tried to get away, I would probably want to get physical with her. If he's playing along, I'd be genuinely hurt.
HOWEVER… I'd be lying if I said I don't find it kind of arousing. It's hard to explain, but I've fantasized about him having sex with other women (mostly celebrities). In my fantasies, I usually watch or participate too. But I don't know if I'd like it IRL.

Anonymous 10801

i already hate his ex gfs and i'm unhealthily obsessed with being better than all of them.
depending on how he reacts, i would either only attack her or both of them.

Anonymous 10804

I'm not sure anymore because I'm starting to think all guys will cheat/be tempted to cheat so I don't know anymore. Sort of feel numb to it. Might stay single forever.

Anonymous 10805

>i'm unhealthily obsessed with being better than all of them.
God, I wish I didn't relate. And it doesn't even make sense because he was the one who left her.

Anonymous 12341

Send shit to her doorstep.

Anonymous 12430

my bf literally asked some art hoe (who is not actually a hoe but a femncel autist) if she would draw him naked. and she was like yeah sure. and later he was like i wasn't serious, it was a joke.

still hung up about that. gross af

Anonymous 12433

Not sure why you think it's gross. Back in university I did a lot of life drawings, I'd draw naked people at least once a week.

Anonymous 12435

Not her. This is a man who joked about sexualizing himself for/with a femcel autist specifically because it is not normal and is inappropriate, weird and out of place for him to do so given his own whatevers, and projected that sense of impropriety onto her so his actions can and should be interpreted as deliberate sexual cruelty. There's a gross undercurrent to it and she's right to feel wronged.

Anonymous 12438

I would run over and beat the shit out of that skank

Anonymous 12469

she’s getting a boot to her chest

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