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Catching oral herpes or STDs Anonymous 10841

Did anyone here catch a disease, or something like oral herpes from a boyfriend? How did it make you feel? How did it change your life? What do you do to cope with it? For those who didn't catch anything, do you think you can handle it if you did ever catch something? I see some people saying that oral herpes is not a big deal, but what do you think about that?

Anonymous 10847

those who say that oral herpes is nbd are coping

Anonymous 10849

I caught herpes from my first girlfriend. She refused to so much as finger me, while I pleasured her daily, then broke up with me when I broke out with a mass of sores over my right eye. It temporarily blinded me because my eye couldn't open at all, and required emergency injections to stop its spread to my left eye. It turns out she was having unprotected sex with her mother's landlord and I narrowly avoided chlamydia.

Anonymous 10854

Almost all adults have it though and it just gives you a sore that heals in a week. If anyone from your family kissed you as a kid it's pretty much guaranteed you have it.

Anonymous 10856

I think I would rather have chlamydia because at least chlamydia is curable with antibiotics, herpes isn't.
Not guarenteed, that is an exaggeration but yeah most people have it.
They leave herpes out of a lot of STD panels because its so common and not worth the anxiety of knowing because it will just stay dormant in so many people.
I don't think this is right, but still.

Anonymous 10857


My dentist cut a lump off of my tongue, sent it to a lab, and the lab said it was HPV. But I know that I bite my tongue a lot, and I think it's just a lump of scar tissue from biting my tongue. I'm certain I don't have anything like HPV downstairs, cause I've only ever been fingered or used clean toys by myself. I have given head though… Nothing has re-grown on my tongue, cause I started wearing a mouth guard to not bite my tongue. I don't feel motivated to look into it further, cause I never touch anyone these days anyhow. If I ever kiss or lick anyone, I'll wear a fucking dental damn over my entire head, rather than be a fucking plague vector.

Anonymous 10858

Dentists are a joke, just wanted a reason to charge your insurance. Fuck dentists, fuck big dental.

Anonymous 10859

>Almost all adults have it though
What about virgins?

Anonymous 10860

You can get it just from someone kissing you so yeah even virgins can have it.

Anonymous 10867


Virgins can have Herpes Simplex virus type 1, which causes mouth lips sores, but it's still not clear if only Herpes Simplex type 2 causes genital problems.

Is it possible for HSV-1 to cause genital herpes?

Yes. Oral herpes caused by HSV-1 can spread from the mouth to the genitals through oral sex. This is why some cases of genital herpes are due to HSV-1.

So basically saliva, kisses, and mouth on genitals you risk transmitting and receiving HSV-1, while genitals on genitals contact is about HSV-2.

So the only 100% safe way to not catch either is to avoid kisses on the mouth, shared saliva, and only hands on genitals. Without any little cuts on the skin.


Anonymous 10869

Can't even just kisses on the cheek cause it too?

Anonymous 10872


Does the type of kiss matter? Nope. Full-on tongue action, a peck on the cheek, and every other kind of kiss in between can spread herpes.


Anonymous 10942

What about khhv?

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