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Did anyone else have a hard time stopping thinking about their ex in a sexual way? Anonymous 10916

We broke up like 1 year ago but sometimes I find myself a little horny when I remember sexual experiences I had with him and also i've lost my virginity with him. I still find that he is very handsome and has a thick penis even though he is a complete jerk.
My ex looked like the guy in the pic.
This is unhealthy?

Anonymous 10921

Me too… i’m going to sound awful for this but I still haven’t been able to force myself to delete his nudes. I can’t stomach looking at them, but the thought of his body and our experiences turn me on so much. No other man is going to be that generous during sex so I stick to my fantasies.
It’s probably only unhealthy if you can only get off to thoughts of him this long after the breakup.

Anonymous 10922

>Me too… i’m going to sound awful for this but I still haven’t been able to force myself to delete his nudes.
This is gonna be my biggest ever confession that I've made even on this site. It's gonna make me sound beyond awful. I haven't deleted my dead ex's nudes either. He killed himself and I'm still not over it years later (even though my life has changed by then). I don't know. After seeing your post I felt like maybe saying it too in the void of the internet. Hope it'll make you feel less awful about yourself because keeping a dead ex's nudes like I do is just morally so much worse.

Anonymous 10925

Holy shit. I just feel sad reading that. I really can’t blame you, not wanting to lose one of your last connections to him sounds like a very real way to grieve, even years later. I’d honestly do the exact same. I hope things are looking up for you

Anonymous 10926

I literally have a whole folder dedicated to anything related to him, even if it's vaguely so (such as stuff relating to his friends or his life in general). The nudes and more lewd photos are sort of related to him in the end so that's why I keep them, because I don't want to lose him a "second time" by losing access to my archives. I've also tried to archive some chatlogs I had with him on skype but I'm not sure how successful I was at this because it's in a weird file format. It has been 5 years now anyway and although I've "moved on" I can only say that one never truly fully recovers from a loss like this. At least that's how I feel.

Anonymous 10928

I’m so sorry nona. I truly wish you the best <3

Anonymous 10930

thank you for your kindness <3

Anonymous 14516

I'm on the same boat. He is dickhead but was also weirdly sweet and actually cared for me when I had anxiety attacks and other mental illness shit going on. He is thick and uncut down there which has ruined everyone else for me. I do not need him back in my life, but my gosh. He also really loved to lick me and never cared if I was hairy or not which was a bonus. I don't think I'll find one like him again.

Anonymous 14519

I just got done watching a video of an ex and I feel guilty that I liked it so much.

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