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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Tutorials/Tips for a Clueless Virgin Anonymous 10968

Hey anons, I know sex isn't a "performance" but I want to feel less clueless and awkward when I'm intimate w my bf. I've watched some BJ/HJ "tutorials" on pornhub but I'm wondering if there are other things I could watch or read to get good. I know I'm cringe.

Anonymous 10969

The Venn Diagram of /nsfw/ posters is a circle labeled "near-virgins" intersecting a circle labeled "lesbians."
Best of luck.

Anonymous 10970


Anonymous 10980

Forget trying to "get good", just tell him what YOU like. Men love being able to fulfill your desires and fantasies. All you have to do is vocalize your enjoyment (not excessively either)

Anonymous 10981

You can't figure it all out ahead of time, ask him to tell you what he likes and stuff. Practice.

Anonymous 10982

stop caring about what men like

Anonymous 11007

your bf should think its sweet and want to make your first time enjoyable and be understanding of your inexperience. A lot of men even find this attractive. If he is going to be judgemental instead of caring why are you with him?
>porn "tutorials"
Do not you will get such a warped idea of what sex is.

Anonymous 11063

Uh, do not use those videos as an example of expectation or even visual guide. You should just ask beforehand what you’d like to do and act that out or take it slow organically. I didn’t know what to do with my bf but it went from kissing, to petting, to getting more intimate. Also cuddles after.

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