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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 11161

what is it with this trend of moids liking anal more than vaginal? like it seems overnight ass eating became the new trendy thing and every shithead moid expects anal to the same frequency as vaginal, are they gay or what?

Anonymous 11163

It's because anal usually hurts for women, so men find it degrading (and they like hurting women too)

Anonymous 11189


In the movie 120 Days of Sodom, one of the fascists that captures the teenagers is a gay man that has reckless unhinged sex with a bunch of underaged boys but when it comes to the teenage girls he refuses to do them vaginally and only ever does anal with them, because of how disgusted he is with the idea of giving women even the tiniest hint of pleasure. If this isn’t telling enough of how anti-pleasure anal is meant to be for women in the eyes of men then I don’t know what else to tell you

Anonymous 11216

I don't understand men. They are out here claiming to be superior for having a dick, and then they go and stick it in an asshole… If I were a man I could never. I'd appreciate my dick enough not to stick it in a literal shit hole

Anonymous 11217


Sadism is the new normal. The only thing left to do is beat them at them at their own game. They don’t blink at hurting women, so why should we feel bad for them when they suffer?

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