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Can anyone here not masturbate to real people they want to date? Anonymous 11179

Like, I can get off to everything except her. Don’t get me wrong, she’s cute and I think about her constantly, even sexually, but I just can’t orgasm. I think part of it is guilt.

Pic unrelated.

Anonymous 11183

This was a problem I had too. I had a crush on a girl IRL recently and I couldn't bring myself to masturbate or sexually fantasize about her, but if I have a crush on a fictional female character or make up a person for the sake of a fantasy, I have no issues. Sexual guilt can psychologically impact orgasm, so that's probably why.

Anonymous 11419

Yes! I'm the same. I can't think sexually about someone I find beautiful. Makes dating difficult.

Anonymous 11452

Are you all lesbians?
Is it just madonna-whore

Anonymous 11495

No. I've got a different, but related, problem. I masturbated so much to any crush that I have ever had. In the occasional cases when I end up dating, and having sex with that person; it's fantastic, but never even close to as good as the fantasy.

So, you've got that going for you. That when you do have sex with your crush, assuming that you do orgasm, it'll automatically be more physically pleasurable than your self-care session.

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