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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 1133

Bad sex stories thread?
I’ll start with the one that made me realize I might just be gay and not bi.

>be me

>questioning sexuality (was gold-star up to this point)
>hook up with some 7/10 guy on tinder, cute face tho
>go back to my place after dinner
>after some decent foreplay I go to get some lotion from the bathroom b/c we decided on a handjob
>get back to my bedroom
>guy took his pants off while I was gone
>his sweaty ass is covered completely in what looks like curly orange tarantula hair
>it’s all over my bed
>primal instincts and adrenaline kick in
>actually scream “NO!!!!!”
>lift his ass up like those moms that lift up cars to save their trapped baby
>run and get aluminum foil
>stick it under his ass so it doesn’t touch my bed
>jerk him off while frowning and staring angrily into his soul the entire time
>use his shirt to wipe his nut from his stomach
>kick him out

i can’t get that image of the swampy jungle ass out of my head. i washed my sheets like ten times since and sometimes i still smell the phantom ass sweat. i never went to sleep with a man again

Anonymous 1134

>you still jerked him off after that

Anonymous 1136

This is why i would never ever hook up with somebody i don't thoroughly know.

How can people even think of sleeping with someone whose hygiene habits you don't know?

And don't even get me started on people that can just have a one night stand with somebody they just met at the club, people are so gross.

Anonymous 1141

leprechaun butt ha…

You found a leprechaun on Tinder?

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