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incel adjacent imageboards Anonymous 11405

hi guys
do any of you know any relatively small femcel/incel adjacent imageboards out there? i made the dumb mistake of compromising my anonymity to someone on r9k, and i ended up being pushed out by their ingroup. i really really need somewhere to vent, i don't know where else to go because this person's literally fucking on every site and board. i tried endchan's /r9k/ board, discord servers, and im pretty sure they're on wizchan too. i really just need somewhere to vent but it's hard finding imageboards that are relatively small and incel adjacent that he doesn't message me on (sending me personal info about myself, detailed quotes i've said in the past, and other info i only shared to him). i just need somewhere online with an incel adjacent community, anywhere that's small and relatively unknown. but any suggestions will help, so please let me know.

also, i didn't post this on relevant boards because i'm pretty sure they would find my post there too because i mentioned i used cc to him. mods please just delete my post instead of moving it to another board if you find you have to.

Anonymous 11406

>speaking to a moid about CC

keep lurking, youll find something.

lurk moar is always the answer. sad to say but no one will spoonfeed you. theres been plenty of threads about alternative sites on the other boards if you simply looked.

Anonymous 11407

a lot of them end up being not incel adjacent, hence the thread title. i end up feeling like i don't relate to the the userbase and our life experiences don't really align, or it's heavily censored.

just any community with esoteric (not really the word but you know what i mean) views on social behavior. thank you for the suggestion anyways, i'll try looking around more.

Anonymous 11413


stop using imageboards, if you can't keep up your anonymity these places are not for you. Find yourself female friends. Ik discord sucks but you're better off in a small private female only server. Or just hobby related spaces that have nothing to do with incelish self loathing and non-stop whining that comfort you in your sadness. Also why speak to incel moids in the first place? I understand that sometimes women can be curious and want to play with fire but please just avoid these people in general. They're literally wastes of time and energy. He's fucked up for doing this to you and should rope himself. I hope you'll find peace nona, but I would hiiighly suggest you stop using IBs, at least give it a few years. I don't want to sound harsh on you but it's very sad and frustrating that this psycho is doing that to you. I can assure you there's a lot of spaces with cool women outside of IBs that can accompany you and help you with your need for venting and connection. Just don't lose hope and take care of yourself. Lurking IBs will just trigger you anxiety and feed your paranoia because you'll end up seeing that moid in literally everypost. And I'm afraid it might become a vicious cycle that can extend to your real life. Trust me, I'm paranoid, my paranoia has gone from friendships to daily life. Also, I'm not saying paranoia cannot be justified, there's legitimate reasons for it (after all this guy is after you, judging from your posts) but I don't want it to end up incapacitating all your life. Don't let him win over you with fear. He is nothing, he is a worm, he will die painfully and will regret everything he has done because he is a piece of shit failure moid. (I know saying these things can sound ridiculous but it can help calm your brain and feel like your regain some sense of control on the situation. See it a bit like a mantra)
I also wanna add that if we assume that you completely dissapear from the internet (from his point of view) and saturate any info about you (and the like) he'll eventually completely lose track of you and just abandon his endeavors. I wish the best for you and hope you will escape this psychopath. Sorry if the begining of my post appeared harsh to you, I don't want to make you feel guilty about it.

Anonymous 11416

i know you mean well but i grew up on incel forums and imageboards. it's not conventional but it provides a sense of identity and belonging. not everyone has that or can just adapt quickly at the rate he pushed me out. i'm still searching but i feel alone and ostracized more than i've felt in a while, i don't have an irl group to fall back on except for one person.
sorry, i know you mean well though. thanks for the suggestions.

Anonymous 11420


You do not need to hang around toxic spaces to feel a sense of belonging and identity. People that make imageboards and internet meme culture their whole personnality are a pain to be around and usually do not end up giving you any meaningful connection in the end. (Because yes, in the end, incels are quite literally just a meme and contributing to that community is deluding yourself into believing this meme alongside people that believe in this meme). Just because the toxicity feels familiar (therefore soothing in a way) doesn't mean it's not actively harming you. I don't want you to go through the harsh realisation that you've been spending all your time around unhappy and abusive people when you could've been focusing on yourself more. Maybe what you're experiencing is a form of self harm. Self harm isn't just the sterotypical cutting your wrist thing, it can also be behavioral such as putting yourself in negative or abusive situations. I don't even want to tell you to go seek therapy because it'll just make me sound condenscending and ignorant of your personal situation; especially since therapy is expensive and a luxury only some can afford. If you can afford therapy, definitely consider it; but if you can't, I wholeheartedly understand. I'll still give you basic advice to hopefully help you regain more control for yourself and your life on a personal level. Pick up a hobby, try something new. The internet is so full of ressources much more interesting and self fulfilling than talking about celibacy and self loathing all day (and considering it as part of your identity/personnality). I draw, I do music even though I'm disabled which makes me not hear everything like normal-hearing people do. It doesn't stop me from trying to enjoy the hobby. I listen to music too, I love discovering new songs. I like reading wikipedia pages, I like gathering information. I like anime and manga too, I read a lot of visual novels. It's silly things, but they're fun. I also enjoy collecting, I enjoy photography. I notice that creative hobbies help with dealing with complicated feelings (of any kind). So it is both fun and therapeutic. Even collage can help, you can do those with free software now.
But please, distance yourself from these harmful people. They do not bring anything meangingful to your life and I truly mean it. I've tried to interact with incels in the past, all they do is bring you stress and make you hate being a woman. Surround yourself with nice things that actually fulfill you, there is no pressure. Just let things be fun for yourself. I don't even mean it in a toxic positivity way. In places you truly belong you'd get to vent about your feelings and the things that bother you without the fear of people stalking you and belitteling you. You would actually feel like venting is liberating. You wouldn't have to post to a hidden board on an already obscure IB for help. (I know you'll say cc isn't that obscure, but in the grand scheme of countless internet websites, it is.). I love exploring the internet and other website, the internet isn't just IBs (and it isn't just mobile apps and the 4 big websites everyone uses). So believe me when I say there's many more tiny communities out there that are much more comfy and helpful. Of course they're not the easiest to find, but finding them is its own little fun if you enjoy browsing the internet (because I do). Either way, I'll stop my long ass post here. I just resonate with your situation a lot and I truly hope the best for you nona.

Anonymous 11439

how did u grow up in these spaces yet fail to remain anon as if ur a normie or tourist..do u have autism or something :/ these spaces dont require u to create an acc so wtf are u saying and doing thats allowing this guy to so easily find u lol. maybe u should try reddit or something where people love to leave details about their lives all over the place.

Anonymous 11443

I'm not poster >>11417 but I can relate.

I'm older now but a few years ago, I started lurking femcel spaces such as r/femcels and then r/trufemcels. When both got taken down when, I moved to r/vindicta. I was obsessed with "looksmaxxing" which means looking better.

I was very unpopular to high school and didn't have any guys who were into me. Looking back, I was so insecure, in addition to being an awkward teen. I also had really high social anxiety and really poor hygiene due to being abused at home, depression and overall self-loathing.The self-loathing never ends. I found crystal cafe the last week of 2023. I love the anonymity it provides me. I also got sucked into a looksmaxx website and I'm now getting addicted to 4chan.

I've had like 2-3 reddit accounts that I've had to bounce from because I ruined my anonymity and became paranoid because of it. I was also part of some femcel discords. I would be mortified to know anyone in real life found me on these spaces. Growing up a lonely, insecure teenager on the internet, these forums/subreddits gave me the connection I craved in real life without having to face the embarrassment of telling anyone in real life that I was struggling. I had really bad social anxiety at the time.

In addition to all of this, I am generally very paranoid so I try to keep a low profile on the internet. I judge people who post all of their business online but I do the same, but just on message boards and online forums. I do. however, have some big regrets about this. I posted some compromising and personal information about myself on a forum that doesn't let people delete their posts, even if they are banned by the site. This means that my very personal posts that I posted at like 16 will remain up. I used to be very depressed about this and even considered taking my own life at one point due to it.

Social media is a trip.

Anonymous 11444

Samefag, just adding to say that they should teach internet safety to children. I don't believe social media will get any safer. My children definitely will have limited access to the internet or none at all until they are a certain age. Message boards led to me picking up verbiage that I never used to use and overall becoming they type of person I used to hate.

On the other hand, lurking certain image boards made me less of a femcel, because it helped me realize that men and women do have some things in common.

Anonymous 11775

"into a looksmaxx website"
isnt .org a male only site?

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