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Anonymous 11497

I want a pet moid. I want him to wear just a shock collar and to keep him locked up in a kennel when I'm not home. If he tries to fight me, I'll use his remote to zap him. I've gotten off to Chris Hemsworth being electrocuted in Thor Ragnarok countless times-I love the idea of winning instantly and putting him back in his place if he ever forgets who's in charge.
I would always keep him on a tight leash, desperate for my approval to get rewarded and not get a shock. I would gaslight him, reinforce submissive behavior with treats, and when we go for walks he would get dog booties to wear on his hands and feet.
He would be addicted to being a good dog. I would make him only finish when he's on all fours at my feet and if I catch him jerking off when he's not allowed, he gets a shock and gets the chastity cage. If he wants it off, he has to really beg.
I'm sorry I have brainrot.

Anonymous 11498

seems like a lot of work

Anonymous 11499


Yes, I wanna an unrealistic ~golden retriever anime guy~, an uncomplicated happy go lucky guy, who doesn't need my emotional labor and always is happy by being with me, is attentive and preservative, even if I don't directly reciprocate clearly that I like him (Yes, I know, sometimes I'm emotionally stupid, and I want him to deal with it)

Anonymous 11675

>new uni friend invites me to her birthday party
>meet one of her friends
>he's 6'2 and very powerfully built
>has a loud, deep voice and just commands attention from people around him
>gives me his huge coat to keep me warm
>he's a little socially awkward so people have to remind him not to cut people off in conversation
>talking about pain tolerance
>friend has a shock collar her mother gave her, but she refused to use on her dog
>people try it and instantly tear it off
>her friend tries it
>he can take more than most, but still hates it
>forget about it and play some games
>he bets big and loses
>give him the choice between drinking from the discards bucket full of random beverages or wearing the collar
>feel a little tingle run through me as I tighten the collar around his neck
>start giving him little shocks when he talks over someone, just as a joke
>graduate to giving him orders and shocking him to comply
>it's all in good humour…of course
>actually sad when he has to go home
>go home later and can't sleep
>realise how incredibly turned on I am
>can't find any porn or erotica that fills that niche
>just let him go because I'm an awkward virgin and could never translate my dom urges into seduction

Anonymous 11676

Write it yourself, nona.

Anonymous 11684

Manifesting this into reality
>find his private instagram
>request to follow, instantly accepted
>ask him how he felt in his collar
>don't even read his response
>"Maybe you should try it on again just to be sure, Moid."
>"typo lol"
>same day deliver a shock collar to his place for him
>give him instructions to put it on, start telling him to do dog tricks
>he says no at first so I tell him to shock himself
>his next response is a picture of him sitting on all fours
>"Good boy" I tell him
>tell him to stay like that as I drive over
>he opens the front door for me, and he's taken the collar off
>accept his offer for coffee and sit on his couch
>he moves to sit down next to me and I try to muster up my most dominant voice as I tell him "No. On the floor."
>he looks at me bewildered before sitting on the floor in front of me
>"Where's our collar? I didn't give you permission to take it off."
>make him crawl on all fours to go get it, this time I put it on him
>time passes
>I've trained him to have an alternate dog persona when his collar is on
>I keep him in a kennel if he stays overnight at my place, making him finish at least twice so he falls asleep quickly in his kennel
>admits to me he's becoming more anxious when I don't answer his texts and puts his collar on when he feels lonely, as per my grooming
>he has to hump my leg instead of jerking off
>he has to lay on my lap if he gets on the couch
>stops shaving his face, start shaving his balls
>go through his phone while he eats the meal I prepped for him, pepperoni and bread crumps with pasta sauce and cheese, off the floor
>working up to a chastity cage next because I know he jerks off to regular porn when I'm not around
>I'm able to be rough with him and collar him if he ever starts being annoying
>make him go to work plugged sometimes and come home begging for permission to jerk off
I've only ever met weirdmoids and incels who would agree to this and I won't settle for that.

Anonymous 11685

Your plan is something that would be like a 24/7 commitment so it makes sense that it won't attract the most balanced people. Personally, I wouldn't mind such a dynamic in the bedroom and around it, but I wouldn't want it to be the defining factor of a relationship.

Anonymous 11807

He submits too easily in your fantasy for it to be realistic. Even men who are into femdom tend to be shy about it at first and have to cope in their head by passing it over as a "joke". The only ones who would submit this quickly are extremely pornsick moids

Anonymous 11919

this reads like a copypasta, desperately trying not to burst out in laughter

Anonymous 11926

I have never had any kind of sexual feeling for a friend, but we were buying fish food at a pet store and I jokingly put a dog collar on him. I was suddenly flushed and wanted to touch him. When he knelt down to reach under a shelf, I had this flash of fantasy about him kneeling naked on my bedroom floor, tongue out to service me as I yanked on his leash. What the fuck is happening to me?

Anonymous 11928

>What the fuck is happening to me?
Looks like you have a new fetish.

Anonymous 11931

There are loads of guys into this but they're mostly fat/ugly/troons
You can find them in chastity communities (like Chaster) pandering to female dommes (who are usually in their 30s and 40s)

Anonymous 11934


Yes but it's hot when they're young or at least handsome, not when they're ugly and troon-like

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