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crystal dildos & yoni eggs Anonymous 11524

Has anyone tried crystal dildos or crystal yoni eggs? (for very lonely miners)

Anonymous 11570

don't stick that in your vag

Anonymous 11572

Don't do this, nona - it's a very good way to get a rock stuck up your hoo ha. Just buy a proper silicone dildo with a base or a bullet vibrator with a cable like everyone else.

Anonymous 11592

I know yoni eggs can get stuck (like menstrual products) but they usually have 2 holes inside them to attach a string, like in tampons. I wouldn't rely on the string though so eggs are out of the question.
What's so bad about the dildos though? It's not like the vagina is endless or really long like your colon, the vagina ends at the cervix and is usually up to 15 cm long so if you use a dildo that's longer or around that length it could be fine?
The reason I don't want silicone dildos is that they all look like fucking dicks. Really hard to find a shapeless blob like I want and the crystals just look better.

Anonymous 11593

Why does it need to be crystal though? Do you need to balance the spiritual energies of your vagina? Glass seems like the safer option.

Anonymous 11605

there are plenty that are just boring plain cylinders if that's your preference

Anonymous 11606

it isn't safe to put a random crystal in your hooha. plus very hard dildos aren't as enjoyable as you might think

Anonymous 11608

don't do it nona, it'll mess with your aura, and everyone at your local tai-chi class will know why it's like that, it's very embarrassing.

Anonymous 11609


I've heard of adjusting your feng shui, but this is ridiculous!

Anonymous 11615

Hard to find them in silicone sadly without resorting to ordering from another country with fees, delivery times and stuff. Even furry shit is easier to buy, it's ridiculous
Never tried a dildo, why won't they be as enjoyable as softer ones? Though I think it'll be better for me to start with a softer one since they'd compress inside unlike hard ones.
Glass ones are pretty but seem scary to use (probably leftover trauma from 1 guy 1 jar)
I am an /x/ poster but idk why it'd be bad for the aura (either way I'm not looking to change my vibrations or stuff)

Anonymous 11682

Crystal breaks and a shard goes up, no good

Anonymous 11922

don’t use anything made of any kind of crystal for putting inside your vagina.
because of their structure, even though they’re polished, there are always going to be corners and edges all over the surface that can cause micro-cuts and even flake off while inside.
it’s not particularly dangerous, but it’s not good for you.
use cast borosilicate instead.
glass is amorphous and doesn’t have this issue

Anonymous 12681

You will get diseases in your pussy by doing this. Crystals are porous and cannot be sterilized. Use a rubber dildo for gods sake- they make ones that don’t look like penises if that’s the issue.

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