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how to get laid? Anonymous 11792

I've been WAY too horny for the past year or so. I recently underwent a glow-up just to catch the attention of hot moids and went from average to beautiful (I get the staring and unprompted compliments from randos and all that now), but the thing is I'm socially retarded lol. if I find a guy hot, I typically just fantasize about him from afar and try to hide the fact that I'm attracted. I'm honestly so tired of this like I just want someone to fuck. so how does the process of getting laid work, like what steps does it entail? moids online say that it's sooo easy for women to get laid and I don't get it

Anonymous 11811

If you're getting unprompted compliments, just wait until you receive one from a cute moid. and when you do, return it with a compliment.
Bam, easy convo starter.
The fact that hes complimenting you is a good sign that he's single. From there getting his number/other contact would be as simple as asking for it. Then just meet him a few places and then fuck.

Anonymous 11918

tinder? I feel like men irl would be harder game, tinder you can just be upfront with what you want.

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