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Anonymous 11831

How do I get my moid to give me oral while I work (at home)?

Anonymous 11832

The question is why is he not doing it already?

Anonymous 11833

I'm shy LMAO

Anonymous 11835

Have you asked him? Does he like eat you out?

Anonymous 11836

You're the breadwinner, he should know his place and do it without you asking.

Anonymous 11837

I didn't ask him about doing it while I work yet, but he eats my pus like a champ in the bedroom.
He probably doesn't because he's very respectful, he thankfully knows "implied/non-verbal consent"=rape, also true that I'm the breadwinner, but he mainly cleans as we mostly eat out(but he makes killer pierogies tho, like his grandma taught him).

Anonymous 11838

>but he mainly cleans as we mostly eat out
Well, he's clearly not eating out enough.

Anonymous 11839

Anonymous 11840

Then just ask him

Anonymous 11841

I'm shy tho, I can be dominant but still, this would be something new and "out there".

Anonymous 11842

Do you ever tease him outside the bedroom? If so, what's his reaction?

Anonymous 11843

What kind of dynamic would you want it to have?

Anonymous 11844

Yes, I tease him a lot, I especially like to slap his ass out of nowhere, also one time while he was scrubbing the floor with an sponge, I just used him as an chair because he was on his knees anyway lol. But sometimes I get shy too.
"Secretary" sub ~

Anonymous 11845

Does he react positively to it? Like, does he clearly like it, or even gets hard, even if he's flustered or shy? If so, it will be really easy to enact your plan. Is he used to kissing your body outside the bedroom? If not, start by encouraging that. Back, hands, legs, belly etc…

Anonymous 11846

With him being the secretary sub?

Anonymous 11847

Yes, he quite likes it. But he gets bashful about sex quickly, probably because he grew up in an catholic household.

Anonymous 11848

Well, it's pretty easy. While you're working, ask him to make you a coffee. Then ask him to bring you a cookie. Then drop your pen under the table and ask him to pick it up. Then say "while you're here…". You can imagine how it goes from there. You can frame this either as teasing or bossy depending on how you want it.

Anonymous 11849


Just ask, I asked my bf to eat me out while playing video games and it's the reason for half of my video game deaths now

Anonymous 11850

While I do think that this lifestyle is based in theory and fiction, I don't think it would be wise to mix business and pleasure in real life like that
Case in point

Anonymous 11851

You ask. You don't need to trick him into doing it or set up elaborate porn film scenarios where you're dropping pens or leaning over a countertop and wiggling your tush in his face - I mean, you can do that if you want to, but it's unnecessary.

In my experience, any moid willing to go down on you without whining about it is also willing to do so - with gusto - when asked. Guys who like eating women out like being asked to do it because it's a huge confidence booster for them.

Anonymous 11852

>he gets bashful about sex very quickly
God I need this
I thought catholics didn't believe in sex before marriage?

Anonymous 11853

>God I need this
Why? Wouldn't that lead to a lot of clumsiness?

Anonymous 11854

Anon clearsy like the idea of a cute boy to tease and mess with.

Anonymous 11858


You can't tell what to do, Mom! XD
Gem, this is based too.
Kinda, while indeed the Catholic church discourages premarital-sex, most post-VC2 and post-"Theology of the Body" clerics even the ones that became popes have an rather sex-positive(well at least in comparison to the "US Protestant" crazies that I grew up around, but thankfully not with) stance. My boyfriend said that while he hoped our relationship evolved so we start sex after our marriage, that he would feel worse and "more heretical" if he "didn't fullfil his duties" by denying me, his woman, pleasure. I think his Jesus stuff is silly, but it also leads him to being strongly anti-porn and anti-trannies so I accept it.

Anonymous 11862

You better marry him, nona

Anonymous 11863

>"It would lead to a lot of cummies."
>"For you."

Anonymous 11866

I mean… on the one hand it's nice to see the Church be a little less stickinthemuddy about sex, on the other hand, I get people not wanting to be in Mass or a parish retreat with their kids and grandmas and hear Father Soandso give a homily on the wonders of the clitoris. That's just fucking weird.

Anonymous 11868

church singing.web…

well i want a chaste monk bf to corrupt for reasons like this >>11854

Anonymous 11870

that one.png

My bf did this a couple weeks ago. I was playing SOTC and he was sitting on the couch snickering at YT vids or whatever. Then out of nowhere he just kneels down in front of the couch, yanks my sweats down, and goes for it.
>nona.exe has stopped working
I wasn't sure how to react so I kept trying to play the game, but it was the boss that you fight in the big sand pit where you have to shoot it with arrows while riding the horse and aiming backwards and it was too much to concentrate on after four or five minutes and I died.

How did you go about asking him to do it all the time? What was his reaction? I'm kind of game for him to make it a regular thing if he's up for it, but I'm embarrassed to ask.

Anonymous 11948


>How did you go about asking him to do it all the time? What was his reaction? I'm kind of game for him to make it a regular thing if he's up for it, but I'm embarrassed to ask.
Tbh my bf was already trying to distract me when playing video games by rubbing my pussy before so it wasn't much of a leap I just asked jokingly once but now I doubt I'll ever finish a video game ever again

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