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Orgasm denial Anonymous 1200

did anyone here tried orgasm denial with their partner? I've never had a bf, but I was fascinated with the idea of orgasm denial for years
here's a brief summary of what that is
I feel kinda weird, because normally I would describe myself as a submissive kind of person and I'd love to be the one who is denied I sometimes do it on my own, though I rarely last more than one week, but I'd also love to try being the one in control

did you try it? does it even work irl, or is it to frustrating and being constantly horny interfere with work, school and life in general too much?

Anonymous 1313

both, I was quite specific about that

Anonymous 1314

I've done it with my bf and we're currently in an LDR. I have a high sex drive, but even if I weren't into orgasm control and in a LDR–I'd still get frustrated with life interfering with my sex drive. I don't like doing anything sexual without my bf to begin with, it just doesn't feel right.

Anonymous 1869

I absolutely love it.

I think masturbation isn't fulfilling unless I prolong orgasm (usually only over a few hours but it's especially hot if I can keep it going for a few days). And my ultimate kink involves teasing and denying a guy over a long period of time until he cracks and brutally fucks me
I agree that staying constantly edging and aroused but not cumming over a long period of time gets inconvenient. I can't get anything done if I'm too horny.

Anonymous 1918


>I was fascinated with the idea of orgasm denial for years
>orgasm denial for years

That's pretty hardcore OP.

Anonymous 9241

yeah. it pretty much works as advertised. But it's rare for a moid to have enough willpower to play along.

Anonymous 9244

That pic is so cringey and disgusting it made me laugh

Anonymous 9274

Ever since I gave birth I've had an incredibly high sex drive, but my boyfriend doesn't. When he's just not feeling it, he can get hard and we can have sex, but he doesn't cum and I can only take one or two orgasms close together in a day. I edge him usually 3 times a day for 3 or so days in a row to make him much more sensitive and motivated to fuck me harder.

Far from interfering, I find it makes him more decisive, assertive and less tolerant of people taking advantage of his good nature. It also means we spend more time together every day as I tease him, so we end up being much more affectionate.

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