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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


be honest Anonymous 12145

would you?

Anonymous 12149

Maybe, I don't really know how practical that'd be.

Anonymous 12152

I own something like this, it's good if you like skin-to-skin with no harness. Feels more intimate. Never pegged a moid with it, but my ex loved it.

Anonymous 12158

How does that not fall out?

Anonymous 12160

Gotta work on those kegels.

Anonymous 12174


Anonymous 12177

this one is even fancier and has dynamic vibration based on your thrusts. could be distracting or it could be great, I don't know.

Anonymous 12273

Lovely idea but it must be huge and painfully frigid to clamp onto you and not slip out due to lubrication and motion.

What's worse, my anatomy is never compatible with inner+outer stimulation toys, they're just torture devices for me even without the constant pushing and pulling one would feel while using that.

Anonymous 12278

I would never penetrate or be penetrated in the anus. Anorectal violence is Satanic.

Anonymous 12280

Based anorectal violence anon

Anonymous 12281

but boys have a g-spot in there

Anonymous 12311

boys are Satanic

Anonymous 12312

I will convert them to the side of light, bending them to my will with my holy sword and turning their weak spots against them until they melt.

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