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Anonymous 12367

Do you ever fantasize about teasing people in a romantic/sexual way? Is it evil?

Anonymous 12369

Yes. No.

Anonymous 12373

I have a friend who really liked to do this.
She would dress rather revealingly and tease guys and absolutely rizz them up just to not actually acquire contact info. She was from belarus and could speak english very well but she would seriously play up her accent just because it helped.
She had an absolute babe of a moid barely able to talk one time and when I asked her why she didn't get that guy's number, she said "I don't actually want to date boys I just love giving them butterflies." Pretty based. She's married now though so I doubt she does it anymore.

Anonymous 12374

I wonder if she does that to her husband. That would be cute.

Anonymous 12375

My BF told me that the girls used to do something similar to him at school and it has rendered him completely unable to detect female signs of attention because he views it as normal behavior for some women. Which I can attest to because he was a virgin and it took weeks of us hanging out, including alone at his place, for him to get a clue.

Anonymous 12377

Why would you ever do this to someome you don't feel at least the tiniest bit of attraction to? No reason to see an ugly guy or a creep flustered and cute I think

Anonymous 12378

He was a good year or two younger than everyone else, so it might have been bullying or some weird offshoot behavior. Wasn't just one specific girl doing it either. They would do stuff like pretend-fighting for him, sitting on his lap unprompted, sneaking on him and kissing his cheeks, and stuff like that. It sounds weirdly tame or even cute, but also hella fucked up, given the delicate age.

Anonymous 12379

Yes that's why I made the thread question. I fantasized about doing something like this but a part of me always felt like in real life it would be very painful and humiliating for the other person.

Anonymous 12380

I think some teasing can be okay if the person you're doing it to is fully aware that you're just goofing. After all, we're not kids anymore.

Anonymous 12381

Probably okay in a relationship or someone you want to enter one with

Anonymous 12398

I think it's evil, especially if you do it to someone during their formative years. Something similar to >>12375 happened to my brother. One of his classmates asked him to prom as a joke and even though it was a one time event, I think it seriously traumatized him. We haven't talked about it, but I'm pretty sure he went through all of university without even trying to date. And when one of my friends was trying really hard to flirt with him, he apparently thought she was making fun of him or he was annoying her.

Anonymous 12399

Mean girls have ruined an entire generation of men for the rest of us.

Anonymous 12400

Poor guy.Yep something like this can definitely scar a person

Anonymous 12401

My sister does this as a hobby. She's objectively one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen, and people naturally assume he's a model. When she went to uni she'd be relentlessly flirty and ruthlessly dismissive of any boy dumb enough to engage. She liked to tally up the cash amount of gifts, as well as free meals and drinks they'd buy her in the campus tavern and restaurants. It was funny when it was with coombrained moids who would literally beg for nudes, but she invested so much of her ego into the results that she didn't know when to stop.

She came across a guy who was super cute and raised by his grandparents in a rural town. He'd never been to school, watched TV and only used internet for educational purposes. She pursued him, but he was so nice and respectful that he just took it all awkwardly in stride. She, really cruelly, offered to go on a date in his dorm and he rejected her, wanting to wait until he was in a committed relationship to have sex. He didn't stand a chance, since he'd never even talked to a woman under 40 before. She lovebombed and manipulated him for a full 2 weeks until he caved, thinking she really wanted a committed relationship, then the morning after pretended they'd never met.

4 years later and we still talk, but it ruined him. He believes she hurt him because he's unlovable and being anything other than a volcel would just result in someone else knocking him back down again.

Anonymous 12403

Why don't you explain to all the guys in these stories that not all women are like that like what the fuck

Anonymous 12406

Tried that, obviously. He knows not all women are like that, I think he just doesn't trust his own ability to read romantic cues so he just shuts down and disengages from the whole thing. I don't think these are rational behaviours you can explain your way out of. I genuinely think it's more like a trauma response than anything else.

Anonymous 12407

Poor guy. What a fucking bitch.

Anonymous 12422

It's sad to see how a single act of cruelty can damage a person's life for years. Has he ever tried to get therapy after that?

Anonymous 12423

No and he probably wouldn't be up for it. Outside of dating he has his life totally in order, so I doubt he could be convinced that he even needs therapy.

Anonymous 12436

Oh god spare this board the pickmeisms.

Therapy is a medical framework that exists to help solve concrete problems. Society's therapeutic resources should be spent where they have been shown to be beneficial, such as in helping women deal with real sexual trauma. It does not exist to help to a man whose negative experience with a woman seems to have healed and whose pre-existing, obvious, pre-"victimization" problem is that women do not have earnest sexual interest in him. A problem that was so obvious that it singled him out for some movie b-plot tier storyline about a vamp archetype making a fool out of a stiff straightman. I very much doubt that one woman who pretended to have a sexual interest in him once because lol, just imagine, lmao, is the sole architect of an entire lifetime in which literally zero women have had sincere sexual interest in him, both before and after. Therapy is for people whose sense of unlikeability or unloveability are not reality-based, not someone whose day to day reality consists of not being liked and having never been loved nor having had possibility of love from anyone ever. I have seen enough statements from therapists regarding the incel question to believe that there is no possibility of a therapeutic solution to the incel question in any cases ever. One of the most common therapist refrains on incels can be paraphrased as "they need to understand that they are someone who is worthy of love" and that's such a morally irresponsible thing to say, holy shit.

And his problem, to the extent that he has one, IS the real and observable absence of positive interest. If his problem were say generalizing the one woman's trivial insincere game out to all women being fundamentally untrustable and insincere in all things then therapy would be appropriate but that would also be shown in his entire life being completely fucked and oh let's say careers or education being unattainable and attempts at such being markedly unstable since he would have to interact with women daily in real life. That's not the account we've been given.


Daydreamers' feelings are insubstantial. It is common to meet or interact with women who daydream about killing people with their true crime husbandos, or about cheating on their husbands and abandoning their families, or about weird furry stuff. It's only when a woman takes any step to make it happen that it turns into a matter of concern. Without any step towards reality, daydreamer interest is even less real than the obviously fake interest of the vamp who seduced him.

There is little to no reason to attribute any negativity to the one girl who put any effort towards this male, even if that effort wasn't coming from a place of love or affection or appreciation. I'm sure her joke was funny in its own way in its time. I've laughed at similar jokes before. Most people do.

Anonymous 12437

>Therapy is for people whose sense of unlikeability or unloveability are not reality-based
Doesn't this perfectly describe even that weird victim-blamey wall you posted? Yes, those were single incidents and those girls probably didn't have an intent to scar anyone, yes it's beyond unreasonable to give up on dating because of that. Which is why those people need a therapy, to get that idea through.

Anonymous 12440

>having sympathy for my brother is 'pickmeism'
Jesus Christ this website is full of actual psychos.

Anonymous 12441

A third of the board is trannies and another third is moids, so there’s bound to be a lot of psychos posting.

Anonymous 12447

… what the hell

Anonymous 12477

jesus what caused you to write such a mean tirade over a simple story of a someone sharing how their brother was affected by a bad incident. I don't get your obsession with denigrating therapy, I don't even think that girl did particularly wrong, I just don't get how you spin this into pickmeism, therapy, daydreaming, and "the incel question".

Anonymous 12483

It's inconceivable to me why someone would go to such lengths to inflate their own ego like that.
Wasting someone else's time, giving someone false hope, dashing their hope, standing people up.
It just seems so cruel.
I can understand flirting with someone, there is no expectation of following up a pleasant conversation.
When it becomes clear that someone is romantically interested, those feelings need to be addressed before they grow.

Anonymous 12608

Not gonna read this schizo wall of text sorry

Anonymous 12614


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