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Anonymous 12382

>first time masturbating at 5 (veiled muses making flower crowns, zodiac art etc)
>ask girl to be gf in kindergarten
>crush on female at 8
>consume lesbian porn exclusively until 16
>bullied by boys, fear all men until 19 except a boy in my class who always stood up to me
>get a girlfriend at 15, fondling, flirting, but bonding over boys we liked
>take red pill, decide I'm a tradwife
>date men, sex is all good
>still attracted to women, only fantasize about muses and very feminine men
>don't feel as passionately about masculinity (physically, mentally) as femininity. The only exception to this was the boy from my class but, I think he was masculine but in a positive way, not the toxic type of masculinity. He made me feel protected and I guess that's the reason why I wanted to be 'trad' to begin with.

Is it cope from when I was afraid of men or should I date women? I don't want to be gay, it would make my life harder.

Anonymous 12383

you could just like exist and if you happen to get a crush on someone see if you can date them

Anonymous 12384

i think you're probably les-leaning bisexual, nona

Anonymous 12385

Why are you all so scared to admit you're bisexual

Anonymous 12386

Bisexual, lesbian, gay, straight, that shit is just words. People are real, relationships are real. Stop trying to figure out what artificial category you belong to. That category is only important as a shorthand for your preferences to other people, it's not who you are.

Anonymous 12387

Sex with men is a form of contamination and nobody respects anyone who succumbed to it even if it were in the past. It is possible for straight women to have lesbian sex without feeling like they have betrayed themselves, but impossible for anyone of any orientation including male homosexuals to have male-included sex without knowing that they are now damned. Heterosexual women, bisexual women, bicurious men, homosexual men, assault victims, all are infected and some can be pitied but never respected. A current relationship with a male can be used to handle some of the effects of this contamination. The social prestige and economic benefits of being the owner/operator of a heterosexual marriage are shared between both parties. If you are damned anyways better to have a devil's contract. Living with this contamination without that prop is more difficult. A lesbian lover in particular will find it extremely hard to forgive and may start to feel contaminated by proxy.

Anonymous 12388

some of you need to go outside and touch grass

Anonymous 12389

Im not gay but you sound pretty gay to me.

Anonymous 12390

tell you what, i'll go jogging outside in a public park in full sight of normal society right after you go to the bisexual-men-gross thread and tell them all about how people who have sex with men and want to have sex with women are perfectly fine and respectable.

i'll wait.

Anonymous 12391

Women can stick their heads in the sand all they want and it won't change that you're right about the "contamination" thing, that's why I never entertain the idea of fucking men not even in a way that is sanctioned by society because I take the contamination concept a lot more literally than you do

Anonymous 12392

Because it's gross

Anonymous 12393

my life has been the same as yours nona

Anonymous 12394

Sounds like a normal bisexual experience to me.

Anonymous 12395

>hurr durr rape victims are contaminated
you think like a muslim man and probably still say that you're a radfem.

Anonymous 12396

Bisexual women need to love themselves more in my opinion. I trust a bisexual who calls herself a bisexual like she is. I would trust her way more than a bisexual who larps as a lesbian just because she feels guilty about fucking males.

Anonymous 12397

I notice that you raised no objection to the notion of contamination as applied to wives, lovers, mistresses, prostitutes, or anyone else who in some way and for any reason assented to befoulment by male sexual contact. You instead grasp solely at the non-exemption of victims of crime. In that way you concede the point of male sexual contact being a form of contamination, but take issue with the idea of anyone being degraded by sexual degradation until and unless there is some fiber of consent given it, like a christian theologian contemplating the relationship of sin to damnation. If the horror of contamination should be redoubled by a greater horror of guilt at self-betrayal in all cases then no sympathies are to be given to the greater part of womankind. That position is at least as cruel as mine. It eliminates on one hand the requirement of sympathy for those who consented to intercourse and are therefore guilty of complicity with patriarchal sex, and on the other hand eliminates the possibility of sympathy for those who did not consent and therefore need only have their feelings of contamination dismissed and invalidated as unreal, mere socially constructed neurosis.

If this were a therapy group instead of a general discussion website with a particular focus on telling the generally horrifying truth about male sexuality then I would not speak about the particular sense of horror held by sexual contact with males. But even within therapy the therapeutic position has limits. There has been a great deal of criticism leveled at the social normalization of the therapeutic position from feminists. In particular Andrea Dworkin was opposed to the therapeutic mass gaslighting of women on the male and sexual nature of rape and sexual assault.

And I do agree with Dworkin that rape is a male sexual crime originating from male sexuality and on a gradient of male heterosexual norms that can include violence–particularly if informed by pornography–rather than the late 20th century therapeutic position that it was an act of violence with nothing to do with sex, and that since it was supposedly "about power" or "about control" then pornography could have little to do with integrating it into normal heterosexuality. The therapists were lying to convince women to trust men and enter or re-enter relationships, including romantic relationships, with men, because that was seen as healthiest in the long run for their patients. Since then we have learned that women are generally better off without relationships with men, and therapy is slowly adjusting to this reality. And the pornographers were broadcasting those therapeutic lies across all available media and news periodicals in order to improve public perception of their businesses. At most we can say that perhaps not all male sexuality includes violence, but just as it was completely unreasonable to say that male acts of sexual violence are not male sexual acts, regardless of therapeutic effect, it is also unreasonable to say that male sexual contact is not inherently degrading to people who have been degraded by it.

The male sexual glance is a disturbance and a threat because it is sexual, not just because there may be potential for a violent or nonconsentual component to that sexuality. There is no need for any qualifier for male sexual attention, intentions, or contact to be negative. There are a great deal of qualifiers necessary for it to be positive, or even neutral. Few things are as repulsive to as many psychologically healthy woman as the idea of some miserable worm looking to her as a sexual dommy mommy figure in a position of social, physical, financial, or intellectual superiority. That sort of man is a terrifying threat, because his sexuality carries a threat of a worse degree of contamination than most precisely because of his nonagression and absence of threat of coercion or violence.

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