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Vagina smell Anonymous 12449

Does anyone else's vagina smell like the food they've just eaten? for example, bacon.

Anonymous 12450

it does when i eat a lot of garlic

Anonymous 12451

garlic makes you have a neutral vaginal smell though… it's recommended for good vagene health

Anonymous 12452

I don't eat animal products so I think it generally smells like nothing

Anonymous 12453

no, i wonder how that works? is this actually a thing? mine changes depending on my hormones

Anonymous 12454

You should only eat flowers and fruits then.

Anonymous 12455

lol yes especially onions and garlic. (it doesnt seem to give a neutral smell, it just makes it smell like straight up garlic if i have a lot)

Anonymous 12456

if your neutral vaginal smell is garlic you should go to the gyno

Anonymous 12457

are you guys serious

Anonymous 12458

is having your vagina smell like bacon a bad thing?

Anonymous 12459

Same and it always gives me a headache

Anonymous 12461

It used to smell like peanut butter when I was fat and didn't watch my diet. I miss that a bit…it no longer smells like food.

Anonymous 12926


Mine smells like tobacco, not the smoke but the dried leaves, I think it's alright, although I don't smoke

Anonymous 12932

no but my urine does, all the fucking time actually.

Anonymous 12933

Like pepsi cola and butthole like cherry pies, I've been told

Anonymous 12953

mine smells like a weird mix of bath and body works strawberry pound cake and playstation heat. i have no idea why it smells like that because i don’t put that lotion anywhere near my puss

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