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female feeder.jpeg

Anonymous 12468

NSFW Confession:

I have this fantasy of secretly getting my boyfriend fat, manipulating him into developing shitty eating habits… We've been going to the gym together and I keep making him drink these protein shakes, buying him McDonalds because he's "bulking". He has gained a little over 10 pounds recently and I can't stop throwing myself at him. Is this ethical?

I have a huge belly fetish and I can't keep my hands off his growing stomach, nor my mind off the thought of making him bigger. He knows about my fetish but I don't think he realises I'm partially responsible for his weight gain.

I'm out of the country right now and he sent me nudes, and I was actually disappointed because he lost belly fat and built muscle.

I'm probably suffering from some kind of chemical/hormonal imbalance. I can't stop masturbating to videos and pictures of morbidly obese people, I wish I were joking. It's disgusting. All I can do is think about sex, plotting ways to fatten up my skinny boyfriend. How do I get over this?

>Is anyone else here attracted to fat or to making people fat?

>Am I a freak?

Anonymous 12475

Sincerely, just kill yourself.

Anonymous 12476

Destructive fetish rationalizations in order of social acceptability:
>I can fix him
>I can keep him
>I can use him
>I can make him worse
>I can abandon him without regret
>I can break him irreparably, forever the unreachable god of his dreams and devil of his memories
>I can disgust other people with him
>I can harm other people through him

Anonymous 12478

I dated a guy who was into feeder-ism…never again. ‘Twas a walking red flag.

You are a red flag babes

Anonymous 12479

That looks about right…
Weirdly accurate/applicable scale. Is this standardised or did you make it up?

I don't want to be like this. Looking at his belly should be enough. I have to stop interfering with his life. I don't know where to channel that perverted energy, or if it can just be stuffed inside and buried deep.

I'm too embarrassed to bring this up in therapy, especially because my therapist is fat.

Anonymous 12480

Oh God what did he do

Anonymous 12490

>Is this standardised or did you make it up?
I adapted/plagiarized an older tumblr true crime fandom meme.

Anonymous 12491

Jesus christ this is filthy and vile. You're sick op.

Anonymous 12499

Unironically kill yourself, you're wasting a perfectly good skinny moid

Anonymous 12610

op ignore what these retarded normies in the thread are saying. they can fuck off back to twitter or tiktok. men use women every fucking day of their lives in ways that are just as bad or much worse than how you are using your boyfriend. fatten him up until he has a stroke then leave to the next skinny moid. rinse and repeat

Anonymous 12613

It's brisket time!

Anonymous 12615

go back

Anonymous 12616


Robin Scherbatsky's secret

Anonymous 12696

i have this fetish as well, but this may not be ethical. but you did say that he's aware of your fetish, so maybe he's allowing you to feed him without the weight gain part? can't say for sure

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