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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021

Creepy/Weird Anonymous 1249

Share things that shouldn't exist.

Anonymous 1250

Anonymous 1259

found this cursed video a while ago of a man in full leather taking a dip in some sort of lake

Anonymous 1551

Can somebody explain to me why men think saying "I wanna get up in them guts" is supposed to be sexy? I'd rather not be impaled when I'm trying to fuck, thanks.

Anonymous 1552

I've never heard anyone say that. The closest I can think of is one time I was on top and got a little overzealous so the next dat I told my boyfriend he turned my guts into soup, but he just felt bad about it.
But if you think about it, sex is kinda just getting impaled but in a good way.

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