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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021

pobrane (13).jpeg

Nsfw Twitter is making me depressed Anonymous 12500

It's full of rape and pedophilia, men and women, straight, faggots or lesbians. They tweet pedophilic things and get thousands of likes, they tweet about wanting to "get raped by daddy" and get even more likes, they have "no morals/no limits" in their bios, they trade CP and keep lusting over underage girls. Fucking both sexes are doing it.

Anonymous 12602

>Browsing twitter
Found your mistake. Social media in general is poison to the mind but Twitter is absolute garbage.

Anonymous 12618

"Femboy" is just shameless 3d shota content for men who want to pretend to abide by terms of service changemyview.jpg

Anonymous 12619

I get you nona. I make NSFW art (mostly nude/pin ups) and every single time I start befriending another NSFW artist they end up being into children or animals. I like to share my stuff since I want to believe its tasteful and I want to meet others who enjoy similar stuff, but its so tiresome. Doesn't help that since I'm lesbian I draw women and that attracts only moids and troons, sometimes I wish I were straight so I could connect with other women more easily, I hate having a man-dominated fanbase.

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