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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 12812

moids are incapable of sexual imagination. they need external input like jerkoff instructions; fap roulettes—no nut november is a natural extension of this. they're compelled to orgasm but their orgasms are meaningless. they need an external force to give purpose to their urges. i earnestly believe at the end of the day most men have orgasm control fetishes. knowing when and how and why they're being allowed to orgasm, or not orgasm, lights up their brains. so much male dysfunction and depression comes down to sexual free will. they're told a voracious sexual appetite and a harem hanging off your dick is peak malehood. proving themselves as a man requires penetration. think of how much existential angst this opens up for the average moid. imagine how much more emotionally and spiritually fulfilled the male population would be if they didn't have sexual free will.

Anonymous 12813

ok, no moid cares

Anonymous 12818


Anonymous 12828

Wtf is a fap roulette? Do moids make bets and whoever wins gets to coom?
No I'm not willing to Google it

Anonymous 12833

They're games played with dice or post numbers, with each number that comes our something happens
>if dubs, necessaryspeed4 gets resurrected on lolcow

Anonymous 12837

men are babies who want wawa weewee milkie mommy booby wipe my poopy cucú

Anonymous 13116

she's literally still there btw

Anonymous 13154

this reminds me of my theory as to why men are obsessed with filming sex and the constant need to capture (film/photograph) or recreate key sexual memories

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