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Anonymous 13192

Is it true that having your clit sucked feels better than being fucked?

t. virgin

Anonymous 13194

Yes. I've heard some women say they prefer piv but that's not the majority.

Anonymous 13195

Kind of.

I mostly jill with clit play a majority of the time because it's very rewarding and not a crazy amount of work. Penetrative sex is a much deeper orgasm while clit play is more of a shallower one. I don't get a long feeling of afterglow from clitplay like I get from penetration. However, penetration is a lot of work and I'm not always in the mood for it, especially if I'm solo. A majority of the time when I solo, clit play is just less trouble and nicer.

It really depends on your libido and what you are in the mood for. My best clitplay sessions are not better than the best sex I've had, but I have had a lot more good clitplay sessions than I have had good penetrative masturbations/sex.

Anonymous 13197

Both at once feels best

Anonymous 13204

Pretty much this. I can only come once before I lose all interest in sex, so I have to gamble on only being able to get a really deep orgasm from penetration 50% of the time, but risk losing my sex-drive from frustration, or take the less pleasurable clit orgasm 100% of the time. I just have to try to guess if I'm horny enough to try for penetration, drag my nigel to bed, then try for as long as I can before I either know I can come or give up and have him give me head if I don't feel right and hope it's not too late to get an orgasm out of it. Being a little drunk makes orgasm from penetration more likely, but clit sucking less pleasurable.

Anonymous 13208

Gross. Are you tranny/moid by any chance?

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