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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Men in chastity Anonymous 13447

Confident, handsome men proudly in chastity and faithful to their wives. Stories welcome too.

Anonymous 13449

If they deleted the balls thread I don't think this is allowed either

Anonymous 13456

This is a NSFW board…?

Anonymous 13462

It is, but it's not a board for sharing porn images, it's a board for discussing sex and other nsfw topics.

Anonymous 13464

I want to keep my boyfriends each locked up and carry the keys around in my purse

Anonymous 13470

imagine you could do and undo this to a moid with a nose twitch like in bewitched

Anonymous 13473

I've seen ones that work like a shock collar except they zap the dick. I need this. I'd want him to eat me out and give him a little motivation each time he starts to slow down.

Anonymous 13478


Anonymous 13479

For the complete opposite, but much more realistic future the average man.

Anonymous 13486

It's so hot that you can cram a huge dick into a little cage and wait until he's begging you for release

Anonymous 13488

You should keep saying no and make them do chores

Anonymous 13491

Is it normal I want to show off my moid in his cage?

Anonymous 13492

manateebaby (1).jp…


you should unlock him in front of a group of nona's and time how long it takes for the moid to become erect

Anonymous 13586

Anonymous 13607

Anonymous 13620

I think it's hot, I want a moid to keep locked up

Anonymous 13642

I want to find the most rude, rugged, masculine moid and start locking him up until he's my bitch.

Anonymous 13716



Anonymous 13718

I've gotten my long distance moid to buy a timed lockbox for his. I make him send videos oversnapchat of him locking up and sealing the keys away for as long as I want.

Anonymous 14264

mine wears one but he can just slip his dick out of it when it's soft. any ideas? I want to actually have it under lock and key

Anonymous 14293

he needs a smaller ring size

Anonymous 14410

this photo is making me feel things I've never felt before

Anonymous 14429

Dick piercing that you then lock to the cage, then it's real when he has the perfect motivation to keep it right where it belongs and you happy

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