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Blackmail fetish... Anonymous 13496

I have a huge blackmail fetish that I really want to try out but I'm worried about how risky it is.
I know letting a random person blackmail me could end really badly but I don't see a way to do it safely without making it a lot less fun.

Is there any way to be consensually blackmailed that's safe and would still feel "real"?

Anonymous 13497

>Is there any way to be consensually blackmailed that's safe and would still feel "real"?


Anonymous 13499

What's the least dangerous way to have someone blackmail you while still feeling somewhat "real"?

Anonymous 13505

As is the case with any kink, the safest way is to do it with someone you know and trust.

Anonymous 13506

Look Nona, if you are not trolling and actually want to try, it's going to end badly, really badly, those few moments of orgasm are not worth the fear and regret that comes after. You may ruin your life with this

Anonymous 13507

This. It's always important to balance what's kinky in your imagination with what's safe to do in real life. In this case, OP, there is absolutely not a safe way to explore this fantasy with someone you don't know and trust, and even then I would caution you against going to far with it.

At the most, if you've got a significant other and the two of you have been in a long-term committed relationship, I could see maybe some playful teasing like letting them take a naughty picture of you and then them "threatening" to send it to your parents or whatever, but that's about as far as you'd ever want to let something like that go.

Anonymous 13509

I know but I don't have anyone irl that I'd trust enough to do this with.

I've thought about messaging someone who seems somewhat trustworthy like one of the moderators on r/blackmailers (I've never posted there) but it still seems too risky.
I've tried roleplaying with AI (I obviously didn't use my real name, give any pics, etc) and it was kind of fun but obviously felt really fake

Anonymous 13510

I understand the frustration of having kinks that can't be fulfilled (at least not fully or right away), but your safety comes first, nona. In the meantime, I encourage you to keep exploring alternative ways such as AI, writing smut, or discussing it in safe spaces.

Anonymous 13558

Just roleplay on c.ai or janitorai nona, it's safe and it won't ruin your life

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