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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 13585

Ok ladies how do I make my husband's nipples sensitive? I've always loved the idea of playing with his nipples and making a mess but it looks like he feels nothing. I wanna make him go crazy with it but I dunno how. Is there any way I can make them get really sensitive? I just wanna make him cum all over without even touching him down there
Sorry deleted the other one and reposted spoiling the nsfw pic

Anonymous 13608

Give him estrogen injections to forcefem him.

Anonymous 13612

My two cents: meme him into it using hypnotism

Anonymous 13613

I think the best method is just through association: if nipple stimulation happens at the same time as genital stimulation or orgasm, they'll start to feel similar. or instead of making them simultaneous, you can have the nipple sensation precede or anticipate the direct sexual stimulus (which is the classic pavlovian conditioning model) or try it both ways and see which works better. a month of training like this can have a real impact.

aside from that, you can try weed or toys (suckers to draw blood into them, clamps to provide a constant pinching sensation without tying up a hand, chastity cage to force his mind off his dick and into the rest of his body)

Anonymous 13614

oh and I've also heard about people putting Tiger Balm on their nipples to make them tingle lol, though I haven't tried it myself

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