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i got a wet pussy 13587

what can i do abt it?

Anonymous 13588

hair dryer

Anonymous 13589


Anonymous 13590


Dry him with a towel

Anonymous 13591

Post about it on Crystal Cafe

Anonymous 13592


Anonymous 13593


I read shitty fanfiction all night last night and I've been wet all day thinking about it. It's disgusting, it's like my crotch is drooling. Scrotes have it so easy having boners instead of this bullshit.

Anonymous 13594

Oh girl I know it b smellin nasty down there

Anonymous 13595

Weirdly not but it feels like snot, like I've been rubbing boogers all over my crotch. I don't get wet often so it feels weird.

Anonymous 13596

Well welcome to human sexuality, enjoy the stay

Anonymous 13597

I put a paper towel in my pants earlier today to absorb all the goo but it fell out of my pants leg after a few hours

Anonymous 13598

Why didn’t you just fap

Anonymous 13599

I did. But then I kept having horny thoughts so the goo didn't stop leaking. It's a faucet down there.

Anonymous 13600

Well…fap again

Anonymous 13601

Fapping doesn't make the horny thoughts go away.

Anonymous 13602

Meditate…seek Allah

Anonymous 13603

lucky. i barely get wet anymore

Anonymous 13604

This is the second day my pussy will not stop leaking and I just realized that it feels swollen and hot to the touch. I forgot that's what being physically horny felt like. Normally only my brain is horny and my body doesn't respond.

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