
Anonymous 13636
ITT: Lesbian fantasies.
You can say whatever you want as long as it pertains to romantic or sexual fantasies about other women and isn’t talking about dicks.
Anonymous 13643
I have the opportunity to sleep with a woman 10 years older (I'm 27 she's 37) that has never even kissed anyone. This is eating me inside because I definitely don't want to deal with whatever impact this has on our friendship but I want it and I think about it every day. I have developed a virgin fetish because of her. She's all cute and delicate, slightly smaller than me and I just know she'd gasp during kisses and moan prettily. I want to look at her face when she's really close and talk her through things, make her suck on my fingers while I ask if she wants one inside her, eat her out slowly and for a long time. But I wouldn't be interested if I didn't know how inexperienced she is.
Anonymous 13644
I have the opportunity to sleep with a woman 10 years older (I'm 27 she's 37) that has never even kissed anyone. This is eating me inside because I definitely don't want to deal with whatever impact this has on our friendship but I want it and I think about it every day. I have developed a virgin fetish because of her. She's all cute and delicate, slightly smaller than me and I just know she'd gasp during kisses and moan prettily. I want to look at her face when she's really close and talk her through things, make her suck on my fingers while I ask if she wants one inside her, eat her out slowly and for a long time. But I wouldn't be interested if I didn't know how inexperienced she is.
Anonymous 13661
This is so embarassing and dumb but I want to work in a lesbian maid cafe/butler cafe, serving only female customers. I just know I’d go all out on the fanservice and desperately strive to be the patrons’ favorite. I’d give them special nicknames, kiss their cheeks or hands, and try to act all confident but really I’d totally be blushing and shy (the customers would say that’s my charm point). If you come in on your birthday you get to have me sit in your lap. Just whatever. God I have such a huge thing about wanting to be of service to women.
Anonymous 13699
I don't love the magic wand, but I think it's kinda sexy that it's so large and in my dreams where it vibrates exactly the way I like it, I have this fantasy of sharing it with someone by making out with it placed right between us.
Anonymous 13717
>>13643>37yo virgin gfWhy is this so hot? Why is this bringing out the romantic in me? Need AND would.
Anonymous 13732
I had a dream where I was traveling for research over the summer and the professor I was working under, in her 40s, cute face and smile, offers herself up to me as a reward for all my hard work. She tells me I can touch her however I like, and she's smiling gently, almost shyly. I almost immediately grope her and start pulling her pencil skirt down, and her eyes widen. I know I've surprised her with my boldness. She was wearing pink panties. I woke up before we had sex.
>tfw no cute old women letting me fuck them for a job well done
Anonymous 13747

i can't lie i've been getting off to ftm nsfw posts on tumblr. i know it's scrotebrained but i'm a huge tif "chaser" and sadly i can't even be unabashed about it anywhere (which is probably a good thing). i know it's wrong but they're just so damn cute it gets me wet like nothing else i do have to filter out all the cock and "breeding" talk though which doesn't leave me with much. and sometimes the posts get too depressing and turn me off completely into guilty clarity
also the period oral sex scene from that excision i watched with anons made me really horny and i haven't forgotten it since. it's so adorable to me how she meticulously planned the whole thing too…
Anonymous 13752
>>13699uhhhh, I can't remember if this is word for word just a post that I wrote but I posted nearly this exact same thing on lcf a while ago. I vaguely remember the post about the 37 year old virgin and the lesbian maid cafe from lc too. person who reposted these, explain yourself
Anonymous 13754
>>13752Why are you surprised that there's an overlap between the userbases? (It's not me though)
Anonymous 13756
>>13754the thing is that the magic wand post was typed by my very own hands on lc and not on here though. I guess I'll just be glad it resonated with somebody kek
Anonymous 13779
>>13747I feel the same way, but I think I might be worse than you.
I like the idea of "forcefemming" an FtM. Dressing her up and telling her what a pretty girl she is, and her hating it but getting turned on at the same time because she has a humiliation kink and is doing it for me. If she's good, I'd start treating her like a crossdressing boy. I'd get off on teasing her in daily life, too (eg if a song about having a big ass or tits or a wet pussy came up somehow, I'd relate it to her, just to watch her squirm in discomfort, and I'd get her off when we're alone).I'm not actually attracted to feminine women, so it's definitely a servitude thing for me. Anonymous 13785
Saw a porn video (sorry) of a cute girl with plump, natural looking tits and a generally nice body being fondled by an attractive doctor and it's driving me crazy. I feel so simple for just loving big plump natural tits. I want to grope and suck on them.
Anonymous 13789
Every woman I deem attractive needs to be directed to my pussy
Anonymous 14156
>>13779ayrt anon, you're not alone that's another thing that i'm hugely into. i'm really not into feminine women either unless it's in that "crossdressing" as servitude and humiliation context. tbh i think i'm the one who's really worse because
detrans as a "kink" is kind of hot to me too Anonymous 14224

I would love to convert a painfully straight woman to bi/homosexuality.
Anonymous 14241
Personally I'd love to pretend to be straight and get forcibly 'converted' into being lesbian. IDK why I have that fetish though, I guess I just like the idea of being able to have sex with a woman but not having to admit I'm attracted to her until she's already proven beyond a shadow of a doubt she likes me.
Anonymous 14265
I was laying bed, listening to an audiobook that, out of no where, has a graphic lesbian sex scene. I just adsentmindedly started touching myself and before I knew it was on the edge of orgasm. The scene ended, so I quickly jumped back to the middle so I could finish. Since then, I've been trying to replicate that orgasm elsewhere without much luck. I don't find women very arousing in-person and lesbian porn does nothing for me. I'm firmly straight…except for this one specific instance that I've replicated twice, but I can already feel the novelty wearing off and it suddenly being less arousing. The idea of being brainwashed/mind-controlled or reluctantly giving in is already attractive to me, so maybe this is just some crossed wires, but I really want to find new smut to recreate that feeling with.
Anonymous 14286
Idk if this is fucked or not but I really wanna have angry hatesex with my high school bully. Even today she's hot as fuck and recently came out as bi (even posted pics of her current gf on ig).
Idk why but the line between hate and lust is very much blurred when it came to her, even back then during high school. Like she would pick on me because I think she was secretly jealous of me over some retarded boy drama that I can't even remember today, who I wasn't even attracted to.
Anonymous 14301
I wanna dress like a total slut and have a hot butch older woman ogle me and grope me and treat me like meat.
Anonymous 14390
>>14265Nice creative writing project
Anonymous 14393
>>14386this came directly from the gore board on 4chan so youre right
Anonymous 14415

I have a massive crush on Syriangirl/Partisangirl/Syrian Sister/Maram Susli/Mimi al-Laham. Her politics are shit and I hate conspiracy theorists, but I watch her stupid videos just because the sight of her immediately makes me go into fantasy mode. She is, to me, as sexy as a woman can possibly get.
Everything about her is unbelievably hot, from her face to her body to her voice to her fierce, passionate, hot-blooded, dominating presence. I imagine her forcefully grabbing me by the pussy and ordering me to lick her clean. Every time I look at her, I dream of tearing off her clothes and licking every single inch of her sun-kissed olive skin. I want to taste her tongue, her nipples, her pussy, her asshole, and every single one of her toes.
Anonymous 14441

I'm 29 and have never even kissed anyone (male or female). I've never wanted to have any sexual or romantic experiences IRL. I do have fantasies, though - and I fantasize about other women way more than I fantasize about men. Nasty Zhidkova - the albino Russian weeaboo model who calls herself Kiker-chan - is who I fantasize about the most.
Anonymous 14444
>>14241Same! I want to be forced to have lesbian sex with a full blown dyke and tells how I will never enjoy men/will never know how dicks feels forever
Anonymous 14451
>>14441Omg, I love her too! She has an ethereal, otherworldly kind of beauty, almost like a ghost or an angel. I've always had a thing for albinos. Beautiful albino girls look like literal angels.
Anonymous 14479
>>14415I love her. I think she's cool for being a biophysician anti-US imperalism debate addict, too bad she's into InfoWars-tier retardation.
Anonymous 14480
>>14479Why? She's making actual anti-imperialists, pro-palestanians, decolonial activists look like idiots. She's harming the cause by being into insane conspiracy theories and defending Bashar.
Anonymous 14506
i want many women to shove their pussies in my face. i love my wife and she shoves her pussy in my face plenty but i just need a large group of domineering, preferably older femme women.
i go to fetish events sometimes but i haven't done anything more than kiss women there, but even if i did they're probably bi, and i don't wanna eat pussy that's (possibly recently) had dick in. life's tough
Anonymous 14530
>>14506This. Nothing excites me more than just burying my nose in another girl's vagina and breathing in her female scent.
Anonymous 14595
Just saw this alt girl with glasses online who is so fucking cute fuck. Ugh. I can’t stop thinking about her urghhh I just wanna squish her cheeks and cuddle her and give her kisses and eat her out and omg her smile is so fucking cuuute how can someone have a smile that cute it’s unfair! I think that has to be my biggest weakness ever… Why am I like this
Anonymous 14605
sophiah 339518162_…

>thanks for going on a "date" with me, Nona
Anonymous 14623
Just something about an adorably frisky girl touching herself, enthusiastic to be felt and tasted or even just get off solo style. Shit literally never gets old ever. Women being happy makes me happy.
Anonymous 14801

I really have a thing for women with short hair, anything above shoulder-lenth pretty much. I like bob cuts and fluffy pixie cuts and overall just cute tomboy-ish style cuts.
I want a cute tomboy to tease me until I'm so aroused that I'm begging for her fingers. I wanna be called a good girl and a sweet girl with plenty of cuddles afterwards.