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Anonymous 1441

Any other gay/bi anons noticed some of your preferences seem to relate to body image issues?
I'm flatter than a washboard, but I didn't really think I was insecure about it until I noticed that I'm attracted pretty much exclusively to particularly busty girls.
Anyone else relate? Is this like a common thing?

Anonymous 1443

Fat gay anons with fat gay anons?

Anonymous 1449

Sort of, but not in a complimentary/want-what-I-don't-have kind of way?

It's more that I think I am attracted to things on other people that I don't like in myself, even if it's minor, like squishy love handles.

Anonymous 1450


I love flat chested girls. Some of us really prefer it. Flat petite girls are the best 11/10 would love over a busty girl.

Anonymous 1451

Good taste anon. Flat chested girls with toned thighs and perfect hips are the cherry on the deliciously smooth pie. It is a shame anime is full of pedopandering instead of that good shit.

Anonymous 1453


everybody likes what they like. I have a friend who likes traps. There is a trap who hangs with some of us when we go to raves and stuff and She doesn't like boys. Its cool cuz When people try to say traps are gay shes like "Im a trap and im not gay" lol uwu

Im not attracted to traps even though some of them are really cute. I like girls with flat chest or small breasts. I understand that women have confidence issues with it sometimes but I feel like that is more of a social construct. I know I am not alone when I say I prefer smaller breasted girls or flat chested qt 3.14

Anonymous 1495

I mean, I'm not saying I think I'm unattractive, I'm just kinda thinking out loud. Like all my worries about my chest were contained to 8th grade. But now that I've noticed how much I like boobs I've started to worry that it's symptomatic of some sort of issue, and I was just trying to gauge how common that is.

Anonymous 1915

I don't know man. I have some really bad insecurity over my body but mixed with quite the pride too (it's a mess), and I've always been attracted to women with my body type (often guys too)

Anonymous 1917

Now that I think about it, yeah.
I like medium-tall skinny girls and I am neither tall nor skinny. The tall thing doesn't bother me much since it helps when I try dating dudes (I'm bi) but I've always been insecure about my weight and have passively wanted to be thinner.

Anonymous 3490


Damn…yeah. I've always been insecure about being big (not fat by clinical standards and I work out, I'm just wide and kinda tall) and thought being petite was the "objective" ideal.
Turns out I just love petite girls and have been projecting my taste onto everyone else. I feel much better about myself after accepting this, especially since strong girls are appreciated in the LB community.

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