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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 14468

How do I tell my partner what I want during sex?
I'm not one to ask for things in general, even less during sex.
My partner said he'd like me to tell him what I want, he likes to be bossed around apparently.
I'm not against the idea, but I don't know how to do it. Any sentence I can think of to describe something is extremely silly.

Anonymous 14477

It'll sound silly objectively, but in the moment you won't care much. Don't deprive yourself because you're too awkward to correct him; that's how resentment builds up and poisons your sexlife and relationship.

Anonymous 14504

There's an app called Spicer you could try.
It's kind of like a dating app where you swipe left or right, but instead its for things you do in the bedroom with your partner.
It's a way of saving face, that way if both of you swipe yes on something you came to it mutually, and all the ones you agreed to, but he didn't, he doesn't need to know about.

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