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Anonymous 14551

Does anyone else hate blowjobs?
Both the idea and the actual act just seems so degrading and off-putting to me in a way I can't describe it.
Even with guys I was in love with I didn't like it.
My last ex never asked for one, but always went down on me and it was heaven. I don't like topping either, I still want a guy to take control.
Is there something wrong with me? Anyone here genuinely like blowjobs where you're not just doing it for the guy's sake, but because you like the actual act?

Anonymous 14552

I like my pussy eaten, he likes his dick sucked and we both like pleasuring one another. That's about it for me, I don't get a 'kick' out of the act itself.

Anonymous 14553

I don't mind them but I don't find them particularly enticing, it's just a thing people do

Anonymous 14555

have you ever had a guy chimp out at you for not doing it?

Anonymous 14559

No, I haven't been with that many partners. That sounds vile though.

From my experience, I prefer oral over fingering. I don't know if my partners have just been bad at it but, it feels way better to be eaten out. So, if it's the same for some men I can understand the desire for a blowjob. That being said if they 'chimp out' then there is something seriously wrong with them. My partners have never done that when I refuse to give a blowjob for whatever reason.

Anonymous 14755

I always disliked the idea of blowjobs before having a boyfriend… It just seemed so boring and unappealing and even gross. But then I got a boyfriend and initiated giving him one without him even asking or directing me too, and I do that all the time now. Like the idea of in my head is boring and not good but in real life I want to constantly, and I love doing it. It's so weird lol.

Anonymous 14757

Idk if its my oral fixation or if I actually like …like it

Anonymous 14758

It’s a good way to get him to finish quickly without much effort.

Anonymous 14759

Sounds like you have a very fulfilling sex life.

Anonymous 14760

>loves getting licked
>but hates licking


Anonymous 14761

Well, there is a reason "suck my dick" is considered an insult, but "lick my pussy" is not.
Shit's degrading on multiple levels.

Anonymous 14765

I grew up in a rural religious town where the age demographics post-war wartorn Africa and the only things to do were go to church and have sex without losing your virginity, so I'm an accomplished dicksucker. It was just what girls did for their boyfriend of the month. After I left in my mid-teens I felt like I needed to have a boyfriend, but suddenly I fucking hated giving blowjobs and just stopped dating. They were suddenly absolutely repulsive and I refused to ever put my mouth near another dick for a decade. Then I met my boyfriend. I know it sounds gross to some people, but I love sucking his dick. I like the sensation, don't mind the taste and enjoy the overall feel of it, but I also like how quick and clean I can make it, like it's passionate efficiency. The idea of making him cum in under 10 minutes with no cleanup or evidence anything happened, just leaving him happy and drained, is really hot. When I surprise him with it at home while he's studying or working, it's just a quick little moment of intimacy we have, but it's one where I'm in control. He knows I like him to touch me while I do it, but he'll never try to direct or control me. I'm not a voyeur in any other capacity, but more than a few times I've convinced him to let me blow him in public. It's even better when I've been away for a while or we haven't had sex in a week or so. The danger of it always makes him cum in a few minutes and the sudden release from being so pent up actually leaves him a little unsteady on his feet. It also has the side effect of making him much, much more agreeable when it comes to indulging me on things.

>you're not just doing it for the guy's sake

I do love and desire him and want him to feel pleasure, which factors into it, but if I'm being honest I think it's more for me than him. I think there's also a bit more dominance play in there than I thought, because I realise now while typing this that what I'm essentially doing is controlling his orgasms. I'll go through cycles of denying him, then forcing him to cum on command. Oh, and I do think oral should be reciprocal. He's very happy to eat me out with no expectation of sex, just because he wanted to pleasure me, so it'd be a bit rude not to do the same.

Anonymous 14766

>I do love and desire him and want him to feel pleasure
That was kinda my question though, say he wasn't into it as much as you and couldn't orgasm from it, would you still do it? Like he'd let you have at it to indulge you, but would skip it, if it was up to him?
He'd still be dom and eat you out and everything. Surely you wouldn't be doing then, correct?
>so it'd be a bit rude not to do the same
I'd disagree. Men can cum by putting their dicks in a pencil sharpener, but I honest to god haven't met a single woman irl, who can finish without their bfs going down on them. I don't think reciprocation should be expected here, although I realize I'd be demonizing myself in the eyes of a lot of guys by saying that.

Anonymous 14767

>say he wasn't into it
>he'd let you have at it to indulge you
>would you still do it?
Yes, I would, and he does do that. When we started dating he admitted he felt blowjobs were demeaning, and I agreed, until we tried some sub-dom stuff and I had him strapped naked to a chair, which just awoke this desire in me. While he still feels that way in theory, and doesn't like the thought of blowjobs, he knows I find making him cum extremely hot, so just surrenders, which is even hotter. We argued over the timing initially, and just about had a huge blowup over how much he resisted me dragging him from a crowded street into an alley to suck him off, but he saw how much I wanted it and gave in. I don't really do it in the bedroom unless the fancy strikes me, so it's usually an inconvenience to him while he's busy or doing it in a way which breaches his comfort zone, like in public. On the other hand, he knows it gets me incredibly horny and the pleasure he gets from the act itself usually outweighs the displeasure from the circumstances.

>I haven't met a single woman who can finish without their bfs going down on them

>I don't think reciprocation should be expected here
I understand the sentiment, but as someone who only sometimes struggles without an intermission for oral, playing, lots of kissing etc. it's not really equivocal. Oral can be intimate for very different reasons, depending on your relationship. It being necessary for one party doesn't then mean you can just say "You don't NEED it, so you're not worth my time" to the other. Most men will just say ok and thank their lucky stars they're having sex at all, but it's not a very healthy way of looking at sex. I've seen the argument a lot and it's almost like they're treating it as a detached barter exchange, and because they value their oral more highly than their partner values theirs, they're happy to get one over on them, like it's a competition. If you dislike giving oral, that's fine, and you can work that out with your partner, but that dislike should come from something real and sensual to you, and definitely not from a gender-politics, battle of the sexes point-scoring competition.

On a personal note, I've found I can only reliably cum from penetration, without extra stimulation, with positions that are face down, and unless I'm already close or incredibly horny and just want to be ridden and used, it saps away the intimacy and kills my libido. Technology is the answer, and once your partner gets over the oh-so terrible shame of using a vibrator, you can have fantastic missionary sex with all the intimacy, good orgasms and none of the give-take that comes with having a partner you can't reliably pleasure normally, or the awkward one-handed pushups and limbs falling asleep from the pressure/position. Men just need to become more comfortable with accepting outside help.

Anonymous 14768

Holy shit, your degree of maturity on the matter is pretty impressive and it's even more impressive that you managed to make your bf evolve along with you.

Anonymous 14770

There's still "lick my ass" which goes for both genders

Anonymous 14781

Suck my dick is considered an insult because of homophobia and lick my pussy is not considered an insult because of sexism.

Anonymous 14790

It's "kiss my ass". I always picture it as more of a king saying kiss my ass to his peasant sort of thing. You're so controlled by the king that you're forced to kiss (show your reverence for) his asshole, implying you're not only loyal/deferential to the king, your loyal/deferential to the king's asshole. "Lick my ass" is just the coomer version of kiss my ass.

I hate when men say "suck my cock" as a putdown. It implies they… honestly don't even enjoy having their cock sucked, which I hate because I'm a BJ fetishist…. They just get off on it because it's a symbol of controlling their woman, their woman is "kissing their cock" the same way the peasant kisses their king's ass. The king's not literally enjoying their ass getting eating out, the king doesn't give a shit about anilingus.

Anonymous 14796

>It's "kiss my ass". I always picture it as more of a king saying kiss my ass to his peasant sort of thing. You're so controlled by the king that you're forced to kiss (show your reverence for) his asshole, implying you're not only loyal/deferential to the king, your loyal/deferential to the king's asshole. "Lick my ass" is just the coomer version of kiss my ass.
Youre overethinking this way too much lmao, "lick my ass" was literally popularised by a random merc when he was asked to surrender and had no better comeback so he just said some vulgar bullshit in response lmao

Anonymous 14797

Interesting, well happy to be corrected, sometimes I should check etymonline before I post but I'm a lazy bastard

Anonymous 14800

Shame on you for not doing your research. For next lesson, you will have to prepare a 500 pages thesis on the historical practice of anulingus across cultures.

Anonymous 14805

>random merc
>has fully functioning metal arm
>escaped from the emperor and swabian league multiple times
>has plays and books written about him
This guy is one hell of a "random" 16th century mercenary lol

Anonymous 14808

>the oh-so terrible shame of using a vibrator
>Men just need to be more comfortable accepting outside help.
Idk, that sounds kinda cucky to me. That's like one step away from asking for a more competent lover to rock your world and asking him to take notes, which fine if you're into that, but I don't really like submissive men tbh. In fact, the thought of a scenario like that or anything aproximate is an instant turn off. I don't like it when a guy, in his mind, has to make that kind of compromise and sheepishly caves under pressure like that. Like I said in the OP I want him to take charge and make decisions, but just have blowjobs not be part of the equation. I like being dommed, not humiliated.
>"you don't NEED it, so you're not worth my time"
I mean to be fair you brought up the point that it'd be rude to not reciprocate, I was just saying that I don't think you should feel obligated to do so vs the inherent pressure for the guy to make sex good and thus having no way around NOT eating a girl out, if that makes sense.

Anonymous 14809

I don't think so. I think like the other nona said, it's in the same vein as "kiss my ass" in the sense that it's something you do when you're inferior to somebody. The mental image of being on your knees and having a "dirty" body part be shoved into your mouth feels equally degrading regardless of whether the person doing it is a man or a woman.

Anonymous 14810

I don't think there are inherently dom and sub practices. Since we're talking about vibes you could have a guy go "uwu my queen I'm such a failure as a man I need tools to please you" or have a guy use them to overstimulate you while you're tied up or something. Same goes for BJs. Obviously that doesn't mean you should force yourself to do stuff you don't enjoy but it doesn't seem fair to say all women who enjoy BJs are humiliating themselves.

Anonymous 14814

>I don't like it when a guy has to make that kind of compromise
Then what's the solution to difficulty in reaching orgasm? Just live with bad sex or dump him? A good man is hard to find, choosing partners based on orgasm is a road that only ends in disaster, and you can't just go around fucking every guy who seems nice in the hopes the graphs for character and orgasm quality meet at an optimal point. I would have difficulties with my boyfriend if not for toys, lube and fetishplay, but he is a genuinely good person and so we make a little compromise so that when I can't quite reach the peak, he can bring me there. If compromise is something you find weak and repulsive, you'll hate my next bit of advice.

>I don't think you should feel obligated to do so vs the inherent pressure to make sex good

Well of course not. Sex is a partnership and partnerships require understanding. Neither partner is obliged to do anything they don't want to, but you have to make compromises in order to reach that understanding. All things being equal, oral should be reciprocal and enthusiastic, but you make do with what you have and sometimes that involves sucking up your pride and doing something unsavoury for someone you love. Of course, if the act is totally repulsive and beyond the pale of what you could reasonably be expected to stomach, even if necessary for good sex, then you shouldn't do it. At that point, you've reached total sexual incompatibility and should end the relationship, because for the romantic side it's all downhill from there.

Anonymous 14817

I don't really care how other women feel about it, it's humiliating for me and I don't want to be gaslit into thinking otherwise. If you're into it, do whatever idc, but I hate it. Same thing with vibrators, I can't bring myself to think of a scenario where I wouldn't think less of a guy for using them on me. It is what it is.
Where did I say I had difficulties orgasming? I think you're projecting a bit. Not judging, I know it's probably frustrating for you, but don't put that on me. I can cum fine without having to resort to outside help. Conversely, I would feel like absolute shit if the only way my bf could cum was with a fleshlight, or by wearing AR goggles to morph my body or whatever sex toys men use. I don't mind compromises, but if you can't even perform the most basic human function without seeking outside help, then that's quite sad.
In any case you talk about blowjobs as if men couldn't bear to live without them, when I know for a fact that they can. And that they're more than willing to go down on me anyways without it being an expression of submission or some sort of cope for an inferiority complex. Just a normal, healthy sexual relationship, but without me having, or him needing me to, put his dick in my mouth. Is that really too much to ask for?

Anonymous 14820

>doesn't care how other women feel about it
>starts a thread asking how other women feel about it

Seriously, since you claim to know what you want and have no problem getting it, why even start a thread only to get annoyed when other women tell you they have different experiences and preferences?

Anonymous 14821

Sorry, I agree that was maybe a bit harsh and confrontational and I could've worded it better. But I still stand by what I said. I care about what other nonas have to say, but I'm not going to throw my likes and dislikes out the window just because my tastes don't conform to the norm. It just sucks feeling that I'm the only one who has, what I feel at least, are pretty normal sexyal preferences and that to ever be in q happy relationship I would either have to suck up my pride and debase myself by goimg down on a guy, or date a submissive funkopop collector, who I'm not attracted to. It sucks that I know for a fact it doesn't have to be like that, but having to come to the realization that that relationship was a lightning in a bottle situation that I'll never experience again. Knowing that makes it very difficult to not just stay single.

Anonymous 14822

Don't worry about it, these subjects are always touchy. But why do you feel like wanting to be eaten out without giving blowjobs is a very marginal position? Have you had bad experiences with men since your ex?

Anonymous 14823

>But why do you feel like wanting to be eaten out without giving blowjobs is a very marginal position?
Because no one here, or irl shares the same view as me. They always either love doing it, or reciprocate out of common courtesy. Which again, is fine, but that makes me depressed.
>Have you had bad experiences with men since your ex?
I always hated the idea of blowjobs ever since I first found out about them, and even after being in a relationship with a man that I really liked, I still hated it even though he also rarely asked for, and never demanded one. But yes, I've had a really shitty experience with a guy before my ex that broke the camels back so to speak, who would throw a pathetic hissy fit when I wouldn't give him one. Suffice to say, I broke up with shortly after and since then decided to never put a dick in my mouth again. I would've hoped to qt least get a couple of "hell yeah, preach sister", since nonas here tend to skew towards not liking moids very much. But it seems like I'm the only one like this.

Anonymous 14824

I don’t mind blowjobs but if I am going to give one the guy has to be willing to do cunnilingus. I can’t stand men who only care about their own pleasure, that’s when it’s degrading and just turns me off completely

Anonymous 14825

But ideally you wouldn't ever give them, right? Like if the guy never asked for it, or even declined your offer, would you think twice about it, or just move on?

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