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Hajime Kinoko Red.…

kink stuff idk Anonymous 14753

This is more of a rant but also open to discussion and image sharing. Please save me from any opinions regarding bdsm = abuse, bdsm is based on consent, if you want to argue go on reddit or something IM HORNY!!!!!!

anyways, I personaly find things like bondage and latex to be both erotic and beautiful, I truly do find these kinks to be an art form - the body is drastically changing from a form of independence to a form of restraint (at least for me)
and the idea of lovingly submitting and obeying a "master" figure is just as exciting! To be able to be transformed into a willful object of admiration and submission just makes my heart flutter. but I cant help but feel discouraged when people mistreat it as something to be weirded out by I feel like some moids who are so coom brained cannot appreciate erotic material from outside its sexual context and into an art one, and the ones that only claim to be an enjoyer of such a space for the sake of having their own way without considering the needs of their partner/s piss me the fuck off. I feel like im the odd one for not finding a lot of men super duper horny inducing (at most I experience a cute feeling, except for my fiance i cant explain it) and for being aroused by such concepts for a long time… sorry for the long rant but does anyone else feel this way or at least are interested in kink as an art form?

Anonymous 14756

This my opinion but Shibari and Rope stuff is hot and beautiful and timelessbut Latex anything is very 2000s for me in a bad way. Its also because rope feels more raw to me. I like belts though the buckle ones.

Anonymous 14769

I agree with this, even though I love latex it doesnt feel as raw and vulnerable as the
way rope would feel or look, I feel like too latex is associated with raunchiness. I dont like to view it that way, but I feel like that is the lens most people take on when they thing of latex instead of something simply erotic or artistic

Anonymous 14774

I like how the 69 is there kekeke

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