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Struggled with achieving orgasm Anonymous 14779

This is bullshit. I've never had an orgasm. I've given many, but never gotten one. No one has gotten me close. I've gotten myself what feels like some of the way there but it's like there's a barrier preventing me from going forward. I feel like I get closest when I'm ovulating but I've never actually gotten there. What do I do? I just want to know what it feels like. I just feel broken.

Anonymous 14780

Get one of your moids to choke the shit outta you while he fucks

Anonymous 14782

I've tried that. Hasn't worked out so far, just hurts my throat.

Anonymous 14783

I had to try a lot of trial and error before I could orgasm alone, then the same again with another person. I hope there's maybe something here I can offer that you haven't tried yet.

>visual stimulation/deprivation

Porn doesn't do much more for me, but it does do something, and finding some incredibly erotic softcore to get me in the mood works well. Darkness might be more to your liking as it can make things feel more sensual and focus on you other senses.
>cleanliness and conditioning
Bathing beforehand, using a fresh and fluffy towel, wearing freshly dried clothes etc. and moisturising yourself and your partner can be enough to push you over that bump.
I need to be laying face down with my hips tilted toward my stomach or bolt upright with my hips tilted toward my back. In other other positions I can get 50% of the way, but never quite there.
I need to build up a head of steam, so to speak, otherwise I can't get there. I really need to be horny throughout the day, then greatly so in the moment. I basically use my partner as a source of inspiration, but I also listen to erotic audiobooks during work to do the heavy lifting ahead of time.
Most days I have shifting taste in what I'm into, but I rarely know ahead of time. Sometimes I want to dominate or be dominated, have slow and romantic sex or be pinned down and used. I can never tell until I'm in the moment, so I experiment and try to figure out what the source of my desire is and try to feed that directly.

I felt pretty broken, too, but figuring out the code for how to unlock something most other people get from the start feels pretty good.

Anonymous 14786

I'm gonna try most of this. A lot of my trying has been attempts to rub with my fingers or a vibrator. I haven't really tried to make it romantic for myself. I'll see how this works out. Even if I don't achieve orgasm, then I'll feel pretty and pampered.
Well done on getting there yourself though!

Anonymous 14788

I've heard that steroids and weightlifting help, but it also sounds like that's playing with fire.

Anonymous 14791

Had a bath with caramel-scented candles, listened to gentle music and then humped my pillow in the dark.

Definitely the closest I've gotten. Think I've found a winning combo here. Thank you nonas!

Anonymous 14792

I'm proud of you, nona you're almost there! Maybe next time, try to build up arousal for a bit. I don't know what turns you on, but read some smut, let your imagination run wild or whatever gets you going throughout the day.

Anonymous 14811

I fucking did it

I love you all

Anonymous 14812

how was it?

Anonymous 14813


Anonymous 14815

Like champagne fizz through my body. Honestly a rush, I wonder how much of it was what an orgasm and how much of it was adrenaline over 'its finally happening'? Afterwards I rolled into my back and was giggly and just running my fingertips over my chest and stomach.
Trying for ages, and it took only four days after complaining here for it to happen. Turns out OVER the underwear is key for me. Still riding that high.

Anonymous 14816

>Turns out OVER the underwear is key for me
Is it just the texture and grip you need?

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