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Sex Drive / Sexuality Discussion Anonymous 1553

What’s your sex drive like? Is it relatively ‘consistent’ or does it come and go?
How do you experience attraction?
Are you more contextual or visual?
What’s one aspect of your experience of sexuality that you feel/have felt isn’t that common or talked about?
What do you think the ‘average’ female sex drive/sexuality is really like?
Do you think that current or past cultural attitudes do/have matched the reality of female sexuality, or has most of history been a misunderstanding?
There’s a lot of chatter in the world about female sexuality but I feel we rarely hear it directly from women themselves.

Anonymous 1554

>What’s your sex drive like? Is it relatively ‘consistent’ or does it come and go?
I go through what I’ve nicknamed phases of the moon. Sometimes it’s nowhere to be seen and I’m more or less asexual passing, but occasionally the full moon hits and I have a surge of libido energy. This has been expressed entirely in porn consumption because I socially identified as asexual for a long time due to both a genuine lack of interpersonal interest in sex and a repulsion towards designated sex roles. I would later puzzle out that the heart of this was less ‘sex repulsion’ and more ‘I am not a sub/bottom and I have zero interest in being treated like one’.
In the freedom of dissociation from my ego, my mental porn portfolio has been a vast and bountiful from kinky fujoshit to hentai to 3D. I have mentally nicknamed myself pornographically bisexual as I’m interested in 2D and 3D girls in those contexts but not in the sense that I identify with or as them when I’m partaking.

>How do you experience attraction?

If I see someone ‘attractive’ without context, it doesn’t really hit me viscerally. It’s almost like front-brain trivia, ‘oh look, a person that passes for attractive by modern standards’. I have to get to know the person as a person, and then my brain will do a series of gate-checks that eventually allow the attractiveness trivia to actually become compelling in a more base way. Took me weeks to ‘realise’ that someone was hot, and only after getting to like them as a person. Even now I’m only barely developing connection in my brain between passively observing hotness and generating the desire to do something about it.

>Are you more contextual or visual?

Visuals are always a bonus, but context of personhood and situation are key. I can’t do attraction at first sight. I’m also fairly kinky in a dome way, so I’m responsive to expressions of power dynamics.

>What’s one aspect of your experience of sexuality that you feel/have felt isn’t that common or talked about?

I’m very subject-oriented. I wish to do things rather than to have things done to me. Again, this aspect hid my own sexuality from me in plain sight because I thought that my wish to see my favorite boys fucked senseless was an impossible dream IRL. I recently came across a podcast that discussed porn viewing and realized that apparently not everyone automatically ‘maps’ onto porn the way I do, identifying with the top who is acting upon the bottom.

>What do you think the ‘average’ female sex drive/sexuality is really like?

No earthly idea, hence this thread. I’ve always felt very fringe because I couldn’t relate to wanting to fuck people for a very long time, especially back in high school, but looking back I can’t really tell reality from cultural myth anyway.

>Do you think that current or past cultural attitudes do/have matched the reality of female sexuality, or has most of history been a misunderstanding?

I would say that it’s never been spot-on, even now. We seem to be in an era where female sexuality is expected to look like male sexuality but with boobs, and even if I wanted that to be true for easy equality’s sake, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Anonymous 1555


>What’s your sex drive like? Is it relatively ‘consistent’ or does it come and go?
Consistently pretty high (think of sex often, always in the mood), but it definitely spikes even more right after my period to the point of distraction.
Also desire women the most just before my period and just afterward, but lust after men more often the rest of the time. Although that's just flux of preference, I still find both hot all the time. Just something I noticed that shifts.

>How do you experience attraction?

If someone meets my aesthetic taste then I struggle to take my eyes off of them and automatically imagine them getting fucked (by me). I'm also pretty good at spotting people I find attractive in a crowd. It's a useless talent seeing as I struggle to get laid, but hey. I have it.

>Are you more contextual or visual?

Definitely visual, since I guess contextual means "gets going after a lot of foreplay and mood setting." Although context does matter a bit since I wouldn't like to be submissive or have sex in public.
But it's always been about looks/the other person's body for me. I fetishize almost every part of the male body, from noses to toes.

And though I'd love to say I'm turned off by people who have distasteful personalities or are off limits to me, sadly it has to be pretty extreme for that to be the case (as in they'd have to be a pedo or some shit). For example, I went on a date with a guy back in September and although he turned out to be very incompatible with me I'm still mad turned on my the idea of spanking him. I wouldn't (not that he'd let me lol), but the fantasy is still there.

>What’s one aspect of your experience of sexuality that you feel/have felt isn’t that common or talked about?

Objectifying men based on looks isn't talked about much, I'd say. In terms of sexuality, like you said in >>1554 , women are not often seen as sexual subjects but objects to be acted upon. Sex for us is supposed to be about feeling sexy for a man, rather than feeling like the man you're with is sexy as far as hetero shit goes.

>What do you think the ‘average’ female sex drive/sexuality is really like?

From what I can gather online and irl with normie women: slightly submissive, desiring sex a few times a week, self-objectifying (what a man can do turns her on) but also more interested in male looks than expected, can't orgasm from vaginal penetration alone.
But women involved in nerd subcultures tend to veer more into the objectifying men direction.

>Do you think that current or past cultural attitudes do/have matched the reality of female sexuality, or has most of history been a misunderstanding?

I think assuming women have no sex drive/only have sex to get things from men has been the most stupid misconception, and many men still believe it. Wild.
The reality is that everyone is different. I think my libido is very stereotypically "male" (lol), and I'm sure there are men with the stereotypical "female" libido.

And here's a gratuitous pic of a guy's butthole since this is on /nsfw/.

Anonymous 1575

Although I don't particularly like the picture you posted, I love the view when a guy bends over and you can see his taint and balls hanging down. Wish there were more pics like that instead of guys messing with their dick or rubbing their muscles or something.

Anonymous 1577


Agree, it's my favourite along with spread eagle. It's cute.
It seems more prevalent in gay porn.

Anonymous 1598

>What’s your sex drive like? Is it relatively ‘consistent’ or does it come and go?
Consistent besides the time around ovulation when I catch myself daydreaming about being fucked roughly.
>How do you experience attraction?
I don't know how to answer that one.
>Are you more contextual or visual?
Contextual, though visuals are important too.
>What’s one aspect of your experience of sexuality that you feel/have felt isn’t that common or talked about?
The fact how ovulation and being fertile changes my tastes from wanting an equal relationship or even being the dominant side into fantasying about getting pinned down and pounded hard.
>What do you think the ‘average’ female sex drive/sexuality is really like?
I guess it's different for everyone.
>Do you think that current or past cultural attitudes do/have matched the reality of female sexuality, or has most of history been a misunderstanding?
Society teaching us that girls don't like sex and masturbation was wrong for the most of history.

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