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I pegged a guy, and I liked it Anonymous 1621

I pegged my bf of 4+ months for the first time the other day after contemplating it for a long time. He brought it up initially and I decided to research it until I felt comfortable. We were both quite stoned at the time so I guess that helped me work up the courage. It was really fucking good.

I'd say I can switch from submissive or dominant, but mostly prefer submissive - so getting to dom him and watch him turn completely submissive (moaning really loudly, writhing around, being pinned down) was really different and a huge turn on. I found it so enjoyable that I fucked him like that 2 more times over the next day. We've since agreed that a 70/30 split between me being dominated and him being dominated was preferable going forward.

I've definitely got to work on my stroke game and remember to relax next time so i can enjoy it fully.

Do you guys have experience with pegging? Want to try it? Have your own experiences either good/bad? Have any tips or tricks? I'd love to hear them.

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