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Anonymous 1667

whats your most fucked up sexual fantasy please tellj

Anonymous 1670

sounds like male bait

Anonymous 1671

I'll answer.
Most fucked up:
>Just having a guy that I can do whatever I want with. It doesn't matter how this situation occurs; sometimes it's willful, other times dubcon or non-con. Fantasy mostly consists of anally raping him repeatedly until prolapse, pouring hot water all over his body, kicking the shit out of him, forcing him to piss himself, slicing up his face to disfigure him, etc. Just really want to dehumanize a guy. Always ends with me amputating his limbs.
Runner up:
>mpreg fantasy where I rape my heavily pregnant husband while he screams and cries.

Thank you for reading.

Anonymous 1674

Do you think any formative experiences contributed to this fantasy?

Anonymous 1675

Probably the fantasies about ruining a man's (nonspecific) life by killing his parents (like through tampering with a car so it crashes, other indirect methods), causing him to lose his job, abducting him, and controlling him until he loses his sense of autonomy. I flipped when the mad lad in Wisconsin got caught. His modus operandi was very unappealing to me, though, right down to the tasteless barbell and tote blocks. I can't think of many comparable abductions completed by women, but if you have heard of any, let me know. I enjoy reading about abduction cases.

Also wound-fucking, but that fantasy is even less practical because I would probably die in the process. Specifically I would like my torso cut open. There's also the marry-a-serial-killer fantasy, the keep-a-zombie-boyfriend fantasy, the infect-everyone-with-AIDS fantasy, the hostage-Egyptian-harem fantasy, and the 120-days-of-Hera fantasy.

Anonymous 1676

Hostage Egyptian harem sounds juicy, tell me more?

Anonymous 1677

Shitty father? Lots of shota porn + gore at 13-14? Anger issues? Inability to get laid? I think I at least have innate domme tendencies though.
For the mpreg I like role reversal and that's peak role reversal. I also like the idea of impregnating my beautiful hypothetical husband and protecting/loving him, but that's not fucked up so I didn't post it.
I agree with >>1676 I want to hear about the Egyptian harem. Is it your harem or are you a part of it? Also the Hera one.

Anonymous 1678

Do you imagine yourself having a dick to rape/impregnate him or is it through other means?

not judging, I always imagine having one in fantasy scenarios

Anonymous 1679

It varies, in the pure rape fantasies it's a strap on. In impregnation fantasies it's often a weird made-up world where women deposit eggs in males, like seahorses (although I guess it's still technically a dick). Occasionally the man will be ftm and we'll get a hold of some sperm that I dispense into his vagoo with one of those insemination strap-ons.
Overall I just don't want to part with having eggs myself I guess lmao. Not sure why, that one's a mystery to me. I'm not even gender crit.

Anonymous 1680

I've sometimes felt sick for having BDSM/rape fantasies. You made me realize I'm perfectly fine and my kinks are healthy. Thank you.

Anonymous 1686

Whie the onlookers are in pain or while you're in pain?

Anonymous 1713

blood drinking, just punching a guy in the fucking jaw, making him cry, ect. Never done any of it really. You'd never guess from meeting me that i was into this stuff.

Anonymous 1725

used to be into rape, necrophilia, gore, etc etc but now my main sexual fantasy is just normal passionate sex with my bf

Anonymous 1759


pic related

Anonymous 12249

I want to give my little brother a blowjob

Anonymous 12250

No, no - your most fucked up sexual fantasy

Anonymous 12251

he' 15

Anonymous 12252


Anonymous 12253

You again? My moid sense is tingling

Anonymous 12254

for posting in 2 threads?

Anonymous 12257

Yeah? I can't believe nobody is calling you out on this, you're a literal pedophile, a child molester, a fucking rapist if you could get away with it… sounds pretty moid-ish to me, so naturally I wonder if you may just be one

Anonymous 12258

people here love the idea of getting to "catch" a moid and throw darts at everything hoping it sticks.

Anonymous 12259

That’s exactly what a moid would say!!1!

Anonymous 12266

oh no

Anonymous 12747

>implying women can't be pedophiles

Anonymous 12779

castration. normalized neutering programs for young men; neutering clinics on every corner and moms, girlfriends, and wives can take their boys and men in.

Anonymous 12787


Over 100 years old and still a virgin I am become Witch destroyer of moids

Anonymous 12790

consensual romantic sex with the lights on (handholding optional)

Anonymous 12793

I don't know if this is non-specific or too specific, but covertly dominating a man until he doesn't know whether he's right or not. When I read that back, I guess I'd call it gaslighting. I'm not talking about convincing him that the sky is red, I'd start with the little things: like convincing him that he forgot something that he ordered at dinner, and then gradually escalate it. I want to mentally control him, bit by bit, until I can convince him of anything. I want complete power over him, without him knowing it. I want him to apologize for things he's never done, and to know that the guilt in his heart is completely sincere.

I don't know if this is "taboo" or not.

Anonymous 12802

i want to rape mortally wounded moids

Anonymous 12804

Anonymous 12806

I get off on the though of making people want to fuck other people they wouldn't normally want to fuck against their will, or have something sexual happen randomly, and then have it ruin their lives. Two coworkers happily married to their respective spouses? Mind control them into fucking, then have their families find out and watch the ensuing fallout. Friend gets up to give a big important speech? Make them cum hard spontaneously, over and over again, in front of everyone, making them the laughingstock of everyone they know. Make family members suddenly develop open sexual feelings for each other and have the rest of the family just have to live uncomfortably with it. Make someone addicted to masturbating in public, ending up with them on a registry. That sort of thing.

Tbh sometimes the best climaxes are when I'm thinking about the non-sexual but emotionally devastating parts.

Anonymous 12807

Sounds like sexual schadenfreude

Anonymous 14431

I've had a reoccurring yaoi yandere fantasy where the yandere has been watching/stalking/obsessing over the 'victim' since childhood. I love deepening the lore on this fantasy so much I don't even get off to it anymore kek

Anonymous 14471

depending on your values, it's either the dismembering a guy and fucking his body parts separately one, or the young adult or teenage boy raping a little boy one.

i love online anonymity

Anonymous 14490


I want to post a bunch of my bfs nudes online for other women to rate him

Anonymous 14493


I see where this is going.

Anonymous 14497

It's not about seeing him fucking someone else, it's more about seeing what other women think about him, commenting on every detail about his body and maybe even humiliate him behind his back. But part of me is afraid others would actually like him kek

Anonymous 14499

I want to watch two hot moids fuck each other. I don't like yaoi, I only like real life moids. I think it would be hottest if it was a long-term boyfriend getting fucked by a random hot guy. I fantasize about my ex getting fucked up the ass and moaning like a girl and jizzing all over the bed while I watch

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