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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 1689

How do I find a bf who's into facesitting? Anyone have experience?

Anonymous 1691

idk i find all the nerdy guys i go out with are pretty kinky. find an openminded lad who's got a taste for adventure!

Anonymous 1693


>tfw bf is into both
>tfw he forces you to rim his ass and the balls and half-erect dick flop on your face
Funny because i'm otherwise rather assertive person but being "humiliated" this way along with him casually resting his feet on my face is hottest thing ever. Guess you really have to find "the one" to do these kind of stuff with

Anonymous 1939

(im assuming facesitting is the woman sitting on the guys face and getting oral)
thats considered a kink?? how is giving your gf oral smt ~*adventurous*~? bjs are the most normalized thing ever but still, god forbid the woman get oral, thats femmmdommmmm, only dommes can get that

Anonymous 1940

I think it's more to do with the position than just the oral itself.
Sort of like how a guy sitting passively while his partner blows him has different energy than a guy aggressively facefucking a woman from above.

Anonymous 1942


Dominant vs submissive?

Anonymous 1947


>be me
>regularly sits on bfs face
>also loves getting face fucked

What energy do I have anon-chan?

Anonymous 1952


I don't think that's a specific energy, sounds like you both just really like it a little rough (which is ok!).

Anonymous 1953

Eh, the hand on the head adds some dominance. But I would label this "service topping." Same as the passive BJ I mentioned.

Switch energy.

Anonymous 1959


It's dominant only when the guy is tied up and can't move, so she's the one in total control

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