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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 1694

What do you think about handjobs or blowjobs? Do you find cum icky?

Anonymous 1695

I imagine they're hotter to think about than to actually do.

>am I doing this right

>my mouth hurts
>it feels like it's been an hour


Anonymous 4131

Doesn't the taste of the cum depend on the guys' diet?

Anonymous 4580

In my experience, yes. The same guy can taste very different depending on what he's been eating lately.

Anonymous 4610

Blowjobs are fine, I find the weirdness of the act itself is overshadowed by how much he enjoys it. Also one of the ulterior motives of having my ex eat more vegetarian meals was to make his cum taste better.

Anonymous 4613

The Scent is meh, the taste is strange and the physical work unrewarding. I prefer it when he forces his cock down my throat and uses my mouth as a cum dumbster. It's less afford but I still get his yummy cummies.

(I hate myself for the last sentence.)

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