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Post/discuss hyper content. Anonymous 1703

Anyone else here into hyper stuff? Or if it's not your thing, feel free to share your thoughts about it.
It seems like it's pretty much all aimed at men, which is a shame because if you really think about it, it's a concept that lends itself to femdom quite well.

Anonymous 1704


found u

Anonymous 1705

Nope, not me.
Those comments are actually what made me decide to post this thread though. I saw the pic on /d/ and wanted to find a higher res version, and the comments got me wondering if any other girls are into it, because I'm pretty sure that person is just a dude roleplaying. Good find though.

As an aside, why is there so much role playing in the comments on r34? Like what kind of person sits down and decides to make an rp account on a porn site?

Anonymous 1706


It's so widespread too, sometimes I'll see a picture with like 10 comments from obvious men RPing as women.

Anonymous 1707

ss (2019-02-26 at …

One more example

Anyway I often look at hentai where the guy's peen is unrealistically big, but never in "hyper" territory.

Anonymous 1708

>it's a concept that lends itself to femdom quite well.
How? It's like the complete opposite of femdom.

Anonymous 1709

The only thing I can think of is if it's like in OP's picture where his thing is so big that it handicaps him, which isn't very hot imo

Anonymous 1710

It's just so weird. None of them believe that right?

What >>1709 said. He's totally at your mercy, and he doesn't even need to be tied up. And I guess he's sorta "trapped?" by his own pleasure in a way. Like his dick almost a separate thing from the rest of him, you can do whatever you want to it and he's just along for the ride.
I'd say it still works for more ""realistic"" sizes (as in it doesn't completely dwarf his whole body) too. Even if it doesn't immobilize him, it's still harder for him to hide his boners, and you have easier access to them. Like if my bf is lying on his front, his boner sometimes sticks out past his hip and I can play with it when I normally shouldn't. It's like a more extreme version of that.
Also maybe I'm weird, but there's something about hyper balls because the inconvenience to him is doubled by how big and unwieldy they are.
Plus think about the whole package getting in the way while he tries to do even simple tasks.

In a sense, aren't all guys handicapped by their dicks and/or balls?

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