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scent Anonymous 1781

healthy pussy smells so good. am I really a weirdo for sniffing my own thongs and panties, I wish I could taste myself. I also like how my dirty socks smell. In general, I like scent. Any anons had a similar experience?

for some reason, the most embarrassing thing to admit I like the smell of is male genitalia. I prefer how healthy vulva smells, but male genitals can smell nice, too; but for some reason, that's a confession way too gross for me to admit in real life.

Anonymous 1782


>am I really a weirdo for sniffing my own thongs and panties
Yes, but it’s okay anon, I’m a weirdo too. I don’t think I’d ever admit this to anyone irl but sometimes I stick my finger down there and then sniff it because I like the smell. I’m completely straight so I don’t know why I do this. I know I’m disgusting.

Anonymous 1783


>when melons smell real nice

Anonymous 1794


tbh anon, i think there's a natural reason why we enjoy smelling ourselves. its our own way to know if we are healthy or not. the moment you stop liking your smell means something is wrong. it's just natural and much more women do it than you might think.

Anonymous 1802

What does men's smell like? Does the penis smell different from the balls?

Anonymous 1803

balls smell stronger. overall, penis + balls are a musky odor, but one I actually like. i know some other people hate the smell, though.

Anonymous 1805


this is going to come off as wierd but i love the taste of my own pussy juice its not even really a sexual thing but sometimes whenn i randomly get wet i just put my hand in my underwear and then taste it i dont even get sexual pleasure from doing it it just tastes good

Anonymous 1873

same anon.

I can't really smell myself but I love how some people smell down there. Honestly could go for for nuzzling up in some testicles rn

Anonymous 1880

I thought i was the only one who did that! sometimes i just smell my panties for some time before putting them to wash. Its a nice/comforting smell, not really inherently sexual.
I also discovered that armpit smells a lot like vajay, like, in the end they have slight differences, but the base smell is the same because thats your pheromones' smell.
imagine you sweat instantly after taking a shower/before putting on deo. Thats your vag's smell but more potent+salty/fishy.

Its "musky", as in, idk how to explain besides that its gonna smell just like the guy but much stronger/"heavier". Honestly, about "sexual" smells, the smell that goes in a close second against bagina is well washed, straight out of the shower benis/balls.

Anonymous 2034

Is it bad I smell like apple cider vinegar

Anonymous 2306

The pad smells like ass sweat

Anonymous 2307

Me too ^_^ I also like my armpits after a workout.

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