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Anonymous 1792

Not really a lewd question. More of an awkward, personal one I can't ask another woman irl.

What does your vagina taste like? I'm concerned about my own taste. I taste rather sour. Like lemons and snot. I've gone to the doc and there are no infections or STDs so I assume I just naturally taste bad. I haven't been keeping track until recently so I don't know if this is new or it always tasted like this. I read that if I drink cranberry juice it will taste better. Is that true?

Anyway this is making anything to do with oral freak me out.

Anonymous 1793


it doesnt have that much of a taste for me. it tastes a little bit bitter but nothin that much. when im aroused it has almost no taste.

Anonymous 1795


In my experience men are enthusiastic about oral once they understand that good performance is rewarded. Taste is disregarded. I wouldn't worry about it being weird unless it's actually quite bad. If you're really worried, the cranberry juice will help, as will lots of pineapple. Don't be too self conscious, you sound normal :)

Anonymous 1796

It just tastes kinda salty. It's weird because it smells stronger than it actually tastes. Anyway what you're describing sounds completely fine. We should learn to be less self-conscious, the worst vagina still tastes less offensive than the worst semen.

Anonymous 1797

i like that slightly sour taste, tbh. I'd prefer eating another girl's pussy than tasting man-cum.

Anonymous 1798

Really? No taste at all? That's interesting. Sounds kind of like "goals". How's your diet?

Thanks guys. I don't know if I'm just paranoid or what. I wish there was information on this but all I ever get is stuff about smells and the cranberry/pineapple thing. Maybe I'll just drink a shit ton of it for a few weeks. See what it does.

Anonymous 1799

You are being paranoid, but I don't blame you. It's a part of the body like any other, of course it's going to have some taste or smell to it. Like penises don't smell like roses or shoot out chocolate, and most women are mature enough to be aware of that. If guys give you shit for your vagina, and you're cleaning well (never use soap btw, even feminine soaps ironically they kill the good bacteria and make you smell WORSE. just use water), they're juvenile retards who expect it to taste like ice cream.

Anonymous 1800


unbalanced diet but i try to eat healthier. i eat a lot of vegetables and not enough meat (this ends up in making me sick). i often see myself eating cup noodles, bread and cereal. i dont really recommend my diet but i think the vegetables and fruits make it pretty much tasteless. So basically, try to eat more veggies and fruits, i can habe several days where i'd only eat those, sometimes even weeks. Not that im a vegetarian, i actually don't really think much when i eat.

Anonymous 1801

also try to drink more water. it does the difference

Anonymous 1823

All the other advice is good, but also remember that you taste different to other people than you do to yourself.

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