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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 1810

i am desperate how to get bigger boobs without surgery?

Anonymous 1811


Without surgery? You can't do that, unless you take certain hormones, or you decide to become a fatty in order to have a big natural boobs. And that depends on genetics, there are some girls who are fat but have small boobs.

Anonymous 1813


How risky are you willing to get?

Puraria mirifica is what traps in Southeast Asia take to give themselves breasts if they can’t afford surgery. It’ll give you 2-3 cup size increase but almost guarantees breast cancer later in life.

Fenugreek offers a more modest boost of a cup size increase, maybe two if you dose it high, but only a small increase in risk for breast cancer.

As with all of this, weight gain, good healthy fats in your diet, and lots of tofu, soy, and milk helps.

Anonymous 1824

I've looked this up and I only found one study so far that states it may increase cancer risk. I've even seen claims it may prevent cancer. I'm curious to see cases where it has caused breast cancer in humans.

Anonymous 1838


Apparently going through successful pregnancy reduces cancer risk and it often also makes you grow a bit. Can you easily get back to previous form in other places and avoid stretch marks though?

Anonymous 1840

No shit her boobs are huge in the last photo, that looks like a newborn so her breasts are either engorged or just coming out of engorgement. They will shrink in size and will probably go back to their original size, maybe a little larger, but probably also a littl saggier (an average estimate, some breasts get smaller after lactation ends, some breasts get much saggier, some don't get saggy at all, etc.)

Anonymous 3337

herbs for estrogen…

Anonymous 3338

herbs for estrogen…

Anonymous 4416

That pic has gotta be BS, it literally looks like implants.

Anonymous 4422

those must be trannies stop following advice from people that call themselves "bovine". Fucking gross.

Anonymous 4433



Anonymous 4434


Anonymous 6565


Boobs maxed out due to weight gain.

Anonymous 6567

But they do?

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