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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


KinkstersChat Anonymous 1831

I love this website so much, I can literally rp all my sick fantasies with guys who are just as weird as me.
The only catch is that in order to chat you have to make an account, but I just use a throw-away email anyway.
Some quick tips:
1. Put your interest and gender in your username. For example if you like ddlg you would put "littegirl4daddy" or if you are into femdom you would put "RedheadMistress" or something along those lines.
2. To private message someone, right click their username and click private message. However this only works if you're registered.

If you've been on this website before please tell what your experience was like

Anonymous 1832


nice try feds

my fantasy of being a cucked abdl gf is between me and the lord

Anonymous 1833

my sides are in space 10/10 made me kek

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