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Anonymous 1875

Is it weird that I, as an native african always found white european guys attractive? Is there something erong with me?

Anonymous 1877

No, lots of people are attracted to people outside their own race.

Anonymous 1881

Has your country been colonized, OP?
Mine was, and the beauty standard is literally the purest of whites, and it has been for centuries. The result is: idk how much of my attraction is natural and how much was fabricated by the ethnocentric beauty standard.

Anonymous 1886

It does make sense for 'white' people to be prettier. They usually had some kind of eugenics program in place at 'home' for some time. And it is likely that due to laws and moving away from tribalism earlier that inbreeding is/was less of a problem. The sexual aspect might be the implicit sub/dom thing. Either economically or genetically.

Anonymous 2163


I don't care if I get called a swirler but I strongly prefer white guys. My family is a bunch of malcomists, but all the niggas I been with have treated me like 1/3rd of a person. Also the first time I had sex with my current boyfriend, I have had my first orgasm from penetration only. He also is down to go down on me from time to time. I don't understand people who are like "yOu GoTtA lOvE yA sKiN COLLA", I think that people should be able to be with someone who treats them right. I won't just date a dark skinned bum who; doesn't have gas money, sits around whole day and dicks around with his PS4, thinks that he is a "thug" but won't even stand for me when I need it and at the end of the day will still fetishise some white girl on Twitter. Hypocrites.

Anonymous 2177

As other anons said its normal to be attracted outside your race.
I'm extremely attracted to certain middle eastern/mediterranean features and I'm slavic and white as snow, you can only imagine how people irl would criticize me if they knew, especially since my country is pretty racist and anti immigrant

Anonymous 4869


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