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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021

kot draw.jpg

Anonymous 1888

why do anal orgasms feel so much better than normal ones?

Anonymous 1889

can't wait to read the replies to this!

Anonymous 1890

>mfw I unironically agree

Clit+anal penetration>clit-only orgasm>vaginal penetration any day. Fight me.

Anonymous 1891

What does anal feel like?

Anonymous 1892


With lube? Like you’re getting fucked but you can take more easier
Without lube? Fucking terrible.

Honestly recommend just sticking a lubed up finger or small object (like a sharpie) up the poophole next time you play with yourself. If you absolutely hate it you probably won’t like anal.

Anonymous 1893

it feels like you're gonna shit yourself and op must be a man

Anonymous 1894

Going in feels nice, going out feels like pooping so not very nice. Stretching it while you're inside feels better than going in and out.

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